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638. callen daisies in our, 6. gaze with all the, 677. man made the, 417. Towns, elephants for want of, 289. Toys, fantastic, 391. of age, beads and prayer-books, 318. of simulated stature, 621. to the great children, 357. we spent them not in, 260. Track, drive on your own, 729. pursue, each other's, 275. Tract behind, leaving no, 109. Tracts, leaves no, 36. of calm from tempest made, 634. through torrid, 398. Trade, doing good is not our, 417. of lying, 774. thou learned, love the little, 752. two of a, can never agree, 349. Trades, ugliest of, 597. Trade's proud empire, 367. Tradition, marrow of, 510. Tragedie, go my little, 6. Tragedies, Attic, 254. Tragedy, gorgeous, 250. of Hamlet with the prince left out, 494. to those who feel, 389. Trail of the serpent, 526. Trailing clouds of glory, 477. Train, a melancholy, 395. a royal, believe me, 100. at Coventry, waited for the, 626. every motion of his starry, 485. fear and bloodshed miserable, 476. of night, last in the, 235. of thy amber-dropping hair, 246. starry, heaven her, 233. up a child, 827. when I am dead no pageant, 571. woes love a, 308. Traitor, arrant as any, 93. love treason but hate the, 182. Traitors, fears do make us, 123. our doubts are, 47. Traitorous kiss, 676. Trammel up the consequence, 117. Trample on my days, 263. Tramplings of three conquests, 219. Trance, no nightly, 251. or breathed spell, no, 251. unimaginable, stood in, 504. Tranquil life, to lead a, 752. [1125]mind, farewell the, 154. Tranquillity, heaven was all, 527. of mind, 766. thou better name, 501. Transatlantic commentator, 592. Transcend our wonted themes, 264. Transcendent moment, one, 657. Transcribed, what is, 369. Transfigures its golden hair, 657. Transforms old print, 419. Transgressors, way of, 826. Transient chaste, early bright, 308. hour, catch the, 366. sorrows simple wiles, 474. Transition, what seems so is, 615. Transitory, action is, 465. Translated, thou art, 58. Translucent wave, glassy cool, 246. Translunary things, 40. Transmigration of the soul, 765. Transmitter of a foolish face, 354. Transmuted ill, sovereign o'er, 366. Transmutes, subdues, 476. Transport know, can ne'er a, 377. Trappings and suits of woe, 127. of a monarchy, 369. Traps, Cupid kills some with, 51. Trash, who steals my purse steals, 153. Travail, labour for my, 101. Travel is a part of education, 166. on life's common way, 472. thought the, long, 23. twelve stout miles, 472. Travels, contemplation of my, 70. in divers paces, time, 70. Travels' history, in my, 150. Travelled in realms of gold, 576. life's dull round, 379. Traveller from Lima, 592. from New Zealand, 591. from the Zuyder Zee, 592. lamp that lighted the, 522. now spurs the lated, 121. returns, bourne whence no, 136. Travellers must be content, 67. Travelleth, as one that, 825. Travelling is to regulate imagination, 375. Tray Blanch and Sweetheart, 147. Treacle, fly that sips, 348. Tread a measure with you, 56. again the scene, who would, 497. each other's heel, 308. in air, seem to, 339. on classic ground, 299. the globe, all that, 572. upon another's heel, one woe, 143. where angels fear to, 325. where'er we, 541. Treads alone some banquet-hall, 523. so light the grass stoops not, 161. Treason can but peep, 142. corporations cannot commit, 24. doth never prosper, 39. flourished over us, bloody, 114. has done his worst, 121. if this be, make the most of it, 429. like a deadly blight, 526. none dare call it, 39. Treasons, is fit for, 66. Treasure is, where your, 838. of his eyesight, 104. of our tongue, 39. rich the, 271. unsunned heaps of miser's, 244. what a, hadst thou, 134. Treasures, Apollo's Pythian, 339. hath he not always, 502. heaven's best, 387. in heaven, 838. love light and calm thoughts, 502. sea-born, fetched my, 598. up a wrong, him who, 555. Treatise, rouse at a dismal, 125. Treble, turning again toward childish, 69. Tree, aye sticking in a, 495. come to the sunset, 570. die at the top like that, 294. falleth, where the, 831. friendship is a sheltering, 503. fruit of that forbidden, 223. garden of Liberty's, 516. give me again my hollow, 328. green leaves on a thick, 338. hale green, 667. I planted, thorns of the, 544. in the wide waste, a, 552. is inclined, as the twig is bent the, 320. is known by his fruit, 839. leaf is on the, 611. light on tower and, 673. like a green bay, 819. near his fav'rite, 386. 