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to witness his grief for one moment longer. She reached out her hand and took his, but he would not meet her eye.

What could she say? He’d been so careful to hide this brokenness from her, trying desperately to reinvent an identity that was separate from the monstrous one he’d taken to heart. If only he’d shared his vulnerability sooner, maybe things would have been different. Maybe he would never have walked into those woods alone that day. It was almost too painful to consider. She squeezed his hand, and she felt some of her long-burning anger ebb away. She knew now why their marriage had really died. How could a man truly love her when he hated himself?

* * *

Beckett was grateful that Jude rapped a knuckle on the hospital room door and stuck his head in. The conversation was reaching the point of intolerability. Trent Clouder in a fire-department T-shirt followed Jude into the room, carrying a bunch of yellow carnations.

“The volunteers wanted you to have some flowers,” Clouder said.

“Thank you so much, but I hope you didn’t drive all the way from Furnace Falls to bring me flowers.”

He shrugged. “I was on scene with the ambulance. When we got the details of what had happened and who the victim was…” He shook his head. “Well, it just about blew my mind. When Pauline was in town, she mentioned her brother, just said he was in and out of trouble, but she adored him. Never figured she meant he was that out of control.”

Beckett wondered exactly how much time the two had spent together for that kind of information to come out. Jude beat him to the question.

“So you spoke to her when she came back to Furnace Falls?” Jude asked.

He nodded. “Couple days before she was murdered.”

Beckett flinched.

Jude hooked his thumbs on his belt. “You didn’t mention it before.”

And he hadn’t elaborated much with Beckett either.

Trent shrugged. “Not a lot to say. We had coffee. She told me she was staying at the Hotsprings. I gave her my number and told her I’d like to take her out to dinner while she was in town, but…well, we never got the chance.”

“Did she seem upset?” Jude asked. “Preoccupied with something?”

“No, more excited, I’d say. She didn’t mention anything specific.”

Jude cocked his head. “I’m still trying to digest what you’re saying. You didn’t come forward to tell us any of this after her body was found.”

Trent’s cheeks went dusky. “I was trying to keep my marriage together. My wife was threatening divorce, and I didn’t want to give her any more ammo, you know?”

Ammo, like asking another woman out for dinner? Beckett tried to keep his feelings from showing.

“Anyway, it was just that one conversation over coffee, so I didn’t think it would have been particularly helpful.”

“How did Kenny know where we were?” Laney said.

“Herm,” Beckett said. “He told me a guy called the hotel asking about a starlight tour. Herm filled him in on the details without thinking, our usual stops, etc. After he hung up, Herm got to thinking he’d made a mistake and called me at the borax works. Kenny was able to put together where we were, but I still wonder if he had some inside help. Maybe from Rita?”

“Rita? Your hotel guest?” Clouder’s expression was alive with curiosity. “The one asking the librarian about you?”

“Actually,” Jude said, “I need to talk to Laney right now and get my facts straight. Would you mind stepping out, Trent?”

“No problem. I was leaving anyway.” He laid the bouquet on the table. “Everyone will be thrilled to know you and the baby are okay.” He kissed her cheek before he left the room.

Beckett felt a prickle of annoyance. A kiss? And how had Trent known about Laney’s pregnancy?

He could tell by the look on his cousin’s face that Jude was also pondering that question.

“Laney,” Jude said, “I’m sorry, but I’ve got to ask you to tell me everything you remember about what happened from the time you left the borax works.”

Beckett’s gut squeezed at the look of fear that trickled across Laney’s delicate features. His rage that Kenny had terrorized her, hunted her like an animal, made it hard for him to breathe.

“She needs rest, Jude. Can’t it wait?”

Jude turned a gaze on him that was not completely without warmth. “You know it can’t,” he said calmly. “So you stay in here and remain silent, or you step out in the hallway, but either way, you don’t interrupt. Got me?”

Beckett swallowed. He knew his cousin was right. “All right,” he said, taking a seat in the hard-backed chair, steeling himself as Laney began to relive the nightmare all over again.


Laney had not thought she could produce so many tears, but relating the facts to Jude unleashed torrents of them that subsided into shuddering gasps. True to his word, Beckett did not speak, but he rose from his chair. The feel of his work-toughened hands, caressing her fingers, transferred some strength to her, and she was able to make it through.

Jude closed his notebook. “You did real well, Laney. Couldn’t ask for more. I’ve got to go now, but I can tell you, once Mom hears about this, she’s going to camp out on your doorstep with soup and cookies.”

Laney giggled and wiped her eyes. “Admiral and I will be thrilled to partake of Aunt Kitty’s cookies, especially if they’re the walnut-and-date kind.”

“Oh, they will be,” he said. “And I’ll get her a fresh box of dates from Duff’s farm to seal the deal.”

“Those are the best dates in the world,” Laney said. The guests at the Hotsprings Hotel usually concurred after they toured the little family-run farm.

“Uh-huh. Whenever I pick them up, I get chapter and verse on that from Duff. I’ll see you soon.”

Beckett walked Jude to the door, their voices too low for her to hear. She caught only Beckett’s heartfelt, “Thank you, Jude. I mean, thanks for coming yourself instead of sending someone.”


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