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Book online «Dmitry's Closet Nelson, S. (best reads TXT) 📖». Author Nelson, S.

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said, smiling. “I still have it. And I didn’t shoot Vladimir’s granny. She had heart attack from too much commotion.”

“You’re the real monster, Ivan. I thank God everyday that we have different fathers.”

“What did you expect? Our mother was whore,” he laughed. “Okay. Okay. I work your plan …this way I can grow.”

“Memphis isn’t big enough for the two of us, brother, unless you do work my plan. You stay here; you will always play by my rules. You work for me. I give you his share. You take his pay, his territory and his responsibilities.” Dmitry leaned closer to him. His voice lowered. “You work the plan, you have good life, live long time, maybe even have family. Hell, you can have Kirill’s wife, if you’dlike. She is as discerning as a blind, deaf dog in heat. But if you get out of your lane, get greedy, disrespect me one time,I swear to the sweet, precious Mother Mary that I’ll kill you myself… and for good this time.” Dmitry’s words were laced with paralyzingvenom. He seethed with anger and disdain, but it was only evident in his tone, his eyes, and the point of his finger to the table.

“I’m not interested in getting out of lane. I just want new start,” he said seriously.

“Alright.” He stood up. “Anatoly, show him to his new place. Oh…and one more thing, Ivan. I didn’t kill your men just because I didn’t trust them. I killed them,because you brought them near Royal. Stay away from her, or you’ll be next.”

Dmitry walked out of the door and in his gentle manner greeted a customer who passed him.


Royal and her friends had nearly finished the bottle of wine and had moved on to other discussionsabout various unimportant issues when they heard the front door open and close. Heavy footsteps on the hardwood floors echoed throughout the loft and silenced them all. Royal’s heart skipped a beat. Her tyrant was evidently back. He rounded the corner and leaned on the doorway. Cory and Renée sat up in their chairs, a little uncomfortable. Both wondered should they be there.

“Sorry, I didn’t know that you had company,” Dmitry said, looking at Cory, who shifted in his seat.

“We were just leaving,” Renée explained, standing up. “We just wanted to keep her company for a while.”

“Please, don’t leave on my account,” he said, waving her to sit back down.

“It’s getting late anyway.” Cory stood and pushed up his chair. “Royal, do you mind if I use your restroom?”

“The guest restroom is just down the corridor to your right,” she said, barely acknowledging Dmitry.

Dmitry looked down at her, still angry at him from ear-lier. He knew that he deserved it. None of this had been her fault, but somehow, he had gotten her involved. Running his fingers over the door frame, he sighed and turned away.

When Royal was certain that Dmitry was out of earshot, she turned back to Renée, who was quickly gathering her things. “Thanks for coming over,” she said appreciatively.

“You’re welcome, girl.” Renée reached over and hugged Royal. “Call me if you need anything.”

“I will.” Royal sighed.

When Cory came out of the bathroom, Royal thanked her friends and saw them out of her house. After making sure that the door was locked, she went to her bedroom, where Dmitry had retired to the bathroom to take a shower.

Frustrated, she picked his clothes up off the floor, folded them, and placed them carefully on the wooden valet. She hated when he threw his clothes on the floor like he had a maid…over here.

Turning around to leave, she looked over at him and noticed how solemn he actually was. Something was wrong. He leaned his large frame against the marble and let the water cascade down his long back. The stream looked like a small river as it poured down the valley of rippling muscles. Feeling a tinge of sympathy for him, she walked over to the glass shower door and tapped her index finger on the glass.

Dmitry turned and looked over at her, then pulled open the large door. She stepped away to avoid getting wet, but he reached out with his long drenched arm and pulled her in with him.

“Are you still mad at me?”

“Are you serious? Of course, I am. It just happened like five minutes ago.”

“I thought you might give me break for first offense.”

“Are you negotiating down your dog house time?”


“Who negotiates how long your girlfriend can stay mad at you?”

“Who doesn’t?”

Royal shook her head. He was impossible.

“What do you want to ask me? You have that look like you’re thinking crazy ass thoughts.” He waited.

“What is going on with you, Dmitry?” she asked, now soaking wet.

“The ghost of Christmas past,” he said, pulling the yel-low dress over her head.

“What?” she asked, taking off her ruined heels. “See, that’s what I’m talking about. Code. That doesn’t answer my question. When you speak in code like that I can’t…”

“Shh.” He put his finger on her lips. “Я так люблю тебя.”

“I love you, too.” She had only learned a few sentences in Russian since she had started dating Dmitry, and I love you was the first.

Pulling Royal to his body, Dmitry reached around her and loosened the clasps on her black bra. It fell to the ground between them on the granite flooring. He leaned over and kissed her bare, satin-like shoulders and held her close, feeling her soft wet skin against his own.

He began to speak slowly in a tongue that she could not understand. “Ya blagadaryu boga chto vstretil tebya,” he whispered in her ear. Royal smiled. His voice sounded more even more like silk in his Russian baritone brogue. “Ya palyubil tebya s pervova vzglyada.” He continued.

“What does all that mean?” Royal asked, feeling his large hands run up and down her body.

“I thank God that I met you, and…I fell in love with you from the first sight,” he said, feeling her small hands moving down his stomach to the large erection nestled

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