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is the, I have used, 151. Witchery of the soft blue sky, 468. Witching time of night, 139. Witchingly instil a sweetness, 357. With thee, there 's no living, 300. Wither, his leaf also shall not, 818. her, age cannot, 157. Withered and shaken, 584. and so wild in their attire, 116. in their pride, 643. is the garland of the war, 159. when true hearts lie, 521. Withering fled, hope, 551. on the ground, 338. on the stalk, maidens, 477. on the virgin thorn, 57. Withers are unwrung, our, 138. at another's joy, 355. Within, I have that, which passeth show, 127. is good and fair, 503. it hardens a, 448. one of her, 297. that awful volume lies, 494. that 's innocent, 329. they that are, would fain go out, 176. Without or this or that, 322. thee I cannot live, 569. Thee we are poor, 421. they that are, would fain go in, 176. Witnesses, cloud of, 848. Witty in myself, I am not only, 88. it shall be not long, 353. to talk with, 256. words though ne'er so, 25. Wives are young men's mistresses, 165. men with mothers and, 585. strawberry, 171. Wiving and hanging go by destiny, 63. Wizards that peep and mutter, 833. Woe, aged in this world of, 542. Altama murmurs to their, 398. amid severest, 381. awaits a country, 489. being not unacquainted with, 185. bowed down by weight of, 561. by some degree of, 377. checkered paths of joy and, 362. day of, the watchful night, 508. deepest notes of, 452. doth tread upon another's heel, 143. every, a tear can claim, 548. fig for care fig for, 9. gave signs of, 239. heritage of, 551. is me to have seen what I have, 136. Jove gave us, 339. life protracted is protracted, 365. luxury of, 518. man of, not always a, 487. melt at others', 335, 346. mockery of, the, 335. not always a man of, 487. of years, knelled the, 646. pilot of my proper, 552. ponderous, though a, 289. raging impotence of, 341. rearward of a conquered, 162. sabler tints of, 386. silence in love bewrays more, 25. [1149]sleep the friend of, 508. smiles of joy the tears of, 524. source of my bliss and, 398. succeeds a woe, 202. teach me to feel another's, 334. that ever felt another's, 340. touch of joy or, 389. trappings and suits of, 127. truth denies all eloquence to, 551. Woes cluster, 308. from woman rose, what mighty, 345. historian of my country's, 342. new wail with old, 161. rare are solitary, 308. shall serve for sweet discourses, 108. starry Galileo with his, 545. tear that flows for others', 424. unnumbered, 336. Woe-begone, so dead in look so, 88. Wold not when he might, 405. Wolf dwell with the lamb, 833. from the door, 8. howling of the, 38. on the fold, like the, 551. Wolves, silence ye, 331. Woman a contradiction at best, 322. among all those, not found a, 830. and may be wooed, she 's a, 104. believe a, or an epitaph, 539. brawling, in a wide house, 827. contentious, 829. could play the, with mine eyes, 124. dare, what will not gentle, 507. destructive damnable deceitful, 280. died, the saint sustained it the, 335. excellent thing in, 149. for thy more sweet understanding a, 54. frailty thy name is, 128. fury of a disappointed, 296. good name in man and, 153. hath nine lives like a cat, 16. hell contains no fouler fiend than, 345. how divine a thing, may be made, 475. I hate a dumpy, 556. in her first passion, 557. in our hours of ease, 490. in this humour wooed, 96. in this humour won, 96. in unwomanly rags, 585. is at heart a rake, 321. is fair, die because a, 199. is woman's natural ally, 698. laborin' man and laborin', 658. laid old Troy in ashes, 280. lays his hand upon a, 463. light of a dark eye in, 544. like a dewdrop, 644. lost Mark Antony the world, 280. lovely woman, O, 280. loves her lover, 557. man delights not me no nor, 134. man that is born of, 817. mist is dispelled by, 348. moved is like a fountain troubled, 73. nature made thee to temper man, 280. O woman, perfect, 183. of her word, honest, 63. one hair of