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Book online «Twisted Steel: An MC Anthology: Second Edition Elizabeth Knox (cheapest way to read ebooks .txt) 📖». Author Elizabeth Knox

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lashes flutter. His lip ring is still in place, which is surprising, and his inked arms are bare in the pastel blue hospital gown they’ve dressed him in. The silence hangs heavily in the air, and I can’t stop myself from reaching for his hand.

The moment I touch him, tears trickle from my eyes.

It’s a strange feeling knowing someone for such a short time yet being so tethered to them. To him. I’m not sure if it’s wrong or right, but just holding him grounds me somewhat.

And I don’t want to ever lose that feeling.



I’ll never forget how it feels to say goodbye. The neverending pain that lances your chest as you try not to break down. It’s been hours, two long days waiting for Rogue to wake, and even though Mom has been here, trying to get me to leave, Snake has supported my choice to stay, which has only pissed Mom off even more.

I understand her concern. I am young. Never once have I doubted her love for me and her need to protect me, but at some point, she does need to let go, just a bit. Mom needs to allow me to live, to choose, to make my own mistakes. And if Rogue is not my happily ever after, that’s fine, sort of, but I need to make that decision.

Now if only she’d listen to me when I try to tell her that.

“Hey.” The croaky voice startles me, causing my gaze to snap up to find Rogue staring at me. His dark eyes so familiar, which makes my heart fill with happiness that he’s looking at me again.

The lump in my throat threatens to choke me. Relief takes a hold of me seeing him alive, awake. “Hey.”

“You look gorgeous,” he tells me in a hushed whisper. His mouth tilting into an almost-playful smile.

My cheeks warm, and I can’t help but grin. “You look tired.”

“Almost dead here,” he teases with a croak as he reaches for my hand, which I happily offer. His fingers tangle with mine.

“I shouldn’t be here,” I tell him. “My mom wanted me to leave, but . . .”

Rogue’s grin widens as he regards me in amusement. “Did the good girl do something bad for a change?” The laughter in his tone has me giggling. But when he coughs, I panic, watching him wince in pain, and I wish I could take it away. Make him feel better.

“I should go.”

“No.” The word is hoarse, raspy in his throat. His eyes flutter closed, and I settle in and wait. I won’t leave his side until I know he’s doing better. Watching him sleep is new, strange, but in a good way.

There’s a small smile curling his lips as if he’s dreaming of something that makes him happy. And I wonder what it could be. I shift so I’m comfortable, or as comfortable as I can get in this chair and close my eyes to join him in slumber.

A noise drags me from a dreamless sleep and I find dark eyes piercing me. “An angel.” His stare seems to look right to the soul of me, and I wonder just what Rogue is doing to me. Perhaps this is what Mom was so worried about.

“Not really.” His fingers curl around mine, holding me tight, as if I’m a lifeline he needs to heal from his wounds. “How are you feeling?”


I push to my feet and grab the plastic cup, filling it up with cool water from the jug, and bring it to Rogue with a bendy straw propped on the side. He takes a few small sips before settling back with a scrunch to his face.

I ask, “Did you want the nurse?”

He shakes his head. “No. Just you.”

“I guess I can stay since you asked so nicely, also, I have to remind you that you’re late for our seven o’clock date,” I tease, causing him to grin.

“I’ll make it . . .” His words falter, before he finds his voice again. “I’ll make it up to you.”

I lean in, pressing a kiss to his cheek before whispering, “Just get better. But I do have to go or my mom is going to lock me in my room forever.”

“Told you, bad boy with a good girl is only an equation for trouble.” Even though he says it, he doesn’t release my hand. His fingers hold on tight, causing the butterflies to flutter in my stomach, which only makes me smile wider.

I want to respond, but I can’t find the words to tell him just how much I want to try this. To be his. But he made it clear that he’s not a forever type of guy. And I should not be thinking about a relationship at eighteen.

“Hey,” Rogue says, catching my attention, drawing me back to the present. “You’re mine,” he tells me. “I don’t give a shit if I’m bad, and you being a good girl only makes me want you more, so don’t you fucking doubt us.”

The confidence in both his voice and his stare sends my heart pitter-pattering wildly in my chest. He doesn’t falter in his gaze, and he doesn’t smile, giving me the allusion that he’s telling the truth.

“My mother will kill me.”

“I’m not saying we’re going to get married today, or tomorrow, but I can’t stay away from you. The moment my eyes opened, it was you I was praying I’d see,” Rogue insists with a squeeze of my hand.

“I thought you were more of a rogue rather than a gentleman,” I tease, causing him to laugh, which only leads to a coughing fit that has me feeling guilty. “I better go get the doctor,” I tell him before standing, but Devlin holds onto my hand, tugging me closer.

“I think since I almost died, I should be able to request something,” he says, his voice turning serious as he looks into my eyes, ensuring I’m stuck in place. I arch a brow, tipping my head

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