'neath yon crimson, 573. of deepest root is found, 432. of liberty, 804. of life, the middle tree, 232. spare the beechen, 516. things done in a green, 842. too happy happy, 576. under a sycamore, 406. under the greenwood, 67. woodman spare that, 595. Zaccheus he did climb the, 687. Trees, blossoms in the, 316. bosomed high in tufted, 248. brotherhood of venerable, 474. drop tears as Arabian, 157. just hid with, 536. like leaves on, 338. promontory with, 158. tall ancestral, 569. tongues in, 67. unto the root of the, 841. Trelawney die, and shall, 687. Tremble for my country, I, 436. like a guilty thing, 478. my firm nerves shall never, 122. see my lips, 333. thou wretch, 147. when I wake, 418. while they gaze, angels, 382. Trembles, Satan, 422. too, turning, 389. Tremblers, boding, 397. [1126]Trenchant blade, 211. Trencherman, a very valiant, 50. Tresses fair, insnare, 326. like the morn, 246. whitening lip and fading, 636. Trial by juries, 435. Triangular holes and persons, 461. Tribe increase, may his, 536. is the badge of all our, 61. richer than all his, 157. were God Almighty's gentlemen, 268. Tribes, formed of two mighty, 560. that slumber in its bosom, 572. Tribute, laid all nature under, 457. not one cent for, 673. of a sigh, the passing, 385. of a smile, vain, 487. Trick of our English nation, 88. of singularity, 76. when in doubt win the, 861. worth two of that, I know a, 84. Tricks, his tenures and, 143. in plain and simple faith, 114. plays such fantastic, 48. shaped for sportive, 95. such, hath strong imagination, 59. that are vain, 669. Trident, flatter Neptune for his, 103. Tried each art, 396. little knowest that hast not, 29. patient though sorely, 614. save he whose heart hath, 550. thou that hast not, 29. to blame that has been, 350. to live without him, 175. without consent bin only, 193. Tries, knows not till he, 713. Trifle, as 't were a careless, 117. think naught a, 311. Trifles light as air, 154. make life, 311. make the sum of human things, 437. seeks painted, 391. snapper-up of unconsidered, 77. win us with honest, 116. Trim, dressed in all his, 163. gardens, in, 249. gilded vessel in gallant, 383. he that shot so, 105. meadows, 248. reckoning, 87. that shoots so, 405. Trip it as you go, 248. Trissotin, half, 593. Triton blow his wreathed horn, 477. of the minnows, hear you this, 103. Triumph advances, chief in, 491. in redeeming love, 674. pedestaled in, 651. pursue the, 320. Triumphal arch, 516. Triumphant death, 240. faith, o'er our fears, 615. Triumphed, Jehovah has, 524. over time, 26. Trivet, right as a, 676. Trivial fond records, 132. round the common task, 569. things, contests rise from, 325. Trod, proper men as ever, 110. Trodden out, little fire is quickly, 95. the wine-press alone, 834. Trojans, the distant, 337. Troop, farewell the plumed, 154. Troops of error, charged the, 217. of friends, love obedience, 124. Trope, out there flew a, 210. Trophies, need not raise, 258. unto the enemies of truth, 217. Tropic, under the, 220. Troth, not break my, 54. time tries the, in everything, 18. Troubadour, gayly the, 581. Trouble, double toil and, 123. man is born unto, 816. of few days and full of, 817. our days begin with, 687. present help in, 820. remedy for every, 701. war is toil and, 272. why all this toil and, 466. Troubles, against a sea of, 135. of the brain, the written, 125. peck of, 791. Troubled air, meteor to the, 383. let not your heart be, 843. like a fountain, 73. waters, fish in, 283. with thick-coming fancies, 125. Troublesome disguises, 234. Troublest me, thou, 97. Troubling, wicked cease from, 816. Trousers, steam-engine in, 461. Trowel, laid on with a, 66. Troy, Astyanax the hope of, 338. divine, tale of, 250. doubted, heard, 558. fired another, 272. half his, was burnt, 88. heard, doubted, 558. laid in ashes, 280. where is, 352. Troy's proud glories, 337. Truant, aged ears play, at his tales,
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