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“Good night! Have a good shift!” Cashierconcludes, returns to side work.

“Thanks.” Pamela salutes, nicely then exits,casually. She has passed minor test from sleepy cashier. She hopesnurses are just as tired.

She paces, slowly to cafeteria for cup ofcoffee. She doesn’t drink the toxin stuff preferring caffeine &sugary Cokes. She replaces, carefully “play” badge around her necksince she doesn’t realize hospitals give discounts to employeesrequiring proper badge. Play badge is composed of toy police blackvinyl with black cord and taped photo of little girl wearing fakeyellow girl over her brown hair & colored big black letters:DOLLY WALLACE across glossy cut-off from fake hair box. If Pamelais caught, badge ain’t going to help or aid help but little propmight let her slide by unnoticed. She giggles, lightly.

She walks, steeply carrying hot coffee tothird tier of empty corridor reading and studying signage fornursing floors hopefully with low counts of patients and lowercount of visiting family members.

She turns right at intersection into 4SWNursing Floor. She paces, slowly by closed wooden doorsrepresenting used and unused patient rooms with real live sickpeople.

She slows, purposefully nearing middle ofnursing floor that appears like TV with circular station containingsix terminals some on top of counters.

She sits, gently coffee onto counter thenre-boots, quickly terminal at her finger tips. Machine beeps,sweetly powering down. Pamela rotates, slowly skull side to sidefor unwelcomed guests in her play shop.

Blackness exhibits screen. She re-boots,swiftly. Brightness blinds eyeballs then sign-in box shows,lovingly.

Pamela types: “ABCDE” for ID then “12345” forpassword, striking ENTER hard.

Machine thinks, secondly then beeps, sweetlytune of accessing hospital apps. Pamela grins, toothy.

Hospital use and pay common software vendorsfor security simply because of money economics of medical industry.These same vendors use common and traceable ID and passwords forcomputer-challenged clinical staff within a single small town knownas a hospital. One hospital employs on average about 4,000 peoplethat’s lots of computer headaches every 4 minutes for tired andrundown IT staffers working 24 hours, 7 days per week and 365 daysper year. Simply IDs and passwords are changed immediately by newlyemployed nurses maintaining security procedures within hospitalpolices.

Pamela employs her tricks to various sourcesat work. Common “ID” and “password” works on separatetelecommunications systems, also. She giggles, lightly.

She accesses Brookdale Patient Medical Recordtyping Thurston Slanton. Medical record pops, instantly on screenas she locates private demographic information consisting ofaddress, telephone, physician then pokes & picks through bottommenu for “death certificate” as report displays, magically.

Pamela reads, quickly death record, injuriesof broken bones with concession & insurance 100% payment ofoutstanding bill with $0.00 balance. He died of heart attack. CIAain’t very creative.

Pamela can’t print hard copies of medicalrecords due to new Federal Government regulations of privacy actscalled HIPPA. She frowns, ugly.

She thinks, intellectually then pulls,swiftly notepad of CIA code names from backpack. Pamela still can’tfigure out number chain on CIA string.

IT 106891618322 Slanton Thurston

She scans, slowly each numeric slot onscreen. She stops, suddenly. His birth date is January 16, 1986.CIA String contains some of those single digits. She scribblesnumbers around on notepad.

1986, year of his birth, backwards.

The CIA string is month date and year typedbackwards in format.

10689161 01-1986-16, January 16, 1986.

8322, what’s that?

She shrugs shoulders once feeling confusionof unknown digits but complete satisfaction of this particularmedical record is real dead Thurston Slanton. Pamela is here tofind alive Ashley.

She presses, tenderly computer EXIT promptsbacking out Patient Medical Historical Archive system, properlybefore IT scan reveals improper access point discovering Pamelaillegal snooping.

She reaches, successfully beginning menu ofBrookdale Patient Medical Record. She punches, correctly AshleySlanton & sees, clearly there are multiple names displaying“Ashley Slanton.”

“1, 2, 3, 4.” She counts, accurately. “You’regood, CIA but I’m best.” She unscrambles birth date.

TAG 307891116540 Slanton Ashley

30-7891-11 03-1987-11, her birthday.

March 11, 1987 for Ashley Slanton.

Pamela back taps to beginning menu where thenurse can retrieve patient by name, social security name or birthdate.

She types, quickly birthday March 11, 1987 asnew screen displays names. Other people are born on March 11, 1987not just “real” & “fake” Ashley Slanton with 309,000,000persons in US.

She scans, slowly & locates AshleySlanton. She blinks, swiftly eyelids shut then open. She sees,clearly “four” Ashley Slanton with “four” March 11, 1987 birthdates. Okay!

People can be named same and be born on samedate, same month but the CIA has carried this entertaininglyjoke…way too far. CIA and hospital worked in tandem to disguise the“real” medical records from snooping spies like Pamela performingthis illegal data search.

She clicks on “first” Ashley Slanton withbirth date of March 11, 1987. Screen blinks, slowly then re-createsmedical record for Ashley. Pamela pokes at bottom for menu of“death certificate” calling up paperless item. She verifies,quickly matching date in newspaper obit. Good! She’s got the rightAshley.

Pamela flips, quickly to demographic screen& scribbles street address from screen onto notepad with penthen stops, suddenly. She’s got one Ashley but there are threeother Ashley’s.

She accesses “second” Ashley Slanton &appears with death certificate on March 17, 2010 and differentstreet address, telephone and six different names of physicians.Not good!

She repeats, precisely procedure for “third”and “fourth” Ashley Slanton with death certificate on March 17,2010, different street address, telephone and lots of differentnames of physicians. Not very good!

She can’t print by hand mounds of data. Thisis a dummy terminal, meaning the nurse can’t illegally downloadmedical/clinical patient data onto secret thumb drive or print easyhard copies from machine only grab & read information witheyeballs. Just awful!

Pamela thinks, intellectually & backtracks to “first” name while querying the death certificate formore information noting cause of termination is heart attack. Shesearches all death causes: car accident, suicide and finallycancer. CIA likes…way too much to write Hollywood fiction.

She clicks back to “first” name &observes, acutely total 26 pages of medical record along with same26 pages under each “name.” Pamela presses, quickly end of file onpage 26 looking for any useful data & sees, clearly “birthcertificate” for “fourth” name of Ashley Slanton.

“Birth certificate, why on Earth?” Pamelawhine, baby-tonish & snaps, quickly finger pads. “Of course,she’s

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