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seats. Noone cared about the woman standing in the middle of it all.

Eventhough she felt like the odd man out, Celeste didn’t retreat. She would not give Shane, or any other human being for that matter,the satisfaction that they’d broken her. From now on no onewould have that power over her!

Sustained by her new foundconfidence, which hadn’t been brought on by a pint of bourbon,Celeste picked her way through the crowd.

She neared the entrance ofthe auditorium and faltered. There was no mistaking thewide-shouldered brute shadowing the usher.

His eyes drifted over thecrowd, searching. Before she could think of ducking him, his gazepassed over her then swung back. Celeste glanced left and right,looking for a hole in the crowd. Of course, it wouldn’t havemade a difference. Determined intent burned in his pale green eyes,stripping her of all common sense. That had to be the reason why shesimply stood there and watched him push away from the wall and cut adirect path toward her.

In spite of everything,goose bumps run down her arms. Celeste gnashed her teeth. Hecouldn’t just show up out of nowhere and she’d forgivehim for him for walking out on her. She should be livid at hisaudacity. Not turning into a quivering puddle at his feet.

Thankfully,her conscience and not her libido won this fight. Anger in its truestform pulsed through her veins. It vibrated and grew with size witheach step that brought him closer to her. By the time, they stoodtoe to toe, she was so furious she could choke on it.

Readyto rip him a new one, Celeste was caught off guard when he slippedhis arm under hers, and pulled her toward the auditorium entrance.

“What are you doing?”

“You and I are aboutto watch a play.”

“A-after what youdid?” she sputtered angrily.

“We’lltalk later about that.” Shane reached out his hand and wiggledhis fingers. “Now give me your ticket.”

“Iam not sitting with you.” She tried to shake him, but he heldtight, pulling her firmly against his side. Try as she might,Celeste couldn’t deny the ball of heat tiptoeing up her spine. Disgruntled, she slammed her ticket in his palm.

“That’smy girl.”

WhileCeleste stewed, Shane handed the usher their tickets. Thefresh-faced boy tore them in half and offered to show them to theirseats. Shane declined then proceeded to pull her into the auditorium.Of course, she tried digging in her heels, but a man his size wouldtake more strength than she could muster.

“Haven’t youdone enough damage?” she huffed. “W-why don’t youjust leave me alone?”

“That’s justit,” he said, an eyebrow slanting with mocking amusement at hersputtering fury. “I can’t leave you alone.”

Stated so plainly, hisexcuse ran over her like purple prose. Celeste cooled off a bit. Shedidn’t completely forgive him. Oh, no! That would take somepretty good sweet talking or a rhinestone bracelet.

Shanestopped halfway down the stairs, and Celeste slammed into him.“Where’s the curtains?” he mumbled. “And whyis the stage smack dab in the middle?”

“It’s calledtheatre-in-the-round. There’s no background and very fewprops.”

Shane’s expressionturned serious. “Bare bones?”

Celeste nodded.

“So, that means it’sgonna be a strong performance.”

Finding his reasoning odd,Celeste frowned. “Why do you say that?”

“The best fightersdon’t need embellishments.”

“So I guess you fightin a tutu and a top hat.” Celeste grinned. He’d sethimself up for that one.

Shane chuckled at her joke,a deep resonant sound, which dampened the rest of her animosity.“Bare bones.” He puffed out his chest like a rooster.“Nothing but gloves and a pair of silk trunks.”

And she bet he looked mightyfine in them, she mused, her eyes never leaving him as he resumedplaying usher, guiding them to their seats. Pound for pound, he hadto be the fittest man she’d ever come across.

Curious, she asked, “When’syour next bout?”

Shanedeflated right before her eyes. “Two months from now at theGarden.”

Surprised, Celeste’seyes widened. A bout at Madison Square Garden was huge. It was likeplaying the Palace. “Are you ready?”

“I’ve been readyfor the past six years.” Obviously, he didn’t want totalk about it anymore because he turned away from her.

Why he looked practicallygreen around the gills! Was he scared about the fight?

He had her empathy. She’dseen one or two bouts in her day and neither of them ended pretty.One guy’s nose wound up clear on the other side of his face.

Reminded of the blood andcarnage she’d witnessed, Celeste studied Shane’s profile. In short order, she deduced he must’ve been the winner in themajority of them. His nose, albeit a little off center, looked darnnear perfect and there was a thin slivery scar, which slashed acrosshis chin. In all honesty, his battle scars made him only morehandsome.

Celeste frowned. Now she waswaxing all poetic, like some girl in pigtails. And once again she wasallowing her weakness for the opposite sex and low self-worth tooverride everything including her own self-respect.

Silentlystewing over her current predicament, she jumped when someone tappedher on her shoulder. Celeste pivoted around, coming face to face withNettie Hollister, a showgirl she’d once worked with at Small’sParadise.

“I thought that wasyou!” Gaudily dressed in a red satin number with a center splita mile long, Nettie clapped her hands together as if she’d justwon the daily number.

“Howyou’ve been?”

Celestebarely mumbled a reply before the other woman continued, “Canyou believe the turn out? And look at all these other people,”Her eyes lighted on Shane and she winked, “and no one pitchinga fit.”

Since she was sitting with“one of them”, Celeste cracked a wan smile. As ifsensing, her dilemma, Nettie’s eyes widened, then took on thisravenous gleam like a cat spotting a baby bird fallen out its nest. A knowing smile punctuated her intentions and Celeste braced herself.

“I am so rude,”she purred, taking her date’s arm. “Let me introduce youto my beau, Milton Parker. Milton this is Celeste Newsome, an oldassociate of mine from The Inn. She’s one of the finest femalehoofers I’ve ever seen.”

Celeste ignored the addedemphasis on old and friend. Instead, she acknowledged Nettie’sdate with a polite, “hello” and “it’s apleasure to meet you.”

“Please to meet you aswell,” Milton grinned, revealing a gold crown wrapped aroundhis

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