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cookie jar.

ā€œI think Iā€™m gonna crash in my room now,ā€ he murmurs. And for a split-second, I think heā€™s inviting me to join him. But, no. He quickly adds, ā€œDo me a favor and tell Ruby and Titus I left the party and said happy birthday, okay?ā€

ā€œUh, sure,ā€ I reply, feeling vaguely disappointed. But Iā€™m speaking to Savageā€™s back. Heā€™s already on the move. High-tailing it out of here like a bank robber on the run. ā€œDonā€™t be late for the buses tomorrow!ā€ I call out. And then add, pointedly, ā€œAdrian.ā€

Just before his frame disappears into the dark night, Savage turns around, so that heā€™s walking backward. Facing me now, he flashes me an impish grin and says, ā€œIā€™m never late, Fitzy. Everyone else is just . . . early.ā€



New York, New York

My band and everyone else who played at tonightā€™s charity concert at Madison Square Garden are seated at a long table in a swanky restaurant in Midtown, courtesy of our host, Reed Rivers. And Iā€™m shitfaced. Breaking my hard and fast rule about never drinking to drown my sorrows. Because . . . Malik Wallace.

To anyone watching me drinking like a fish tonight, Iā€™m sure I look like Iā€™m merely celebrating tonightā€™s amazing show, along with everyone else at this table. But Iā€™m not. In reality, Iā€™m fixated on that bastardā€™s every movement. His every flirtatious smile, aimed directly at Laila. Basically, Iā€™ve been drinking while trying to figure out how I can murder that motherfucker and get away with it.

ā€œYou called it at Reedā€™s party,ā€ Kendrick says next to me, jutting his chin at Reed and his date on the far end of the table. Whoā€™s Reedā€™s date tonight? Well, none other than Georgina, the sultry reporter I hit on as Kendrickā€™s birthday present. The fact that Georgina is at Reedā€™s side at all, a full two months later, is shocking enough. But factor in that Reedā€™s brought her as his date to a work event, which isnā€™t Reedā€™s style, and that heā€™s been packing on the PDA with her throughout the entire dinner, and Iā€™m thinking this woman has cast a spell on The Prick, the likes of which I never would have believed.

But, whatever. I donā€™t have the bandwidth to focus on Reed and his love life for very long. Iā€™m too fixated on Laila and hers. Fucking Malik! When he walked into the greenroom at The Garden earlier tonight, I felt an almost primal desire to pummel his face. And the impulse has only grown as the evening, and my alcohol consumption, has worn on.

Unfortunately, the happy coupleā€”Laila and her handsy MVPā€”is sitting immediately across from Kendrick and me at this long, crowded table, so I canā€™t avoid constantly staring at them. And guess what? The fucker never stops touching Laila with his huge hands. Ever. At any given moment, Mr. Basketballā€™s got his arm around Lailaā€™s shoulders, or a hand covering hers. Or maybe heā€™s got his hand under the table, doing God knows what to her under there. Or if not any of that, heā€™s touching her hair or leaning in to whisper into her earā€”oftentimes, immediately after glowering at me.

Actually, I donā€™t know if Iā€™m imagining that last part. The glowering. Is Malik Wallace a mind reader? Or is the booze making my face a whole lot more readable than usual? Either way, the man clearly wants me, and everyone in this restaurant, to know the magnificent, sultry, talented Laila Fitzgerald is his.

The crazy thing is I donā€™t get jealous, except when it comes to Laila. Why should I, when there are unlimited fish in the sea? And yet, here I am, contemplating physically attacking a professional athlete, despite my brain knowing, logically, heā€™d almost certainly beat my ass. Also, logically speaking, I know Malikā€™s got every right to drape himself over his own girlfriend. Iā€™m nobody to Laila, after all. If Malik were out of the picture, sheā€™d be in Kendrickā€™s arms. Not mine. And yet, I canā€™t stop staring and plotting Malikā€™s untimely demise.

I think the part that burns me the most is knowing Laila hooked up with Malik after meeting him at Reedā€™s party. If I hadnā€™t left when I did that night, if Iā€™d sucked it up and walked over to her to welcome her to the tour the way my bandmates did, would everything be different now? I thought I was stepping aside for my best friend, which is something I can stomach, though not happily. But it turns out, I was stepping aside for Malik Wallace. And realizing that feels like a special kind of torture.

Kendrick leans into me, just as Malik whispers something to Laila that makes her giggle. ā€œFuck my life,ā€ Kendrick mutters. ā€œSitting across from them is my personal version of hell.ā€

ā€œSorry, brother. That sucks. Letā€™s drink another round.ā€

I flag a serverā€”a young woman Iā€™d guess is an aspiring actress or model or dancer, given that this is Manhattan and sheā€™s lithe and stunning. And she immediately strides over to me with a big smile on her face.

ā€œAnother round,ā€ I say, motioning to my empty glass and Kendrickā€™s. ā€œMake ā€˜em both doubles this time.ā€

ā€œTriples,ā€ Kendrick says.

ā€œYou got it, boys,ā€ she says with a wink. She bites her lower lip and leans into me. ā€œIf this is inappropriate, Iā€™m sorry. But would you and Kendrick mind taking a selfie with me? Iā€™m a huge fan.ā€

Kendrick agrees, of course, because heā€™s much nicer than me, and she pokes her head between us and snaps the photo. But when that task is done, she doesnā€™t leave. Rather, she turns her attention on me, specifically, in a way Iā€™ve seen many times, and whispers, ā€œIā€™m a huge fan, Savage.ā€

Well, thatā€™s not subtle. If history has taught me anything, sheā€™s telling me sheā€™s down to sleep with me tonight. If Iā€™m right about that, Iā€™m not interested. However, I couldnā€™t help noticing, as we took that selfie, Laila was watching the interaction with blazing eyes.

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