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Book online «Here Be Dragons - 1 Sharon Penman (paper ebook reader .TXT) 📖». Author Sharon Penman

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pang;he was, after all, only parroting what he'd hea H * their private chamber. She could not risk antagonizing Llewelyn h ever, and she said sharply, "See to your little brother. I shall expect v to apologize to your grandfather ere he leaves." Moving forward the to greet Llewelyn, she mustered a taut smile. "It was good of you t come."Llewelyn dismounted, tossed the reins to the nearest man "You sent word thatGruffydd was asking to see me. Did you think I'd refuse?" He signaled for his men to await him in the great hall, glanced toward Senena once and then again, much more searchingly. "Senena? Gruffydd did ask for me?""No." Reaching out, she clutched at his arm. "I lied. I had to lie. It was allI could think to do. Llewelyn, you must see him, talk to him. Please say you will!"Llewelyn slowly shook his head. "I think it better if I do not, Senena. If he does not want to see me, what would it serve?""Wait, please. At least hear me out. You want the truth? I'll tell you, tell you whatever you want to know. I've tried so hard to help Gruffydd, to raise his spirits, to keep him from despairing. But he, of all men, cannot abide confinement. Some days he'll not talk to me at all, and he spends hours standing at the window, never taking his eyes off the horizon, those soaring seagulls." Llewelyn made an involuntary movement, and her hand tightened on his arm. "If you could just see him, Llewelyn, if you could but talk together, mayhap then . . "Llewelyn knew better, knew that talking would change nothing. But as he looked into his daughter-in-law's face, he could not refuse her "Your loyalty does you great credit, lass. I'll talk to him. Just do no expect too much to come of it."Senena heard only the consent, not the qualification. "Thank yo she sighed, and he followed her up into the keep. Gruffydd's cnam was on the uppermost floor. Pausing on the threshold, she gave lyn a look of anxious entreaty. "It might be better if I spoke to him If you'll wait. . ." He nodded and she slipped inside. t^eThe door was ajar. Llewelyn could see a marble-top '^i. sweep of velvet bed hangings. Senena had not stinted in making

617captivity as comfortable as possible, as if enough luxuries might how compensate for the guards at the bottom of the stairwell The s01*1 was cluttered with the evidence of Gruffydd's struggle to fill tv hours, to vanquish the enemy that time had become a chess set, SA ughts board, a stack of books It was the books that Llewelyn found3t poignant, for Gruffydd had never been a reader He backed away m _, the door A mistake This was a grievous mistake"No1 I'll not see him1" Gruffydd's voice carried clearly into the stair-11 Senena's response was softer, less distinct, she seemed to beI dine with him Her importuning was in vain, Gruffydd's voice came am raw with the rage of impotence "Would you have me grovel thim7 And for what7 He's not going to relent, and I'll be damned ere111 give him absolution Tell him if his conscience wants easing, he can seek it elsewhere Let his Norman slut console him, let her whelp"Llewelyn heard no more, he turned, moved into the shadows of the stairwellThe guards stepped aside respectfully, let him pass His spurs dmked struck sparks against the stones, and then he was emerging into the sun, into brilliant, blinding light Owam had disappeared, but the younger boy was sitting on the outer stairs, when Llewelyn said his name, he smiled up at the man with innocent camaraderie, heartrending trustLlewelyn, wait1" Senena was flushed, breathless She ignored her son caught up with Llewelyn at the foot of the stairs "Do not go, not like this I know you heard Gruffydd, but but can you blame him7 I'll not apologize for his pride and I'll not make excuses for his bitterness He is still your son, your firstborn How can you turn your back on him like this7 Do you hate him so much7"Hate him7" Llewelyn swung about, pointed toward the little boy Do you think you could ever hate Llelo7 Or Owam7 How can I hate the man as long as Iremember the child7"You want to free him1" Senena cried, and it was both a challenge and a plea "Ican see that now You truly do Why will you not do it, then' Llewelyn, I beg you Let him go "And then what7 Can you honestly tell me he'd willingly go into v'6 "iat he'd accept Davydd as my heir7 You know he would not ''ton hours of my death, Gwynedd would be at war He'd never yield avydd, would die first And if he won if he won, Davydd would tn | °ne to die He'd put Davydd to death, disavow all allegiance to 'nd *hd' anta8omze fhe other Welsh Princes, goad theMarcher lords , crown into an invasion, and as for Joanna how do you think ^°uld fare at his hands, Senena7"hat are you saying, then7 That you can never let him go7"

6181"No ... I am not saying that. When I feel confident that Davydj can stave off any challenge to his authority, that he can safeguard what I've won, I'll giveGruffydd his freedom.""And you think that should give me comfort? That day will never come! Davydd will never be able to hold his own against Gruffydd!"Llewelyn was not vulnerable from that quarter. "You are wrong Senena," he said quietly, with such calm certitude that Senena's rage spilled over."This is Joanna's doing, all of it! She's set you against your own, scrupled at nothing to get what she wantedthe crown for her son! How could you be so taken in? My God, if you only knew""If I only knew what, Senena?"The coldness

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