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tag="{http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml}a">484. human soul take, 552. ne'er stoops to earth her, 523. oblivion stretch her, 347. quill from an angel's, 484. Wings, add speed to thy, 229. at heaven's gate she claps her, 32. chickens under her, 841. clip an angel's, 574. flies with swallow's, 97. flung rose from their, 238. friendship is love without, 560. girt with golden, 243. golden hours on angel's, 450. healing in his, 836. in tears, dip their, 632. lend your, 335. lends corruption lighter, 322. like a dove, oh that I had, 820. love without his, 560. of all the winds, 23. of an ostrich, 590. of borrowed wit, 200. of night, falls from the, 614. of silence, float upon the, 244. of the morning, 824. of the wind, fly upon the, 818. of winds came flying, on, 327. on wide-waving, 424. riches make themselves, 828. sailing on obscene, 501. seem to walk on, 339. shadow of thy, 818. spreads his light, 333. that which hath, 831. Winged Cupid is painted blind, 57. hours of bliss, 514. sea-girt citadel, 541. the shaft, 539. Wink, I have not slept one, 160. Winkie, wee Willie, 679. Winking Mary-buds, 159. Winning wave, 201. world worth the, 272. Winsome wee thing, 450. Winter comes to rule, 356. in his bounty, no, 159. in thy year, no, 438. is past, for lo the, 832. lingering chills the lap of May, 394. loves a dirge-like sound, 486. my age is as a lusty, 67. of our discontent, 95. ruler of the inverted year, 420. weeds outworn, her, 566. when the dismal rain, 667. wind, blow blow thou, 70. Winters more, ran he on ten, 276. Winter's day, man's life like a, 263. day, sunbeam in a, 358. fury, withstood the, 671. head, crown old, 259. Wintry world, in this, 524. Wipe a bloody nose, 349. my weeping eyes, 303. Wiped away the weeds, 598. our eyes of drops, 69. with a little address, 416. Wisdom, all men's, 861. and wit are born with a man, 195. and wit are little seen, 312. apply our hearts unto, 822. at one entrance, 230. beyond the rules of physic, 167. crieth without, 824. earth sounds my, 344. finds a way, 444. from another's mishaps, 713. in the scorn of consequence, 623. is better than rubies, 825. is humble, 422. is justified of her children, 839. is rare in youth and beauty, 343. is the gray hair unto men, 836. is the principal thing, 825. is the result of human, 375. lingers but knowledge comes, 626. man of years, the man of, 309. married to immortal verse, 481. [1147]mounts her zenith, 433. nearer when we stoop, 479. never lies, 342. not acquired by years, 700. of many, wit of one, 861. of our ancestors, 407. overmatch for strength, 715. point of, to be silent, 729. price of, is above rubies, 817. seems the part of, 420. shall die with you, 816. short saying contains much, 697. spirit of, 833. staple of all, 409. the prime, 237. therefore get, 825. vain, all and false philosophy, 228. wake, though, 231. will not enter, there, 594. with each studious year, 544. with mirth, who mixed, 399. world is governed with little, 195. Wisdom's aid, friend of pleasure, 390. gate, suspicion sleeps at, 231. part, this is, 362. school, saint in, 181. self oft seeks solitude, 244. Wise above that which is written, 845. all that men held, 217. amazed temperate and furious, 120. among fools, to be, 721. and masterly inactivity, 457. and salutary neglect, 408. as serpents, 839. as the frogs, 352. be lowly, 237. be not worldly, 203. beacon of the, 102. coffee makes the politician, 326. consider her ways and be, 825. convey the, it call, 45. defer not to be, 295. do never live long, so, 97. dreams, fly with thy, 342. exceeding, fair spoken, 101. excel, arts in which the, 279. father knows his own child, 62. follies of the, 365. folly to be, 382. fool doth think he is, 71. for cure on exercise depend, 270. good to be merry and, 9, 37, 450. great men are not always, 817. he bids fair to grow, 712. healthy wealthy and, 360. histories make