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she could take over the political and corporate duties as dynastic heiress. “No worries. Thank you for letting us come on such short notice.”

“You’re always welcome.” She was dressed in a sophisticated, knee-length business dress in a soft blue hue that complemented her teal eyes. As usual, her auburn hair was pulled into a sleek ponytail that swayed with each step.

“We appreciate it all the same,” Saera added. “You look happy.”

“Yeah, things are good.” Raena sighed. “Well, they were.”

“Not to worry. By the end of this visit, we hope to be one step closer to a solution to these new problems,” Wil tried to reassure her.

“Oh, it’s not just the issues with the Rift. Of all times, we’ve been hearing rumblings of discontent in the Outer Colonies.”

Saera groaned. “When isn’t there? That’s half of what the TSS deals with these days, it seems.”

“No, this is different.” Raena frowned. “It’s more organized.”

“We’ll look into it, but we have higher priorities right now.” Saera sounded calm and confident, but Wil sensed her concern beneath the surface.

“Sorry, yeah.” Raena ran her fingers along the hairline of her forehead—a tell for anxious nerves she’d had since she was little. “A lot has hit all at once. You know how it is.”

“No need to explain,” her mother soothed.

Wil nodded. “We’ll try to be quick here so you can get back to your other responsibilities.”

“I’m yours for the rest of the day.” She smiled. “And grandma and grandpa will be here soon.”

“We’re looking forward to catching up,” Saera said.

“Let’s go get a drink,” their daughter suggested.

“Sounds perfect.” Saera gave her a squeeze before Raena led them down the corridor, deeper into the estate.

Wil had been to the island on several occasions since the Priesthood’s fall, but at the time of those previous tours, few changes had yet been made to the estate. The largest building on the isle was the former monastery—though it hadn’t served any genuine religious function for thousands of years. The light stone walls had withstood the test of time, still displaying fine, detailed carvings along the peaked archways and embellished window casings. Like almost every aristocratic structure in the Taran Empire, there were sophisticated electronic systems integrated with the handcrafted architectural accents. The resulting effect was timeless and elegant.

During past visits, an eerie energy had hung over the space. Part of it, no doubt, was his memory of seeing the corrupt Priesthood’s imprisoned victims and the ultimate confrontation with the Priests who’d become twisted by their lust for absolute power. Their dark deeds had left a taint in the place that was slowly being stripped away through Raena and Ryan’s efforts. The young couple was in the process of making the isle into their home. With Ryan’s ancestral estate buried, the Priesthood’s former administrative center was a fitting place to reclaim as the Dainetris Dynasty’s seat of power.

“We don’t really have any festivities planned,” Raena said as she walked ahead through the airy corridor. “The arrangements being last-minute and all.”

“No worries,” Wil replied. “We have our own itinerary in mind.”

“I also thought that might be the case.” She smiled knowingly at him over her shoulder. “What’s the deal?”

“You said my parents are en route?”

She nodded.

“Then I’ll explain once they’re here. No sense going over the same information multiple times.”

Raena sighed softly but didn’t push the matter.

“Is Ryan still working?” Saera asked.

“Yeah, an issue came up late-morning that’s had him busy all day. The ship dealers keep getting greedier and bolder.”

Wil shook his head. “I’ve never understood why some people feel the need to take advantage of others.”

“I know, right?” His daughter shook her head. “Speaking of which, apparently we’re the bad guys to some people. Can you believe it? If they only knew.”

“What makes you say that?” Saera asked.

Raena waved her hand. “New round of civilian protests, this time on Duronis. They put up a bunch of posters about freedom being power, or something, and then scribbled about how Sietinen controls the High Council and the TSS, so what’s next?”

Wil and Saera exchanged glances. “Have you heard anything about that?” he asked her telepathically.

“No, news to me. But that’s the planet where Renfield, the hiring contractor for the Andvari, is based, isn’t it?”

“Yes.” Though Wil hoped there wasn’t a connection, they’d need to follow up. “When was this?” he questioned his daughter.

“This morning.”

“Well, I’m sure we’ll hear about it if the situation escalates. That planet is definitely one to keep an eye on,” Saera said. “I’ll ask Michael to have the Communications team keep an ear out.”

“We have enough to worry about with this Rift situation, so we’ll need to leave the civil unrest management to the Guard for now. However, we should take another look at Renfield once we get back to Headquarters.”


The silent conversation only took a second, but Raena’s advanced senses must have picked up on the energy of the telepathic exchange. “This is a work visit, isn’t it?”

“We’re very happy to get this chance to see you, but yes,” Saera confirmed. “I’m sorry if we’re distracted.”

“No, I get it.” The disappointment came through in Raena’s tone, though Wil had no doubt she did understand.

Nevertheless, Wil felt guilty that their time together was tied to other business more often than not. “I know it’s only the same transit time as a cross-country flight back on Earth, but I don’t like being on the other side of the galaxy and seeing you so infrequently.”

“It’s not like any of us can easily take time off. I love you guys, and that won’t change no matter how long we go between visits.”

“Love you, too.” Saera hugged her daughter. “I’m looking forward to seeing more of what you’ve done with the place.”

“We can go on a tour when

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