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tag="{http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml}a">562. repairing, when at, 515. [1129]soft and dim, 682. Twilights, her dusky hair like, 474. Twilight's curtain, 582. Twin brethren, great, 593. happiness was born a, 557. Twins even from the birth, 343. Twinkling of a star, but the, 214. of an eye, in the, 62, 846. Twitch quick as lightning, 214. 'Twixt two boundless seas, 525. Two clouds at morning, I saw, 677. eternities, past and future, 525. handles, everything hath, 746. hands upon the breast, 667. heads better than one, 12. hearts in one, 782. hearts that beat as one, 806. irons in the fire, 196. lovely berries on one stem, 58. narrow words hic jacet, 27. of a trade can never agree, 349. of that, trick worth, 84. pale feet crossed in rest, 667. sides to every question, 765. single gentlemen rolled in one, 454. souls with a single thought, 806. strings to his bow, 15. truths are told, 116. voices are there, 478. Two-and-seventy stenches, 503. Twofold image, we saw a, 481. Two-handed engine, 247. Two-headed Janus, 59. Two-legged animal, man is a, 763. thing a son, 267. Type, careful of the, 632. of the wise who soar, 485. of thee, Ferdinand Mendez Pinto was but a, 294. Types of things, loose, 473. Typical of strife, clubs, 420. Tyrannous to use it like a giant, 48. Tyranny begins, where law ends, 364. Tyrant, beautiful, 107. custom, the, 151. of his fields, 385. Tyrants, be wasted for, 525. ever sworn the foe to, 459. from policy, kings will be, 410. necessity the argument of, 453. rebellion to, 859. watered by the blood of, 804. Tyrant's plea, necessity the, 232.
Ugliest of trades, 597. Ugly and venomous, the toad, 67. sights, so full of, 96. Ultimate angels' law, 650. Ultimum moriens of respectability, 638. Umbered face, sees the other's, 92. Una with her milk-white lamb, 477. Unadorned, adorned the most, when, 356. Unalienable rights, 434. Unalterable days, the, 600. Unaneled, disappointed, 132. Unanimity is wonderful, their, 441. Unapprehended inspiration, 568. Unassuming commonplace, 473. Unattained, the far-off, 680. Unattempted yet in prose, 178. Unavenged, insults, 480. Scipio's ghost walks, 298. Unaware, I blessed them, 498. Unawares, like instincts, 634. Unawed by influence, 675. Unblemished let me live, 333. Unblessed, every inordinate cup is, 152. Unborn ages, ye, 383. Unborrowed from the eye, 467. Unbought grace of life, 410. health, hunt in fields for, 270. Unbounded courage, 299. stomach, man of an, 100. Unbribed by gain, 675. Unburied men, bodies of, 181. Uncertain, comes and goes, the world, 602. coy and hard to please, 490. glory of an April day, 44. paper, certain portion of, 556. the visible for the, 766. voyage, life's, 109. Uncertainty, certainty for an, 369. cloaca of, 799. of the law, glorious, 350. Unchained strength, the giant's, 572. Unchanging law of God, 639. Uncharitableness, all, 850. Uncheered by hope, 537. Uncle me no uncle, 862. Unclean lips, man of, 833. Unclouded ray, whose, 321. Unclubable man, a very, 371. Uncoffined and unknown, 547. Uncompromising as justice, 605. Unconditional surrender, 664. Unconfined, let joy be, 542. Unconning, thou art so, 6. Unconquerable mind, 382, 471. will and study of revenge, 223. Unconquered steam, 474. will, star of the, 613. Unconscious of decays, age, 341. Unconsidered trifles, snapper-up of, 77. Uncreated night, 227. Uncreating word, before thy, 332. Unction, flattering, 141. Undazzled eyes, 255. Undefyled, well of English, 28. Undepressed in size, 479. Under the rose, 219. Underlings, we are, 110. Underneath his feet he cast, 23. this sable hearse, 179. this stone doth lie, 178. Understand, believe what they least, 779. Understanding and wisdom, 833. candle of, 836. dupe of the heart, 795. for thy more sweet, 54. give it an, but no tongue, 129. God gives, 421. joke into a Scotch, 459. more, than my teachers, 823. not obliged to find you an, 375. [1130]passeth all, 847. to direct, 688. with all thy getting get, 825. Understood, harmony not, 316. her by her sight, 177. the interpreter hardest to be, 441. Undervalue me, if she, 26. Undescribable, describe the, 545. Undeserved praise, 330. Undevout astronomer is mad, 310. Undiscovered country, 136. Undisputed thing, 635. Undivulged crimes, 147. Undone, another victory we are, 171. his country, they 