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Book online «Cross My Heart Elizabeth Morgan (novels for beginners TXT) 📖». Author Elizabeth Morgan

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temper, but Jesus, Alexis gave him a runfor his money.

I put down the firstframe and picked up the third, a black and white baby scan:Heather.

Once again, I felt myeyes grow sore as I starred at the scan. My cousin had tried sohard for a normal life. She had done everything she was told shehad to, everything she was trained to do. She still hunted. Shestill protected her family and all the innocent, clueless people ofthis world, but it wasn’t enough. The small piece of normality shehad put so much effort into moulding toward some resemblance of ahappy life had been snatched away from her. Her husband had nevereven got to meet his baby—a baby that was infected on the night hedied. Because he died. Because Alexis was still fighting, stilldoing her duty even while she was pregnant. Even though Sofia hadtold her she would lose Dorian. Even while she watched him devouredbefore her eyes.

She had deserved somuch more than what had happened to her. As had Dorian.

I put the frame downand wiped my eyes.

“You okay?”

“Fine.” I coughed awaythe lump forming in my throat. “Just a little tired, I guess.”

“I’m not surprised.You’ve been up all night. You should go and get some sleep.”

“I’m okay.”

“You’re not going t’beany good to anyone if you can’t keep your eyes open.”

As I turned toprotest, my gaze fell on a bag wedged between the side table andthe end of the sofa. I crossed the few meters and dropped down tomy knees, pulling it out. The black sports bag was already open, aman’s limited selection of T-shirts, jeans, toiletries, and othernecessities all shoved inside.

I held a green T-shirtout to Nathan. “Can you smell anything?”

“You want me t’sniffanother dude’s top?” He arched an eyebrow at me, his nosewrinkling. “That’s nasty.”

“Than, if you can geta scent of some kind, then it might help us.”


“The same way metaking a photo of this Brendan will. You might pick up on it whenwe’re out looking for them.”

He pinched the greenmaterial between his right thumb and index finger, pulling itslowly from my grasp. He held it up, the material dangling in frontof his face. “This isn’t right.”

I rolled my eyes.“Quit being a wimp.”

“If I’m a wimp, whatare you?”

“I’m a human whereasyou’re a Vampire with a heightened sense of smell.”

“You always have ananswer for everything, don’t you?”

“Just smell the damnT-shirt, you big girl.”

He leant forward andtook a sniff. Disgust crinkled his features.

“Can’t smell much. Alittle BO, a hint of cologne, and a sort of …” He reluctantlysniffed again, “I don’t know. A kinda wet dog smell.”

“Okay. Good. Try andremember it.”

“I don’t think I’mgoing t’be able to forget it.” He flung the T-shirt back at me,which I caught before it hit me in the face.

Further searchingproved useless. There was no wallet or passport, anything thatmight tell me where this so-called Werewolf lived. The only helpfulthing was a pair of black trainers, which I handed to Nathan.

“Now you want met’wear his shoes?”

“You want to continuewalking around barefoot?”

He took the trainersand glanced inside. “They’re two sizes too big.”

“Well, either them orI can see if Sofia or Heather have any.”

“Because ladies’trainers are so much better?”

“As long as they’renot bright pink with hearts and butterflies, who will know?” Istood. “Besides, it’s not like you’re going t’be seeing anyoney’know.”

“Doesn’t mean I wantt’look like an eejit for the people I may accidentally bumpinto.”

“You look like aneejit regardless of the trainers.”

“Takes one to knowone,” he grumbled before pulling his tongue out at me.

“God, you’re such achild.” I folded my arms over my chest. “Look, trust me, girls’trainers might draw attention away from the fact you look halfdead.”

“I amdead.”

“That’s my point.” Myheart lurched as his expression flattened slightly. “Rummagethrough the Werewolf’s clothes and then go get a shower. I will goand see if I can find some alternative footwear for you, which maybe possible as Heather has never been a girly girl.”

“I don’t think theWerewolf will like me borrowing his clothes.”

I couldn’t imagine anyWerewolf being happy about a Vampire wearing his clothes, but therehad been no clothes shops open on the ferry or in the services onthe way here. So really, what choice did he have?

“Well, it’s betweenhis, Heather’s, or Sofia’s. Choice is yours.”

He pulled the sportsbag across the floor and dipped inside. A smile stretched his lipsas he pulled out deodorant and cologne. “At least I won’t smelllike a girl.”

“Thank God for smallgraces.” I wandered to the living room door. “Oh, there should besome of Heather’s mixture in the fridge. You know, if you’rethirsty. It’s been a few hours—”

“I will take alook.”

Cutting across thehallway, I climbed the stairs, each upward step beating home thefact that I was actually pretty exhausted, but resting wasn’t anoption.

I paused at the top ofthe narrow landing. My gaze tripped over the darkened space. Fourdoors lined the walls, all closed, which seemed odd. Was it normalfor people to close all the doors in their house when they weren’thome?

If anyone would havebeen up here that shouldn’t have, I’m sure they would have beenfrightened off by now, or alternatively, they would have comecharging down the stairs. Nevertheless, my hand still took itsusual position on my right hip mere inches away from the blade Ihad holstered earlier.

I turned to my leftand reached for the handle to the nearest door, pushing the panelwide and glancing into the dark room. My left hand skimmed the wallyet again searching for a light switch. In an instant, the lightpopped on.

I automatically notedthat this room was as void of any character as the kitchen anddining room. Sure, the furniture matched, and the colour scheme wasthe same for the bedding and curtains—a deep red, which seemedsomewhat ironic. For all I knew, I could have been standing in ahotel room right now. There was no personality.

The only tell-talesign that I had just stepped inside my cousin’s bedroom was the oddhair accessory resting on the vanity table situated against thewall facing the end of the bed. That, and a single frame of what Icould only presume held a photograph of Alexis and Dorian, whichsat on the bedside table.

I moved

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