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Book online «Dmitry's Closet Nelson, S. (best reads TXT) 📖». Author Nelson, S.

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No, I cannot marry you, and as painful as that sounds it has nothing at all to do with what is going on here at this very moment.”

“Another lie,” Royal said, under her breath.

“Look, certain parts of my life are not yourbusiness, like it or not. I didn’t hire you to be detective. I hired shop girl. You let me know when that becomes problem for you. And we’ll find something else for you to do.”

The tears ran freely down Royal’s face as his ice cold words destroyed her. She crossed her arms and looked away.

“Oh, I’ll let you know.”

Dmitry retracted. He could tell that they were headed towards an argument. “If you only knew how much I had to overcome to be with you – you would not…” he stopped himself. He saw that he had wounded her far too deeply. “No, you have not made a mistake in loving me, just in doubting me, which infuriates me so much that I must excuse myself now.”

Fuming, Dmitry turned and walked back out of the of-fice leaving Royal there in silence and tears. She did not chase after him. He did not expect her to do so. She was as stubborn as he was, unable to bend to his will.

Cory and Renee watched as the back door flung open, and Dmitry glided to the front entrance, visibly brooding over the concealed argument that had just taken place. He looked as if he could kill someone. Then suddenly he stopped and turned towards them stone faced.

“Close the shop for rest of day,” he ordered, looking at Cory.

“Will do,” Cory replied.

Then quietly, Dmitryleft. The doorbell jingled as the last of the Russians emptied out of Royal’s now somewhat disheveled dress shop.

There was a sigh of relief.

Unable to hold back their curiosity or concern, both Cory and Renee ran to the back to check on Royal.

Chapter 10

Dmitry had ordered Anatoly to take Ivan and his men to the basement of the restaurant. They waited there now unarmed for the boss while more of Dmitry’s own men flooded into the basement with them.

Anatoly watched them carefully, never speaking a word, only occasionally looking at his Patek watch. He knew what was keeping his father. Royal. The question was had he managed in all of this to keep her. He would know as soon as he arrived, based upon the body count.

There had been many horrifying stories of the great Dmitry Medlov, as cruel as he was beautiful, as cold as he was cunning. The menhad whispered about him the entire trip down to Memphis. There were many stories about the infamous crime boss all over the states, the UK and Moscow. But one could easily mistake his kindness for weakness because of his charisma and his ever graceful demeanor.

Then there was his brother, Ivan Medlov. The story in New York and in Moscow was that Dmitry had raised Ivan, but since he was a boy, he had been a hot head. The brothers had fought back and forth over the years about many things.

One night, after a deal went bad because of Ivan’s antics, to make a point, Dmitry cut his brother’s throat just enough to leave him in the hospital, but promised to finish the job if he ever crossed him again.

Dmitry left New York while Ivan was yet in the hospital and moved to Memphis in search of another new start. The only way that Ivan gained control over the Bronx was because Dmitryleft it for him. However, since Dmitry had been away from New York, Ivan had gained the favoritism of the decision makers there and had proven himself to be nearly as formidable.

The door finally opened,and Dmitry stormed in and slammed it behind him. His men looked over at their general, watched the perspiration on his forehead, heard his hurried breath, and watchedhis twitching eye. He had walked from the boutique. A sure sign of danger. It was subtle anger that they knew to worry about, subtle anger like this. A man like Dmitry never was irate. His coldness was only reflected in the manner in which he destroyed.

Dmitry instantly made eye contact with Ivan, who was even quiet now. He walked over to Anatoly and said something under his breath, then walked over to the head of the table where he sat down. He leaned his long body forward under the large light and grinded his teeth together.

“Before I even get to how badly you have already fucked up Ivan, I want to skip to finding out who the hell these men are,” he said,placing his elbows on the table and crossing his fingers.

“These are my men,” Ivan said, still somewhat smug. He turned around and gave the men a big smile, then turned to his brother again. “Consider them value added.”

“As in extra value to me, brother?” Dmitry smiled.

“Dah.” Ivan smiled.

Dmitry smirked. “Many of you in this room don’t know but my brother is psychopath.” He over enunciated the words as he wiped the sweat from his brow. “When he was young man, I had him evaluated by woman I was seeing who was doctor. She told me that men like him have no feelings orremorse. They are very callous creatures.”

“That bitch was just upset because I did not find her attractive,” Ivan said conversely.

Dmitry sighed. “However, one thing that he does un-derstand is loss of assets. He learned value of dollar much earlier in life than he learned appreciation for human life. So, he would covet an object so much until, he would start to love it, but he could never love person. This was true even in grade school for him.”

“Ah…there was one I loved, brother,” Ivan corrected softly.

“Dah, another psychopath.” Their eyes locked. Dmitry smiled and then continued as the men listened on carefully unsure of why the boss was revealing such deep intimate secrets about his only next of kin to them – peons.

“Anyway, I said all that

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