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Book online «Empire Reborn (Taran Empire Saga Book 1): A Cadicle Space Opera A.K. DuBoff (guided reading books TXT) 📖». Author A.K. DuBoff

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TSS for training.”

“I can’t even put into words how much it means to me to see that come to pass,” Cris said with a joyful sheen to his eyes. “I was almost disowned for wanting to embrace my abilities.”

Kate rubbed his shoulder. “Me too. But I can’t blame our parents for feeling that way at the time. The Priesthood had done masterful work espousing the dangers of our Gifts, making the punishment for violating the law too severe to take the risk.”

“Of everything we’ve done, the most meaningful will always be reversing the ban on public use of telekinesis,” Cris said, heartfelt emotion coloring his tenor voice. “No one should have to ignore an innate part of themselves.”

“To my dying breath, I will fight to make sure that never happens again,” Wil said.

“I know all of us will,” Kate agreed. “We need to be patient. The Taran Empire is still finding its new cultural identity now that the Priesthood’s controlling grip has been removed. Being reborn anew. We can be stewards, but we can’t force the process.”

“And already people are making calls for independence rather than taking this opportunity to unify.” Wil shook his head and sighed.

“They’ll come around. I have no doubt,” Cris assured him.

“Leave the peacekeeping to the Guard,” Saera said. “And we weren’t supposed to talk about work stuff tonight.” She glanced at Wil.

“Sorry,” he said bashfully. “I can’t help it.”

“We’ve lived and breathed this life for too long,” Cris said. “I guess it’s inevitable that you become your career when you’re this invested.”

Wil nodded. “Like we were saying before.”

Born and bred to fulfill a role. Her parents had been crafty about it, but Raena couldn’t help looking back on her childhood with new light. Ballet as a toddler leading to martial arts. Violin lessons. Debate team. Science camp. They’d given her the foundation she needed to be disciplined and agile in both body and mind. Without that, adapting to this crazy life at the forefront of the Taran Empire wouldn’t have been possible.

They tried to keep the conversation lighter for the rest of the meal, finishing with a chocolate confection for dessert.

“Well, we should call it an early night and get at it first thing in the morning,” Wil said when they wrapped up.

“Yes, finding secret stashes is rarely a quick endeavor.” Saera rose from her seat. “That was a great meal, thank you. We eat well in the TSS, but this…” She placed her hand contentedly on her abdomen.

“Indeed. Raena stole our sous chef to head up things here. The guy is amazing,” Cris said with an envious smile toward Raena.

“You can come eat here whenever you want.” She patted his arm. “See you all in the morning, then?”

They said their round of goodbyes and hugs, then Raena and Ryan headed to their suite.

She kicked off her shoes and collapsed on the couch as soon as the door was closed. “I love them, but playing hostess is exhausting.”

“I think it’s good that my mom didn’t come, given the conversation of the evening,” Ryan said.

“Yes, that would have been awkward.”

“I hope they find what they’re looking for tomorrow.”

“Yeah, my parents are more worried about everything than they were letting on today. It seems impossible that going down into the Priesthood’s dungeon could glean any useful information.”

He shrugged. “Who knows what’s down there?”

“I try not to think about it.” Though she’d been enthusiastic about the impending journey into the depths of the underground structure, Raena now found apprehension welling in her chest.

The last time she had been there, it had been to rescue the Priesthood’s captives, whom they’d been using as subjects in their perverse genetic engineering experimentations with the goal of creating a new physical form to unlock enhanced abilities. Raena, herself, had almost fallen victim to their vile designs as a teenager, though she’d escaped before the Priests could carry out their plan to use her as a tool in their bid for ascension.

The experience had altered her perception of life. How could it not? Being ripped from her bedroom at the Sietinen estate in the middle of the night and taken captive in the Priesthood’s underground lab. She’d known about the Taran Empire for less than a week at the time, and yet she had come face-to-face with its deepest levels of perversion and corruption. A cautionary tale about how lusting for power led to terrible ends. Breaking free from them had affirmed her own power and how she could use both her abilities and her social station for good. It was what had shaped her as a young leader, and it’s what made her sensitive to the motivations of others. Ryan had been there by her side during the whole ordeal, and it had brought them together not only as a couple but by giving them a shared vision for how they must always work to avoid the pitfalls of power. They had vowed, together, to never succumb to selfish motives, but to always put their people first.

She’d gladly given up her autonomy for that goal. Though it had meant leaving her parents and brother, she’d do it all again to help her people. Not a day went by that she didn’t thank the stars she’d helped bring down the Priesthood and put an end to that chapter of Taran history.

Sensing her mood, Ryan moved closer to her. “Awful things happened here. Especially down there. But we can overcome anything so long as we have each other.”

“Just like we came together then.” She looked into his eyes, feeling the strength he gave her now, as he had when they were both captured by the Priesthood as teenagers. They had been the lucky ones, escaping within hours. Many others had lost their entire lives.

Ryan placed his hands gently on her shoulders. “You don’t

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