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Book online «First Kiss Last Sara Miller (read after .txt) 📖». Author Sara Miller

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in her mind. He had seemingly gotten in fights over anything. But were they about her? About him wanting her for himself? When he never made a move? That’s the part she doubted. And even if it was true, so what?

Leah closed her eyes and willed herself to sleep. Tried to conjure Cade with her mind. Ready to demand answers. When sleep finally claimed her, she dreamt.

Chapter 19

Football. High school football, to be more specific. Well, she already knew that real-life Cade was not without faults and being at a football game proved dream-Cade wasn’t perfect either. It made what they were sharing feel more real.

Cade’s obsession with local sports was not her thing. He cheered loudly. He knew many of the players. He was familiar with plays and positions. Leah, however, was clueless.

Sure, she had gone to a few games back in the day, but that’s what teenagers did on Friday nights. Especially in a small town, there was nothing else to do. It brought up bittersweet memories. Tonight was different though. Tonight she was with Cade, not watching him and the other boys from the sidelines.

Leah tried to follow the game but it was impossible. Other than knowing which team Cade was rooting for and who was winning, she was lost.

She did enjoy the marching band. In her humble opinion, they gave a decent performance at halftime. The cheerleaders were also fun to watch. Leah would have never guessed Sky was a cheerleader, but she watched with her own two eyes as Sky jumped, kicked, and shouted, leading the crowd along. Cade looked proud. He had played football and been into the whole school spirit thing too, so she guessed it made sense for Sky to be the same way.

Cade seemed genuinely happy to have her with him. He tried keeping an arm around her, but he frequently jumped up to cheer or shout at the ref. Leah sat beside him on the metal bleacher, shivering. The light jacket she wore was not enough. She wished she had a hat and gloves, maybe even her winter coat. She wondered why she wasn’t better prepared in this dream. Thinking about it made her head hurt. She put her icy fingers to her head and rubbed her temples, hoping for relief. Cade noticed her action and looked at her with concern.

“You okay, ba—hun?” He’d almost called her “babe” again but had caught himself. Leah was glad he was making the effort. She smiled awkwardly, trying to hide her shivers.

“Oh my God, you’re freezing!”

“N-n-not r-really,” her voice shook, betraying her.

“Come on!” He pulled her to her feet and down the row.

Leah stepped carefully down the stairs. Her toes were numb.

Cade rubbed her hands as they walked to the concession stand. He bought her a hot chocolate and she spent the first few minutes just holding it, not attempting to drink any.

She held the hot liquid up to her face and blew on it. The steam warmed her chilled cheeks. Leah was sure her nose was red and knew it was not a flattering look.

“Any better?”

She nodded.

“You should tell your face,” he teased and touched her forehead and nose.

She realized she was still grimacing and tried to smile for real. Cade laughed.

“Let’s walk,” he suggested, “get your blood flowing.”

She took a tentative sip of her cocoa before they set out.

“Doesn’t this take you back?” Cade spread his arms out and gazed around, smiling happily.

Leah chose not to respond. Instead, she drank more hot chocolate.

“Remember the game when . . .” Cade kept talking, reliving memory after memory. Leah listened to the cadence of his voice, enjoying his gravelly tone, while she watched the expressions play across his face. His actual words were not registering.

“I loved it. Didn’t you?” He’d finished reminiscing and was waiting for her agreement. When she did not immediately reply, he stopped walking and faced her.

“Um, it was okay . . . I guess.” She shrugged and took another drink.

“You went to the games, I saw you.”

“Going to a few football games with my girlfriends or loving sports and high school, are two completely different things.” Leah could tell her answer was not what he expected. “I mean, I’m glad you liked it!”

“I guess I knew you weren’t into sports too much. Or at least you never really played one.”

“I tried out for volleyball but my boo—” Leah abruptly stopped, mortified by what she almost said.

Cade looked her over. A sly smile stole across his face. He clasped his hands together, thumbs side-by-side, and extended his arms. He looked down at his chest as he mimed bumping a volleyball but his upper arms ran into his sides. He laughed.

“It’s not funny!” she scolded, knocking his arms apart with one hand.

“So the girls got in the way, huh?”

“Yes, yes they did. They also aren’t conducive to running or jumping either, in case you were curious.” She stuck her tongue out at him and walked ahead.

Laughing, Cade jogged to catch up. He captured her free hand and they walked the rest of the way around the field without talking. Cade’s attention was clearly divided between her and the end of the game.

“Come on, I know you want to watch the game. Didn’t someone say this is the last one?”

“It is and I do, but this is as good a spot as any.” Cade stopped along the field, just shy of where most people were watching the game. He tucked her in front of him and wrapped his arms around her. They watched the remainder of the game like that, with Cade’s body warming hers from behind. She twisted her head and got a sweet kiss. Football aside, Leah liked this part.


When the game was over and everyone was leaving, Cade steered her toward the exit.

“Wait, don’t we need to meet Sky?”

“Nope. She’s going home with her friend Kyrsten.” He checked his phone to be sure. “Yup, she’s good.”

“And Liam?” realizing she had not questioned his absence. Cade took

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