've, 298. if we are known we are, 761. if we had not been undone, 724. in another fight I were, 733. to want to be, 30. widow, some, 194. widows, thousands of, 172. wrong-doer that has left something, 755. Undreamed shores, 78. Undress, fair, best dress, 357. her gentle limbs did she, 499. Uneasy lies the head, 89. light, remnant of, 474. Uneffectual fire, 'gins to pale his, 132. Unessential, irrecognition of the, 662. Unexercised, virtue, 254. Unexpected always happens, the, 701. death the best, 735. Unexpressed, uttered or, 497. Unexpressive she, fair chaste and, 70. Unextinguished laughter, 337, 344. Unfaltering trust, 572. Unfashionable, lamely and, 95. Unfathomed caves of ocean, 385. Unfeathered two-legged thing, 267. Unfeeling for his own, 381. Unfed sides, 147. Unfinished, deformed, 95. Unfirm, more giddy and, 75. Unfit, for all things, 399. for ladies' love, 272. to sink or soar, 554. Unfold, I could a tale, 131. Unfolds both heaven and earth, 57. Unforgiving eye, 442. Unformed occident, 39. Unfortunate by a calamity, 766. Miss Bailey, 454. one more, 586. Unfriended melancholy slow, 394. Unfriendly to society, 415. Unfruitful, invention is, 408. Unfurnished, head to be let, 210. Ungalled play, the hart, 138. Ungracious pastors, 129. Ungrateful, man who is, 795. Unhabitable downs, 289. Unhand me gentlemen, 131. Unhandsome corse, a slovenly, 83. Unhanged, not three good men, 84. Unhappy far-off things, 473. folks on shore, 510. never so, as we suppose, 794. none but the great, 301. none think the great, 310. what the happy owe to the, 343. Unheard by the world, 524. Unheeded flew the hours, 464. Unholy blue, eyes of, 521. Unhonoured and unsung, 488. his relics are laid, 519. years, laden with, 449. Unhouseled, disappointed, 132. Un-idea'd girls, 369. Unimaginable trance, 504. Unintelligible world, this, 467. Uninterred, he lies, 341. Union, flag of our, 596. fragments of a once glorious, 533. here of hearts, there is no, 496. in partition, 58. indestructible, 619. is perfect, our, 426. liberty and, now and forever, 533. music of the, keep step to the, 588. must be preserved, our Federal, 458. of hearts union of hands, 596. of lakes union of lands, 596. of states none can sever, 596. our Federal, 458. sail on O, strong and great, 615. with his native sea, 480. Unison, some chord in, 422. United we stand, 595. yet divided, 417. Uniting we stand, 426. Unity, God is, 764. on earth, confound all, 124. to dwell together in, 824. Universal blank, 230. cure, cheap and, 261. darkness buries all, 332. good, partial evil, 316. grin, nature wears one, 362. peace, uproar the, 124. world, in the, 93. Universe, better ordering of the, 768. born for the, 399. forsakes thee, 803. glory and shame of the, 799. God is the creator of the, 765. harmony of the, 409. is change, 751. loves to create, 756. made up of all that is, one, 754. nature of the, 755. vast, scenes for a theatre, 777. University of these days, 580. Unjust peace before a just war, 361. to nature and himself, 307. Unkind as man's ingratitude, 70. when givers prove, 136. Unkindest cut of all, the most, 113. Unkindness, I tax not you with, 146. Unknelled uncoffined, 547. Unknowing what he sought, 273. Unknown and like esteemed, 245. and silent shore, 509. argues yourselves, 234. forms of things, 59. it is good to love the, 509. [1131]she lived, 469. thus let me live, unseen, 334. to fortune and to fame, 386. too early seen, 105. Unlamented let me die, 334. Unlearn not what you have learned, 763. Unlearned, amaze the, 324. men of books, 310. their wants may view, 325. Unless above himself he can erect himself, 39. Unlessoned girl unschooled, 64. Unlettered small-knowing soul, 54. Unlineal hand, with an, 121. Unlooked for, she comes, 333. Unmannerly untaught knaves, 57. Unmarried, primroses die, 77. Unmask her beauty to the moon, 129. Unmeasured by flight of years, 497. Unmerciful disaster, 640. Unmoving finger, his slow, 155. Unmusical to the Volscians' ears, 103. Unnatural, nothing is, 441. Unnumbered woes, 336. Unpack my heart with words, 135. Unpaid-for silk, rustling in, 159. Unpathed waters undreamed shores, 78. Unperceived decay, melts in, 365. shade softening in shade, 357. Unpitied sacrifice, 408. unrespited, unreprieved, 227. Unpleasant body, moist, 652. people, leaving,
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