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Book online «Jezebel Koko Brown (best books to read non fiction txt) 📖». Author Koko Brown

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into a burnt orange dress,teetered on swollen ankles.

“Foodand refreshments are in the kitchen,” she drawled, holding outher hand. “Music’s in the par…” The woman’sgaze narrowed on Shane. Celeste held her breath. One never knew howfolks took to having mixed company.

“Who’she with?” she asked.

Celestegripped Shane’s hand and pulled him into the tiny apartment.Since the foyer was smaller than a tinder box, the hostess scuttledbackward.

“He’swith me.” Celeste greased the woman’s palm with a crispfive dollar bill—more than enough to cover a week’s worthof rent.

Amakeshift dance floor had been set up in the living room. They’dremoved most of the parlor furniture and replaced it with severalfolding chairs and a single red light bulb hanging from a cord.

Afew couples cavorted in the middle of the room while music rattledfrom an old phonograph. Others sat around holding plates filled withfood or sipping on mason jars brimming with bathtub gin.

Celeste turned away fromtemptation and headed down a narrow hallway, vaguely smelling ofmothballs.

“Here give me yourcoat,” she said as they entered a small bedroom.

Sparsely furnished, the roomwas tidy and clean. A dresser with a mirror sat against one wall. Awrought iron bed covered with several coats and hats hugged theopposite wall. A little boy, fighting sleep and holding a glass bowlfilled with coins in his lap, sat on a wooden chair next to the bed.

“I need to get in onthis racket,” Shane muttered. “The poor kid should be inbed.”

Hearing Shane’s voice,the child’s eyes flickered open. Celeste bent down to talk tohim. “What’s your name, cutie?”

“Jeremiah,” thesmall boy whispered.

“Well, Jeremiah, howmuch is it to leave our garments with you for safekeeping?”

“A nickel a piece.”

Shane dug in his pocket andpulled out a five dollar bill. “This is for our things and therest of the night. Now climb up on the bed and go to sleep.”

To Celeste’s surprise,the boy gifted Shane with a toothless grin. Holding tightly to thejar, he then climbed on top of the bed and disappeared behind themound of clothing.

“Areyou hungry?”

“Starved,” Shanesaid with a crooked grin. “I’m a growing boy.”

Celesteeyed him up and down and her pulse quickened. Indeed. There wasnothing boyish about Shane Brennan.


WithShane on her heels, they skirted the living room where bodiesglistened with sweat and limbs jerked in time to Jelly Roll Morton’sWolverine Blues,like chickens trying to fly.

Inthe kitchen, Celeste picked up two plates off the sideboard. Ignoring several sideway glances, she handed both to Shane.

“Here,” shesaid. “You hold these while I fill them.”

Armed with a game plan andShane on her heels, Celeste sidled over to the kitchen table andjoined a line five people deep. Of course, the procession movedslowly. People always took their time when feeding their faces.

Starving by the time theirturn came, Celeste abandoned her strategy. Instead, she would pileboth of their plates with a little bit of everything.

Plate in hand, a tall, lankyfellow in a royal blue zoot suit slipped in front of her.

Indifferent company, Celeste would’ve ripped into him. She wastrying to repair her reputation with Shane not completely destroy italtogether. Going against her baser instincts, she pressed her lipstogether and silently bored holes into his back.

As if suddenly sensing hercursing him to hell and back, the jerk glanced over his shoulder. “You don’t mind if I cut in, do you?” Not botheringto wait for her reply, he picked up a serving spoon and ladled somechitterlings.

“I mind.” Shaneshot forward so fast, he moved in a blur. He hooked a finger insidethe other man’s collar, clamped his other hand on his shoulderand pulled him out of line.

“Hey!” Caughtup, the fellow tried to jerk around. Shane was just too light on hisfeet and the two ended up circling the kitchen.

Tired and sweating, theother man eventually slumped against the kitchen sink.

“Had enough?”

“Throw him out,”a woman behind Celeste jeered.

“Yeah,” anotherspoke up. “Make him pound pavement.”

Ignoring the peanut gallery,Shane rattled the man’s collar. “Had enough?” herepeated.

“Get your dirty mittsoff me,” the man wheezed.

“Back of the line?”

Theman shuffled his feet and mumbled incoherently. Afraid this could goeither way, Celeste held her breath.

Again,Shane jerked the man’s collar. “Back of the line orleave.”

“I-I’m gone,”he choked. “I’m gone.”

Shanespun the guy around and released him. Disoriented from being let goso abruptly, the man stumbled forward, crashing into the ice box. Hebounced off it then staggered from the room.

Celestedidn’t witness his walk of shame. She feasted on Shane as helumbered back over to her side. His chivalry had to be the sexiestthing she’d ever witnessed. Fighting the urge to pull him intoher arms, she turned toward the kitchen table. Groaning from theweight of several platters, it wasn’t as tempting as Shane, butit would keep her out of trouble for the time being.

Verymuch aware of his presence, she filled their plates with everythingfrom candied yams sprinkled with brown sugar to perlo rice and cornbread, collard greens, fried catfish and of course pig feet.

“Did I miss anything?”She’d reached the end of the line and only a jar of pickledonions remained untouched.

“The kitchen sink.”

In a playful mood, Celestestepped toward the wash basin.

Growling, Shane steppedbetween her and the sink, then steered her into the living room.

Whilethey were in the kitchen, it seemed as if the party had grownexponentially. Eyeing a vacant chair, she took the plates from him. “Sit down and we’ll share it.”

Shane slung his jacketacross the back of the chair. In his shirtsleeves, he seemed bigger,taller. Celeste couldn’t help admiring him. He had to be oneof the best formed men on the face of the earth.

Hepatted his lap and Celeste faltered. Her gaze flitted around theroom and she took in the surreptitious glances and out–rightstares. Had she gone too far? It was one thing

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