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Book online «Duplicity - A True Story of Crime and Deceit Paul Goldman (the mitten read aloud .txt) 📖». Author Paul Goldman

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with plumbers,electricians, tile people, and painters only after the pre-sale ofa house. Since our existing jobs only had a few months untilcompletion, I was faced with some very harsh possibilities. Myworries, however, would have to wait, at least fortonight.

As I had done on ourwedding, night, I prepared the bedroom with candles and flowers,and also made a point of turning off my computer, the instrument ofour electronic arguments. Putting the finishing touches on the bed,I heard the doorbell ring, and I rushed down the stairs to answerit. Our new dog, Queenie, was already at the door, awaiting theentrance of a guest. When I opened it to reveal Audrey, I thought Iheard a faint growl from Queenie. I invited her in, and westruggled to overcome the awkwardness over dinner. Our conversationcentered on the kids, and work, anything other than our recentproblems. Even later, while we prepared for bed, there was still adegree of distance that found us on opposite sides of the room.Wanting to reclaim something like normalcy, I crossed over toher.

Audrey’s long, brown spirals of hair fellabout her shoulders and covered one side of her face. She wasdressed in a simple pale blue nightgown, the same color she wore onour wedding day. I told myself that she had chosen it on purpose,despite the fact that I knew she would never think of somethinglike that. Sentimentality was never one of her strong points.Reaching out my hand to touch her arm, a nervous flutter trembledover me. This was the first time I was going to be with Audrey, orany woman for that matter, in over six months. Naturally, I assumedthe same would be true for her. I shook off my uneasiness, and drewher into me.

Placing my hand gently on the back of herneck, I leaned in to kiss her. Her mouth tasted of wine andtoothpaste, and her lips were drier than I remembered. After amoment, however, the kiss deepened and I lifted my other hand toslowly trace the outline of her hip, and her waist. My armsencircled her as I pressed our bodies together, while her own armsremained hanging and uninvolved. Determined to engage her, I slowlylet a finger travel up her side, exploring her gentle curves, whichled me to her full breast, which I began to stroke slowly.

“Did you miss this?” Iwhispered, hoping she had as much as I did.

“Yes,” was all sheconfessed, but that was also all I needed to hear. I gently urgedher over to the bed so I could move onto other places. Six monthsof memories of lovemaking were finally replaced by the realthing.

Afterwards, we lay side by side on the bedwith only our arms touching. Exhausted and giddy, I whispered inher ear, “Honey, from now on, every night together will be likethis.” Without so much as a pause to let me imagine the possibilityof it, Audrey laid down the law.

“No, no, Paul, we’re goingto set the alarm for 5:45 and you’ll get fifteen minutes. That’sour new beginning.” Well, it wasn't perfect, I thought, but atleast it was a start. I set the alarm for 5:45, and soon exhaustionovercame me and I fell asleep.

At precisely 5:45. thealarm rang. I turned it off, and tenderly reached for Audrey. Shepushed my hand away. “What are you doing, Paul?” she asked, stillgroggy.

“Honey, it's 5:45,” Ireplied expectantly.

“No, Paul. What the hell'sthe matter with you. We had sex last night. That makes up for thismorning. Go back to sleep.”

I could see her point, and I did. I reawoke afew hours later, and shuffled downstairs to prepare a breakfast formy prodigal wife. I was disappointed to find that she and Johnnyhad already eaten. I made myself a cup of coffee, and wasimmediately approached by Audrey who presented me with a piece ofpaper.

“Paul, I printed out thenames and addresses for your checks for the health insurance andthe student loan. Will you send them today?” she asked, without somuch as a smile or good morning. Still feeling groggy, I rubbed myeyes before peering down at the document.

“I’ll check the bankaccount. I’ll see what I can do, honey” I said, with ayawn.

“Please do, Paul. I get acall from these people every day about the student loan. They’rethreatening to put a lien on the house,” she said. Her tone wasserious and she had not moved. Without the aid of caffeine, I wasstill a little cloudy.

“Wait a minute. That can’tbe legal,” I considered aloud. “How can they do that? Your name ison the student loan, but not on this house. Only my name's on thishouse.”

“I don’t know,” shereplied, finally turning away. “That’s what they toldme.”

“That’s just strange. Whydon’t you just give me their number?”

“I don’t have it,” herback was now turned to me as she began to wash the breakfastdishes.

“Well, next time theycall, ask them to talk to me. I want to speak withthem.”

“Sure, Paul,” she said,just above the loud clang of the frying pan. I dropped the matter,picked up my coffee and headed back upstairs to get ready for work.I may have given myself the night off from worrying about mybusiness, but now there was business to be done. I was heading downto Boynton within the hour, leaving Audrey to move the rest of herthings back in the house.

During the separation fromAudrey, it didn't really matter in which house Johnny and I lived,so we stayed in Boynton. I enjoyed its spaciousness, and we bothloved working in the garden. It was still for sale, or for rent,and if either had come through, we would have moved permanentlyto Jupiter Lakes.However, despite lowering both the rental and selling price severaltimes, neither a buyer nor a renter materialized. With the slowdownin my business, it was becoming increasingly more difficult to ownthree houses. Now that Audrey was back, in the coming days I wouldbe moving my files and computer to JupiterLakes.

The day dragged by with nohope of new projects, so I decided to call Jupiter Lakes and enjoy the comfortof knowing someone would be awaiting my call on the otherend.

“Hi honey. How’s itgoing?” I asked, eager for some distraction.

“Oh, it’s going,” she saidbreathlessly, as

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