a, 191. one that was a, 143. perfect, nobly planned, 475. perfected, earth's noblest thing, 656. poor Ione, 89. preaching, 371. scorned, no fury like a, 294. she is a, 93, 104. should be good for everything at home, 699. smiled, till, 513. still be a, to you, 305. still gentler sister, 448. stoops to folly, when lovely, 403. stranger thing is, 559. such duty, oweth to her husband, 73. supper with such a, 561. take an elder, let the, 75. take some savage, 626. that deliberates is lost, 298. that seduces all mankind, 348. therefore may be won, 104. therefore may be wooed, 104. therefore to be won, 93. thou large-brain'd, 621. trusted a secret to a, 725. what mighty ills done by, 280. what mighty woes from, 345. widow, 815. will or won't depend on 't, 313. Woman's breast his favourite seat, 482. counsel, a virtuous, 36. eye, black is a pearl in a, 35. eye, such beauty as a, 55. eyes, light that lies in, 522. faith and woman's trust, 494. heart, the way to hit a, 597. looks, my only books were, 522. love, brief my lord as, 138. love, paths to a, 198. mood, fantastic as a, 492. nay stands for naught, 163. praise, sweeter sound of, 593. reason, no other but a, 44. whole existence, love is, 556. will, current of a, 670. will, torrent of a, 313. work is never done, 688. Woman-country! wooed not wed, 647. Womanhood and childhood, 614. Womankind, best of, 346. faith in, 630. Womb of morning dew, 28. of nature, wild abyss the, 229. of pia mater, in the, 55. of the morning, 823, 851. of uncreated night, 227. Women, alas the love of, 557. and brave men, 542. and song, wine, 811. bevy of fair, 240. England is a paradise for, 192. faded for ages, 648. find few real friends, 377. framed to make, false, 151. have no character, most, 321. hear these tell-tale, 97. in their first passion, 796. [1150]Italy is a hell for, 192. lamps shone o'er fair, 542. men and, merely players, 69. must weep, 664. pardoned all except her face, 559. passing the love of, 815. pleasing punishment of, 50. seven, take hold of one man, 833. sweet is revenge to, 556. wear the breeches, 186. went astray, if weak, 287. when Achilles hid himself among, 219. wine and, 188, 557. wish to be who love their lords, 392. won't, when you will, 703. words are, deeds are men, 206. Women's eyes, from, 56. weapons water-drops, 146. Won, grace that, 237. nor lost, neither, 672. not unsought be, 237. she is a woman therefore to be, 93. showed how fields were, 396. though baffled oft is ever, 548. was ever woman in this humour, 96. when the battle 's lost and, 145. Wonder, all mankind's, 279. grew, still the, 397. how the devil they got there, 327. last but nine deies, 6. nine days', 616. of an hour, 541. of Juliet's hand, white, 108. of our stage, the, 179. what I was begun for, 689. where you stole 'em, 290. without our special, 122. Wonders, hair on end at his own, 420. that I yet have heard, 112. to perform, his, 423. Wonderful is death, how, 567. most wonderful, 70. their unanimity is, 441. thy love to me was, 815. yet again, 70. Wonderfully and fearfully made, 824. Wondering for his bread, 420. Wondrous excellence, 163. kind, makes one, 387. pitiful, 't was, 150. strange, this is, 133. strong yet lovely in your strength, 544. sweet and fair, so, 220. Won't, if she, she won't, 313. Wonted fires, e'en in our ashes, 385. Woo her, and that would, 151. her as the lion wooes his brides, 392. men are April when they, 71. Wood, born in a, 202. deep and gloomy, 467. drudgery at the desk's dead, 509. land to plant a, 289. not stones nor, make a state, 437. old, burns brightest, 181. one impulse from a vernal, 466. sighs to find them in the, 573. till Birnam, do come, 125. till Birnam, remove, 124. to burn, old, 171. what, a cudgel 's by the blow, 213. Woods against a stormy sky, 569. and pastures new, fresh, 248. are full of them, 860. Greta, are green, 492. have eares, 17. or steepy mountains,
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