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what he had done as long as he stopped it in time. Horowitz would get what he wanted, the girl would get her cure and he had his egg. It would be all right in the end.

They swung by the grocery store for a few things then the ice cream parlor on the way out to the car. Jessie tried to smile, not show annoyance at everyone following them and not look like he was grimacing when people asked for a picture. He was a little grumpy about it all but Scarlet was a dazzling star. She posed leaning on his shoulder, showing off her wasteland leathers and new hair and smiled brilliantly for the clicking smart phones. He heard her promising more than one person an interview later that evening when they returned. Beauty and the Beast he heard someone say into a phone as they updated their status and captioned a photo. He slipped away to place his order while she talked and posed with her new friends. He paid for their ice cream, insisted when the owner tried to give it to him, and waited with the two cones while she finished. He stood patiently with his dented armor and dark stained jacket and watched her. His eyes constantly darted, looking for danger but when they returned to her, they were soft in his hard face. She was so pretty it hurt. The people jostling her gave him plenty of distance, most didn’t dare get close enough to accidentally bump into him. He seemed like a nice boy and all but one never could be sure. Wild animals could be tamed but you still had to be careful around them. He had a reputation of impossible speed and everyone knew those that traveled beyond the walls were a little bit crazy. A little unpredictable. It was unwise to upset those people. It took a while to escape and they finally managed when Jessie said they were going outside, everyone was welcome to join them.

There weren’t any takers.

When they got to the docks, Captain Macon pulled them aside and quietly told him about Horowitz’s men taking the boat over to poke around the Mercury. They thought the dog was trapped inside as they shone their flashlights around the interior. They wound up soaking wet when Bob surprised them by opening the door and charging out when they ignored his warning barks. They had to jump in the river to get away.

“Got it on video if you want to watch.” he’d laughed. “Funniest thing we’ve seen in months.”

Hot Rod, the boys from the Bullet Brigade and the rest of the truckers were long gone, hammer down towards Lakota with a few trading stops along the way. Jessie and Scarlet packed a picnic basket and wandered off into the hills with the two animals trailing behind or running ahead. It was late in the summer, the leaves would start turning soon, and the world was full of life. Just a year without people and the streams seemed to be teeming with fish, they spotted deer that were wary but unafraid. Even when Bob took off after them and they sprang lazily away, they seemed to know it wasn’t serious. He wasn’t a real threat.

They wound up at a small farm that was falling into disrepair and had lunch in the hayloft of the barn. The stalls were empty and the house had a smell of old decay so they avoided it, opened the hay doors in the loft and used a horse blanket to dine on. They ate slow, watched Bob chase rabbits and Nefertiti stalk mice. Honeybees skimmed from flower to flower in the over grown garden and birds sang to each other. They talked of the future when the wars were over. Of babies and swing sets. Of wedding dresses and best men. Their love was the same as every other young couple feeling it for the first time, all-consuming and boundless, but it was also fundamentally different. Their DNA wasn’t the same as everyone else’s. Their connection was more than two travelers meeting, two lost souls finding each other. It went deeper and harder and was turning into a bond that could never be broken, even if they tried. Like a dove that mates for life and withers away if one is lost. Like a mother whale who will beach herself to die of sorrow if she loses her calf. Like an old couple who have spent fifty years together and die within days of each other.

Two became one as they made slow love and held each other for a long time afterward, their hearts and breathing in synch. Soft afternoon sun warmed their bodies and cast them in a golden glow. Tender fingers traced damaged skin, curled hair and fed each other bits of olives and cheese. Emerald green and cobalt blue stared into each other and promised all of everything without saying a word.

“Forever.” Scarlet whispered, her eyes swimming with so much love it was flowing out of her, ran down her cheek.

“Longer.” Jessie breathed.


The Tower

Horowitz watched through the telescope from his penthouse as the two kids came up the gravel road holding hands and walking with their animals. More tests had been run on her blood and one of them had shown an anomaly that was much more than just the slowly spreading mutated virus. Samed couldn’t explain it. None of them could. She wasn’t even human, strictly speaking. Her genetic makeup had been recoded somehow. She was superior in every way and he’d been down to the labs himself, demanding answers. He needed to know everything and he rushed from one office to the next, asking questions. He had every doctor, scientist and engineer in the building tripping over themselves to understand what they were seeing.

He had the archivists digging for anything they could find, accessing the ancestry websites and tracing her lineage, looking for clues if it was

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