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Book online «The Windhaven Witches Omnibus Edition : Complete Paranormal Suspense Series, Books 1-4 Carissa Andrews (the beginning after the end read novel txt) 📖». Author Carissa Andrews

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a moment, it’s like the entire roomful of people fades away and zooms out. Or like he’s managed to use a homing beacon and is calling me in. He waves an arm, trying to coax me toward him.

“I—I think I’m gonna…” I begin, starting to make my way toward Dominic.

“What about lunch?” Cat says, frantically trying to pull me back. “You’ll miss it.”

Twisting back around, I glance at her ebony hand clutched around my forearm and she tries to pull me back. “It’s okay. I won’t starve. I’m just going to talk with him and then I’ll get food. Now, are you coming or not?”

I spin around, making my way to Dominic. Behind me, Cat whimpers, but I’m positive she’s right on my heels. Making my way through the crowd, all eyes feel like they’re on us as we beeline to Dominic’s table. But I don’t care. I barely take my eyes off of him the entire time, and oddly enough, he does the same. There’s a weird magnetic energy between us and, for whatever reason, I don’t think I could make another decision if I tried. Perhaps it’s part of his power Cat tried to warn me about. Instead, I follow its lead and come to a screeching halt opposite him at the table.

“So, you wanna talk? Talk,” I fire at him.

His blue eyes widen, but he leans back in his chair. “Ladies, so nice to see you again,” he says, drawing out his words as he splays his arms across the chairs beside him.

“Come on, Dom. Just tell Autumn what she came here for so we can go grab a bite to eat,” Cat mutters, looking over her shoulder longingly at the salad bar.

I cock an eyebrow and rest my hands on the back of the seat in front of me.

“Well, see, this could take a while,” he says, smirking. “Might as well grab a seat.”

Chapter 14

I Just Hope You're Ready

Who the hell does this guy think he is?

“I’m not here to socialize,” I spit. “Are you gonna fill me in on what the hell I’m supposed to be aware of? Or are you just gonna jerk my chain for the rest of the lunch period? Pretty sure Cat here wants to get some food.”

Cat snickers beside me, and I know instantly she’s impressed with my bravado, or perhaps stupidity. Maybe both.

“Trust me, it’s not something you want me calling out across the table. If you’d just sit down—” he says, eyeing the seat beside him.

I have the sudden urge to sit, but I fight it and stay on my feet.

“Anything you gotta say to me, you can say in front of Cat,” I mutter, clutching the back of the chair harder, and refusing to give into his mental suggestions.

“I ain’t talking about Cat.” His eyes flit around the space of the cafeteria.

My eyebrows tug in, and alarm bells blare in the back of my mind.

“What in the hell is going on here? I mean seriously. I just moved here, and I get the distinct impression there’s more going on behind the scenes than I have a clue about,” I say through clenched teeth.

“What gave it away? Was it what I carved in the back of your car?” he says, arching a knowing eyebrow.

“So it was you?” Cat says, leaning in. “Dammit, Dominic…”

“Of course it was me, Cat. For the love,” he says, rolling his eyes. “You of all people should know why she—”

Cat’s eyes widen and she shakes her head in the slightest of ways.

“What’s he talking about?” I say, rounding on her.

“N-nothing. I don’t know, Autumn,” she sputters.

“Come on, Cat,” Dominic warns.

“If you’re talking about what I think you are, this isn’t the time and place for this,” Cat says, her eyes wide and nostrils flaring. “I know what you’re trying to do, but this isn’t the way.”

Dominic snorts.

My stomach clenches and I’m overcome with the need to either hear something useful or go find somewhere quiet to think. Too bad the cemetery isn’t closer.

“You know what? Screw you. Keep your secrets, both of you. I’m…I’m out,” I sputter.

Spinning around, I push my way past the gawking spectators and out into the hallway. I continue walking, allowing my feet to take me wherever they like, as long as it’s far, far away from the mind funk that is Dominic and Cat.

Here I thought I might actually learn something about what’s really going on. Stupid.

Pushing open the doors to the school’s courtyard, I walk out into the cool, crisp autumn air. I don’t stop walking until I reach the edge of the football field, and I do what I would have done back at Mistwood High. I make my way to a quiet spot under the empty bleachers.

To my surprise, the space isn’t empty at all. Instead, Colton drops the sandwich he was about to bring to his lips and shoves a book to the side.

“Well, hey. I wasn’t expecting… What are you doing here?” I say, trying to sound like I’m not as surprised as I feel.

His eyebrows tug in and he wipes at his mouth with the back of his hand. “I was going to say the same thing about you.”

I take a deep, cleansing breath, swiping at the air and taking a seat opposite him on the ground.

“Yeah, it was kind of impromptu. Dominic’s messing with my head. And your sister—” I shake my head.

Colton watches me intensely, but doesn’t say a word. It’s the first time where I felt like he’s actually seen me, not just a brief glance so he can run off.

“I’ve only been in this school for two days and I already feel like I’m going crazy. I mean, there’s a lot of weird nuances here and I feel like I must have stepped into some cluster of a dynamic. You know?” I admit, eyeing the book he was reading.

He nods, but shifts the book behind his back so I can’t see the title.

I narrow my gaze.

“So, what’s

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