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Book online «Without Law 18 Eric Vall (reading well TXT) 📖». Author Eric Vall

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we had three drops,” Paige said. “And the blast was huge. I’d definitely say that’s enough.”

“Alright,” Hammer agreed. “My boys and I can handle closing off the roads, what else do we need to do?”

I looked down at the map. There were plenty of roads the NK troops could take to get to Yorktown, and if any of them were open, aside from the one we needed them to go down, there was a chance they’d take it, and then our entire plan would be ruined.

We only had approximately six hours to make this happen, and I wasn’t sure one group would be able to handle it.

“Your group should handle side roads and I64 heading north,” I instructed. “The girls and I will handle the interstate going south, as well as the bridge on Colonial Parkway.”

“Alright.” Hammer nodded. “And the side roads?”

“We’ll leave those to your team as well,” I said. “I just don’t want you to get overwhelmed. There’s a lot of roads to be taken care of.”

“Understood,” the SEAL said.

“What else do we need to do?” Rivers asked.

“We need to move the howitzer to a good vantage point,” I said. “It’s our best bet of getting all the NK troops at once.”

“What about the plasma weapons?” Rivers asked.

“If one of the tanks explodes and gets that liquid everywhere, it’ll be too dangerous to shoot at them with plasma weapons,” Paige explained.

“As much as I’d like to fight fire with fire,” I said with a shake of my head. “Paige is right. The liquid is just too volatile. It could fuck up a mile radius and everyone in it.”

“Okay,” Rivers said, and he licked his lips, looked down, and let out a long breath. “This isn’t gonna be easy.”

“No, it’s not,” I agreed.

We were up against an enemy with more troops, more firepower, and air superiority, which was exactly why the element of surprise was so crucial to this plan working. If we didn’t have that, the MiGs would take us all down in a matter of seconds.

The thing that really was going to make this difficult, though, was the time crunch. We had six hours to accomplish what would usually have taken us days.

Orchestrating a large scale attack this quickly was going to require everyone to do their jobs flawlessly. One single thing going wrong could blow the entire operation and put everybody’s lives in danger.

Still, I trusted my team, and I knew we’d be able to pull this off as long as we got every detail just right.

“What else do we need to do?” Anna asked, and she leaned over and placed both hands on the edge of the desk.

“If we’re blowing the bridge, then who’s getting the howitzer set up?” Paige asked.

“And where?” Tara added.

“Hm.” I looked over the map.

Tara made a good point. We needed to set up the howitzer somewhere inconspicuous. We couldn’t have the NK troops seeing it on their way up there, but I needed it to be lined up so it could take out the first bridge once the NK army passed over it.

“What about this Navy supply depot place?” Paige asked, and she pointed at where it was on the map. “That should be far enough away to not be seen, right?”

“But still close enough to be able to make the shot,” Anna said with a nod.

The Navy supply store was just northeast of the attack point, and looking over the map, it seemed like the best place for it.

“I think that’s a good spot.” I nodded. “If we need to adjust, then we can, but I think for now that’s where we’ll plan to put it.”

“Okay, who should we have get it over there?” Anna asked.

“Send Jeff and Ben,” Paige suggested. “They should be able to get it set up right.”

“Someone experienced with explosives and a military man,” I chuckled. “Sounds like a good bet to me.”

“Alright, so Jeff and Ben are on howitzer duty,” Anna said. “We’ll take out south I64 and the bridge by the attack point while Hammer and the SEALs take out north I64 and the side roads around it.”

“Right,” I agreed.

“So as long as we get the howitzer set up and the bridge blown and the interstates and roads blocked off, we should be good, right?” Paige asked.

“You say that as if it’s so little to do,” Tara laughed.

“I mean it’s really not that much.” Paige shrugged. “If we had maybe two days, that would be nothing.”

“Right, but we don’t,” Anna said. “Soooo, it’s actually kind of a lot.”

“I’m just trying to look on the bright side here, okay,” Paige said with a playful glare.

“I’ll look on the bright side when the entirety of the Boston troops are nothing but ash and dust,” the redhead retorted.

“Dark,” Tara breathed, and she looked down and to the side.

“Oh, shut up, you love it,” Anna said.

“I totally do,” Tara laughed.

“Girls,” I said. “Focus.”

“Right,” Paige said while Anna and Tara looked at each other then down at the floor.

“We should get going,” Bailey said. “We don’t have a lot of time.”

“There’s still the issue of the MiGs,” Hammer said.

“I know.” I nodded and shook my head. “We need air superiority.”

“The ship should have anti aircraft missiles, right?” Rivers asked.

“We haven’t counted them yet, but yeah,” Minji agreed.

“Those will be our best bet of taking out the MiGs,” I said.

“Do we have to take them out?” Anna asked. “Is there a way we can deflect or something? I mean, it’d be a shame to lose the plane.”

“I’m with Anna,” Tara said. “If we can get one of these planes for ourselves, we should try.”

“I appreciate the idea, girls,” I said. “But we can’t afford to let those

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