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Book online «Without Law 18 Eric Vall (reading well TXT) 📖». Author Eric Vall

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planes get any sort of action in this fight.”

“Tav is right.” Hammer nodded. “They’re far too dangerous.”

“Yes,” I agreed. “We’ll have to take them out the very first chance we get.”

“Alright,” Anna said with a small nod.

“They still have three planes, right?” Paige asked. “So we need at least three missiles, yeah?”

“At least,” I said. “I’d like double that, just in case. But three should work.”

“I’ll run down to the armory and count really quick,” Paige said.

“Go,” I told her, but before she reached the door I called out to stop her. “Wait, take Anna’s walkie.”

“Right,” the brunette said, and she ran back over to the desk and grabbed the walkie Anna held out for her, then she rushed back over to the door and down the stairs.

“If we’re going to use the anti aircraft missiles, then we’ll need to get the ship close to the attack point,” Hammer said.

“Yeah,” I agreed, and I looked at Rivers, Pike, and Minji. “Do you think you all can get the ship in place? There’s an area nearby called King’s Creek. If you can park it there you should be right where the action is.”

“Definitely,” Pike said. “We can get it there no problem.”

“Wait,” Hammer said. “Give me Rivers. I’ll need his help with the roads.”

“Thanks, Lieutenant,” Rivers said with a small nod.

“Alright,” I said. “Take Rivers, I’ll take Smith instead, deal?”

“That’s better anyways,” Rivers said. “Smith is a better maritime pilot than I could ever be.”

“Good,” I chuckled. “As long as this girl gets over there in one piece, I don’t care who steers the damn thing.”

The plan was made, now we were just waiting for Paige to get back to us with the tally on the anti aircraft missiles.

I looked over the map again while we waited. The room was quiet after a couple of moments, and everyone was clearly in their own heads.

Rivers leaned back against the wall and looked out toward the ocean.

Hammer crossed his arms over his chest and cracked his neck from side to side, then he let out a deep breath and leaned back against the wall as well.

Anna’s eyes were narrowed as she went over the map again, and I had no doubt she was replaying the plan in her head, carefully considering every last move.

Tara turned around and leaned her butt against the desk, then she pulled out her knife and cleaned under her fingernails. It amazed me that even in this tense time she was able to focus on such a small, menial task. Then again, it was probably for the better. Just standing around worrying didn’t do any good.

Bailey and Minji had taken a few steps back, and they stood by the radio and looked around aimlessly. Bailey worried her lips while Minji picked at her fingers nervously.

There were enough plasma weapons in the hold to take out an entire state, so there had to be plenty of anti aircraft missiles as well. The NK army clearly didn’t go anywhere without enough firepower to level anywhere they desired.

Six missiles would be ideal, just in case something went wrong, but I’d take three in a heartbeat. As long as we had somewhere between those numbers, we were golden.

“Ugh, it’s been, like, forever,” Tara said after a few minutes. “What is she doing down there?”

“It hasn’t been that long,” Anna said. “Be patient.”

“We don’t really have time to be patient today,” Tara retorted, and she raised an eyebrow and put her hand on her hip.

“Fair point,” Anna half chuckled.

“There are a lot of weapons down there,” Minji said, and she bit her lip. “Perhaps I should go help her.”

“Hold on,” I said, and I brought the walkie up to my lips and pressed the button. “Paige, are you there? What’s the tally?”

The brunette was nothing if not thorough, so I figured she was probably just making sure she had every last one counted, but after a few seconds she didn’t respond.

“What’s going on?” Bailey whispered. “Why isn’t she answering?”

“I don’t know.” I shook my head.

“Maybe she just didn’t hear you?” Anna asked with a shrug.

“Maybe,” I agreed, and I held up the walkie again. “Paige, come in. What’s the current tally?”

Once again, a moment went by, and she didn’t respond.

“Alright,” I said, and I hooked the walkie back onto my hip and started for the door. “I’m going down there.”

“I’m coming with you,” Anna said, and she was suddenly right behind me.

“Tav?” Paige’s voice rang through the speaker of the walkie talkie.

“Paige?” I asked as I picked up the device from my hip. “What’s going on?”

“We were about to rush down there, you know,” Anna said, and she rolled her eyes. “Yeesh.”

“Sorry,” Paige said, and I could hear that she was out of breath.

“What is it?” I asked, and as I looked around I was acutely aware of the fact that everybody in the room was staring at me.

“I was double-checking the armory to make sure I had the count right,” Paige said.

“What’s your tally so far?” I asked.

“Well, that’s kind of the problem,” Paige said, and her voice was low with concern.

My heart sank.

“How many?” I asked, and my voice was serious and monotone.

“I can keep looking--” Paige started.

“How many?” I cut her off.

“One,” she said quietly.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

One missile for three MiGs.

We were fucked.

Chapter 8

“You’re sure?” I asked, even though I knew she was.

“Like I said, I can keep looking,” Paige said through the walkie. “But… yeah, that’s all I can find.”

“I’m sure she looked everywhere,” Bailey said, and she bit her lip. “Paige is pretty good at that kind of stuff.”

“If she found one,

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