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Book online «Duplicity - A True Story of Crime and Deceit Paul Goldman (the mitten read aloud .txt) 📖». Author Paul Goldman

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payment on that $1,300 check.Thanks to online banking, it was easy. Confronting Audrey, who wasdue home at five, would be a little more involved.

With each passing minute, I felt my own angergrow. By the time I heard the garage door open, I was irate butcontrolled. I was waiting for her in the kitchen when she enteredwith yet more bags of groceries. Sensing a change in me, Audreygave a barely audible hello and went about the business of puttingaway more groceries.

“Honey, the game is up,” Isaid sternly, emphasizing each syllable. “Tell me the truth thistime. What is FLHC?” I crossed my arms over my chest, determinednot to move until I got an answer. Like before, Audrey turned herback, opened the refrigerator door, and began to organize thefood.


“No.It’s not,” I replied. “The address you gave me to mail the check toisn't your insurance agency. It's a trailer park.It's your trailer park.”

With that, I saw hershoulders stiffen and her movement slowed. I continued, “You don’teven have a Florida Health agent, do you?” Ready for confrontation,my eyes bored into the back of her head. She had to face me andface my questions.

Without a word, Audrey turned away from therefrigerator, picked up her purse, walked out of the door, anddrove away. I was once again left standing in the middle of thekitchen as a trail of ice cream began to leak from the counter.

Our new beginning had lasted four weeks.

Surprised by my own clarity, I wasted no timein contacting my former lawyer, Peter, to once again file fordivorce. I also told him we needed to force Audrey to return my carsince it was in my company’s name and not hers. There was nohesitation about anything this time. I was angry and adamant.Peter, not at all surprised to hear from me again, assured me thathe’d file for a hearing to get my car back, while also recommendingI get another lawyer to represent me in the divorce.

“Sinceyou’re now living in JupiterLakes,” he explained, “the case needs tobe transferred to the northern Palm Beach court. It’s important youfind another lawyer who works in that area because, trust me, youdon’t want to be paying me for all that drive time.” I appreciatedhis candor and thanked him for his help, and I began my search fora new lawyer closer to home. I also changed the locks on the house,again.

* * *

As October came to a close, I was confrontedby the loss of my business, my best friend, and now my wife. Itseemed that I was left with nothing other than the most importantthing, Johnny. Wanting to protect him from all the stress anduncertainty I was facing, I made every effort to maintain stabilityand positivity in the house. That was why I was standing in line atthe local convenience store buying milk and a Darth Vader costume.Halloween was only a few days away and I was determined to keep hisworld immune to my troubles.

Anxious to pick up Johnnyfrom my parents’ so that I could teach him the proper way to handlea light saber, I hurried home to drop off the milk. When I turnedonto our street, however, I was shocked to see my Sienna idling inthe driveway. Also, seeing that no one was in it, I sped into thedriveway and ran into the house prepared for anything. Moving sofast, I literally ran right into Audrey who was standing in thekitchen, collecting all sorts of items from the refrigerator andpantry.

“What are you doing?” Idemanded, and quickly scanned the room to see what else she mightbe making off with.

“Taking a few things Ineed,” she snarled, and threw a roll of toilet paper into the bag.Frozen in disbelief, I racked my brain in search of an appropriateresponse. Should I call the police? Her parents? Why weren’t herparents helping her and their grandchildren? Weren’t they supposedto be worth millions of dollars? And yet she was living in atrailer park? Before I had time to act, Audrey grabbed her bag andmarched right out the door, petting Queenie as she left. I noticedthat Queenie’s tail wagged in response. Traitor.

After the Audrey tornado finished its paththrough my house, I wondered how she has gotten in, even though Ihad changed the locks. Then, it dawned on me. Audrey still had thegarage door opener and, since I never locked the door leading intothe house from the garage, she must have walked right in. Now itwas my turn to pat Queenie as I headed out the door to Home Depotto buy another garage door opener and change the entry code.

* * *

The thermometer providedno drastic signal of the change in seasons, and the holidays passedwith little fanfare, and little to celebrate. Come November, Istruggled to find more than a few things to be thankful for, and byDecember the memories of last year’s Hanukkah party cast a darknesson the festivities that not even the brightest menorah coulddiminish. By January, I was determined that this New Year wouldbring change for the good and the first thing I did was hire a newlawyer.

Adam Nettles was much like my previous lawyerin that he was direct, knowledgeable, and very astute in sizing upAudrey. Disgusted by what he considered her con artistry, Adambelieved we had a very strong case against anything she might tryto throw at us and I was eager to believe him. Before I knew it, wewere sitting in a West Palm Beach courthouse intent on recoveringmy car. Audrey, on the other hand, had other motives. She wasseeking temporary support for the period of our separation.Fortunately, we would be heard first.

“Your Honor, Ms. Munsonalready has a car, a 1997 Honda Accord. She has no need for Mr.Goldman’s car. Besides, it's not her car; it is registered to Mr.Goldman’s corporation,” Adam stated, without regard to Audrey whosat in her seat, expressionless. Judge Andrews nodded, turning hisattention to Audrey.

“Ms. Munson, do you own acar, a 1997 Honda Accord?”

“Yes, Your Honor,” shesaid softly, looking at him with a doe-eyed expression that made megroan. “But it’s not safe.”

“What do you mean it’s notsafe?” the Judge asked as I leaned

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