men, 168. how cautious are the, 345. if you are wise, be, 701. in his own conceit, 828. in show, 252. in their own craftiness, 816. in your own conceits, 844. is he that can himselven knowe, 4. little, the best fools be, 177. little too, 172. made lowly, 475. man is strong, 828. man poor like a sacred book, 181. man, silence an answer to a, 730. man, to discover a, 765. man's son, every, 75. men avoid the faults of fools, 725. men profit more by fools, 725. men's counters, words are, 200. no man is born, 790. passiveness, in a, 466. person and a fool, difference between, 702. pound foolish penny, 186. saws and modern instances, 69. son maketh a glad father, 825. so young never live long, so, 97. spirits of the, sit in the clouds, 89. swift is less than to be, 341. teach a monarch to be, 387. the only wretched are the, 287. the reverend head, 303. through time, 337. to resolve patient to perform, 342. to talk with our past hours, 307. to-day, be, 306. type of the, 485. well to be merry and, 689. what is it to be, 319. wine can of their wits the, beguile, 345. with speed be, 311. words of the, 832. Wisely, charming never so, 821. one that loved not, 156. whatever you do do, 802. who reasons, 320. worldly, be, 203. Wiser and better grow, 670. being good than bad, 650. for his learning, no man is, 195. in his own conceit, 828. in their generation, 842. second thoughts are ever, 699. than a daw, no, 93. than the children of light, 842. Wisest brightest meanest of mankind, 319. censure, mouths of, 152. man who is not wise, 472. may be perplexed, the, 408. men not the greatest clerks, 3, 17. men, relished by the, 389. of men, Socrates the, 241. to entrap the, 63. virtuousest best, 238. Wish and care, man whose, 334. her stay, who saw to, 237. his religion an anxious, 578. not what we, 390. was father to that thought, 90. Wishes, all their country's, 389. in idle, fools supinely stay, 444. lengthen like our shadows, 309. never learned to stray, their sober, 385. soon as granted fly, whose, 488. stilled, be my vain, 674. Wished devoutly to be, 135. she had not heard it, 150. Wishing, content myself with, 376. of all employments, 308. [1148]Wishings, good meanings and, 205. Wist, beware of had I, 9.
Wit, a man in, 335. and gay rhetoric, 246. among lords, 369. and wisdom are little seen, 312. and wisdom born with a man, 195. brevity is the soul of, 133. brightens, how the, 324. cause that, is in other men, 88. eloquence and poetry, 260. enjoy your dear, 246. fault of a penetrating, 796. for so much room there is no, 222. hast so much, 300. her, was more than man, 270. high as metaphysic, 210. in a jest, whole, 196. in the combat, whose, 519. in the fountain of, 706. in the very first line, 399. invites you, his, 415. is a feather, 319. is out when age is in, 52. men of, will condescend, 290. miracle instead of, 311. mouses, not worth a leke, 4. much, but shy of using it, 209. nature dressed is true, 323. ne'er beware of my own, 67. no room for, heads so little, 222. of one, wisdom of many, 861. one man's, all men's wisdom, 861. piety nor, shall lure it back, 768. plentiful lack of, 133. put his whole, in a jest, 196. shines at the expense of his memory, 800. skirmish of, there 's a, 50. so narrow human, 323. sum of Shakespeare's, 600. that can creep, 328. the Scotch are void of, 389. to mortify a, 329. too fine a point to your, 792. too proud for a, 399. will come, and fancy, 336. will shine, 270. wine beguile the wise of, 345. wings of borrowed, 200. with dunces, 331. Wits, dunce with, 331. encounter of our, 96. good, jump, 791. great, jump, 378. home-keeping youth have homely, 44. lord among, 369. so many heads so many, 10. to madness near allied, 267. write pen devise, 55. Wit's end, at their, 12, 823. Witch hath power to charm, 127. the world with noble horsemanship, 86. Witches steal young children, 187. Witchcraft, hell of, 163. this only
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