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Book online «Twisted Steel: An MC Anthology: Second Edition Elizabeth Knox (cheapest way to read ebooks .txt) 📖». Author Elizabeth Knox

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look at me, it is like a scene out of an old western movie when a stranger walks into a saloon.

Ignoring the glares I make my way over to the bar, and disappointment settles in my gut when I see that Eden isn’t behind it.

“You aren’t welcome here, boy,” comes a gruff voice from behind me. I turn and look over my shoulder to see one of the old-timers, glaring at me with two of his buddies standing close behind him.

“Oh yeah. Why is that?” I goad, stroking my hand over my beard, wondering if Eden spilled the beans on us.

Judging from their stance I can only imagine what she actually told them. Mirroring their stance I glare back, showing them that I will not back down from my mission.

The front man speaks up, “You left her high and dry and a man that does that to any woman is a worthless piece of shit in my book.”

“It has nothing to do with you. Now, where is Eden?” I snap back.

This guy is pissing me off, my skin itches to know where she is. Is she okay? Did something happen to her?

“Like fuck would I ever tell you where she is. She is better off without you; you dick. She has us to support her, she doesn’t need the likes of you, a fucking Nomad that can’t stay still longer than getting his dick wet.”

Support her? What the fuck?

Looking around the room I see that everyone is now on their feet, watching how this is playing out in front of them. Clearly, they think the world of Eden, respect her, and will protect her to the end, but she is my woman, and I will be the one protecting her from now on, not that I would turn away any extra protection, but they will know that I come first in her life.

“Someone had better start fucking talking and tell me where my woman is!” I bellow. My fists clench at my sides and my skin burns with anger because these pricks are keeping my woman from me.

“Your woman?” comes the voice I longed to hear for three long months.

Spinning around to face her, the air gets sucked out of my lungs when I see her standing before me in a sweet as fuck summer dress, but it is not only the dress that gets me, it is the small baby bump she is sporting.

“Y-you are . . . you are.” I can’t speak, the words keep getting stuck in my throat.

“Pregnant. Yes, I am.” Her arms wrap around her baby bump, and I swear to fuck my knees buckle.

Is it mine? Did she fuck someone so close to me leaving and got pregnant?

So many questions and scenarios rush through my mind. I can’t breathe, I can’t speak.

We stand locked in a stare, neither of us saying anything. My gaze drops to her bump, then back up to her face. Anger, vulnerability, and pain lashes across her face. She doesn’t speak, just spins on her heels, and leaves the room, down the hallway, no doubt going to her office.

I stand there for all of three seconds before I snap out of it and chase her down. The angry voices behind me are ignored as I run down the hallway and up the stairs to her office.

I reach the door just as it closes in my face. Chuckling I push it open. I see Eden sitting on her chair, glaring at me, but she can’t hide the emotions that are visible there.

Closing the door behind me I step more into the room, not once taking my eyes off the woman that holds my heart.

Once I talked to Drake I went to Jenn’s grave and we had a little chat. I poured everything out to her like I did with Drake and I have to admit it felt good. A weight was lifted off my shoulders. Jenn is gone and nothing I can do will bring her back, but Eden is here, alive and living her life and I want to live it with her.

“Be honest with me. Is it mine?” I ask and take the seat on the other side of the desk.

“Why do you want to know? Do you even really care, Jonny?”

“I deserve those questions, babe. If I explain a few things will you tell me if the baby is mine?” She gives me a silent nod.

“I was married, she was the love of my life but she got shot and killed, over someone looking at another person the wrong way.”

Eden gasps and covers her mouth with her hand, tears filling her eyes. I fill her in on all the gory details of my life after Jenn, becoming a Nomad. About hunting the fuckers down that killed my wife, to being a gun for hire on some occasions but that I mainly just help clubs out when they are in a bind or need an extra hand.

She listens to everything I tell her, adding in my fucked up, alcohol fueled fucks that I had for years but for over a year before seeing her and feeling her, I stopped. Nameless faces weren’t cutting it for me anymore, so I stopped.

I even told her about the bracelets and the note in my saddlebags, and the sun hitting Jenn’s seat when I read the note. It was like she was there giving me her blessing.

“When we first fucked, I knew that you were different, but I pushed the feelings away, because the guilt hit me hard. Then I left and came back, and we fell into a routine and it felt good, but I was still weighed down, then you got hurt that night of the fight and I knew then that I loved you and my heart cracked wide open, so my flight beat my fight that night.

I wish I could take it back, because if this is my baby then I have missed three months of you growing, and

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