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Book online «Desperate Lovers Adam Carpenter (the reading list book txt) 📖». Author Adam Carpenter

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freak out, he’s fine, he’s at Wonderland Medical, and Jack is staying with him. A slight concussion.”

“Jesus, Marc, what the hell is going on? It’s one thing to want our houses, but for these people to resort to violence. You know, I’ve been thinking it might be time to think about protecting myself and Paolo.”

“Protecting yourself how?”

“I’m going to buy a gun,” Aaron said, refilling his glass and taking a healthy sip.

Marc’s expression was one of shock. “Aaron, don’t. Things aren’t that bad.”

“Ha, there’s an understatement. Think about it. Boulders falling from cliffs, a flame thrown from a passing car nearly burning my house down, Edgar beaten in his own home, I beg to differ about the dangers on Eldon Court.”

Marc nodded cautiously. “Then you better be prepared to use it.”

“What do you mean?”

“You know the old adage, guns don’t kill people, people do?”


“It’s not entirely true.” Marc paused for dramatic effect. “People with guns kill.”

“It’s called self-defense.”

“Yeah, until the wrong person gets hurt,” Marc said.

The conversation came to an abrupt halt, and soon Aaron said his goodbyes, thanking his neighbor for the wine and hospitality. At the front door, Aaron turned back to his neighbor. “I’m glad we can be friends, despite the circumstances.”

“You mean Rich and Paolo,” Marc said. “I can’t control what Rich does, and I long ago gave up even trying. The only one made angry was me. You should do the same. That is, if you really want to be with Paolo for the rest of your life.”

“What about you, Marc. Are you ever tempted?”

“Not my style,” Marc said, shaking his head.

“You’re lucky, that loyal streak is something to be commended,”

Aaron said, and with that, he took his leave, making his way down the path and back toward Number Three, where he shared his home and his life with a man who constantly lied to him, disappointed him, and now, cheated on him with the enemy. He stole a look back at Number Five and silently envied Marc his life, his talent, and his ability to adjust to his partner’s proclivities. Aaron wasn’t sure how much patience he had left, not after having witnessed Paolo and Parker coming back from the beach.

In the back of his mind, he thought of the gun he wanted, but the question lingered, how did he go about getting one, and when he did, was he brave enough to use it if push came shove?

Aaron Walters suddenly wondered if he really knew who his enemy was.

Later that same day, Paolo, running errands Down Wonder, entered the doors of Wonderland Savings Bank and was immediately greeted by a cute, overly friendly customer service rep. He quickly dispensed with the youngster, saying he already had an account, and he was here to see if Rich North was free.

“Oh, he’s very busy, do you have an appointment?” the clerk asked.

“I’m his neighbor. He’ll see me.”

Paolo’s stern tone indicated he wouldn’t accept anything less than acquiescence, and less than a minute later Rich emerged from a back office, extending his hand to Paolo, a wide grin on his welcoming face. He was dressed in an expensive dark suit, tie nearly choking him. Paolo was glad he didn’t work in the buttoned-up business world; teaching had its benefits, among them…summers off. Which meant now.

“What a surprise, Paolo, what can I do for you?”

“Can we talk…you know…in private?”

Rich tossed his aide a dismissive look, and when the cutie went off to find busywork, he said, “That’s what we have private offices for.

Follow me back. It’s good to see you, gives me a break in a rather mundane workday.”

The two men entered the large office, and Rich closed the door behind him. It didn’t go unnoticed by Paolo that he clicked the lock. As Rich made his way back to his desk, he slid his suit jacket off, draping it on the back of his leather chair. Paolo felt a stirring as he saw how fit Rich looked in his suit, the shirt tight against his broad chest, knowing full well what he looked like beneath that material. But he shook the images from his mind, he hadn’t come here for sex, not after getting plowed hours ago by Parker.

In fact, it was Parker he had come here to discuss.

“So, Paolo,” Rich said, sitting on the edge of his desk, hands clasped, “to what do I owe the pleasure?”

“I wanted to ask your opinion on what you think is going to happen…you know, to our homes?”

“If I have anything to say about it we keep them, and Danvers and Company leave town.”

“Wishful thinking.”

Rich’s brow furrowed. “You know something I don’t?”

“One thing I don’t understand in all this—Parker St. John. What does his claim of being a Saunders and true heir to Number Two really mean? If he is granted ownership, he can easily sell to Converse. But that doesn’t guarantee the rest of us follow suit.”

“Which is why they are doing everything in their power to intimidate the rest of us,” Rich said. “We know blackmail is part of their arsenal, threatening both you and me into having sex—a way to play us against each other, to undermine our relationships with Aaron and Marc.

I’m not sure that’s enough to make us cower to their demands, and frankly, I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop. They must have something else up their sleeve. Why, what are you thinking?”

“Parker, he’s an enigma.”

“Meaning what?”

“Meaning, I’m not sure of his exact motives.”

“You sound like you’ve spent some time with him.”

Paolo blushed, even with mocha-colored skin. He rubbed at his goatee, a dead giveaway.

“Christ, Paolo, is there anyone you won’t fuck?”

“Ha, look whose talking,” Paolo shot back with.

“See, their plan is working. Playing us against each other,” Rich said. “Paolo, you came here for my opinion, so here it is. Stay clear of Parker—he’s a master manipulator, always has been, and with the passage of years he’s only gained in confidence. A guy that good looking, seeking vengeance on what’s been denied him, he’s cocky and dangerous but he also has an ability to draw people unsuspectingly into his web—yourself included. Look, we have

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