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Book online «Cross My Heart Elizabeth Morgan (novels for beginners TXT) 📖». Author Elizabeth Morgan

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learn something while I have the chance to.” Heshrugged. “I guessed that your family would have a reasonableamount of information on the general working of Vampires andwhatnot.” He lowered his head back to his current page. “Youweren’t joking. They really hate my kind.”

I flinched. It was thefirst time he had unconsciously admitted his predicament. The firsttime he had referred to himself as a Vampire and not ‘still him,’still human.

Even though I knewwhat he was, the evidence was constantly in my face, from hiscomplexion to the small indents of his fangs that constantly caughton his bottom lip. Watching him drink Heather’s mixture to watchinghis skin sizzle under my silver blade, seeing his skin heal in asecond … looking at him now, crossed-legged, surrounded by books asif he were a student studying for an exam, it was a lot harder tosee him as anyone but Nathan. My best friend.

“Well, they’ve hadgood cause to.” I moved around him and glanced down. The pages wereworn, the original text faded, but in between the sentences pennedin ancient Romanian were the small, bolder Englishtranslations.

The diary of MarkoPavel’s father. The man who had doomed us all to thislifestyle.

“Neculai Pavel hadgood reason.”

“Wife, daughter, andtwelve-year-old grandson slaughtered by your own son right in frontof your eyes? Hell yeah, it’s enough reason t’go on a revengespree.”

“A failed one.” Isighed. “Which is why Marko is still out there and why everyone whocame after Neculai has been tasked with finding him.”

He looked up at me.“Have you just spoilt the end of the book for me?”

Typical Than, able tomake light of something that was so far from being funny. And hedid it in such a way that you still never doubted his belief inyou.

I moved past him.“Believe me, there’s no happy ending.”

“The stories notfinished yet, is it?”

The question stoppedme in my tracks. The way we had been brought up and trained, thestory of my family had always seemed finished regardless of what wedid. But we, Heather and I, we were still writing it. Every memberof our family … they were like chapters in that book that Nathancurrently held. They were parts of one ongoing story which had beentold to us as if the ending was inevitable, and although it feltthat way … it was nowhere near over.

For the first time inmy life, I felt unsure. For the first time, it actually felt likethere was the smallest speck of light at the end of this dark pathI walked. Yes, everyone died and one day I would, but maybe, justmaybe, it wouldn’t be at the hand of a Vampire as I had been led tobelieve.

You’re clearly goingloopy if you believe that.

“I guess not.” Iwandered to the wall, pressing my back against the brick in thehope of releasing some of the bunched-up tension. My musclesclicked and popped as I pushed into the brick.

“Did you need me t’getyou anything?”

I couldn’t help thetired laugh that escaped me. “You know you’re not my maid,right?”

“I’d have a sexieruniform if I was.”

I scrunched my faceand shook my head dramatically. “Oh, that so isn’t an image I wantin my head.”

Such a strangeboy.

His laughter filledthe space, bringing memories of our childhood rushing back to me.Of adventures and times when I was able to be anything but aVampire Slayer. I didn’t have to train or learn the history of itall, to listen to my parents arguing with Alexis or Sofia. A timewhen the responsibilities I now had just seemed like distantworries.

You shouldn’t letyour guard down. He’s still a Vampire no matter what. He couldstill turn on you, betray you … leave you.

My chest clenched. Iopened my eyes and watched as his focus was lost in the pages ofthe ancient journal.

The only reason he washere was because his world had been tipped upside down and I wasthe only one who would believe him. He was only here because heneeded my help. If he hadn’t been captured, he wouldn’t have beenhere with me right now. I’d be here on my own.

The thought hurt, butthen, it was the truth. He was back in my life because he had noone else he could turn to. Once he had his answers, he would leaveagain … and I hated how much the idea annoyed me.

My focus roamed aroundthe room for what felt like the tenth time in the two days I hadbeen down here. Yet again, I wondered if Dorian and Alexis hadtrained together in this room. Wondered what it was like to havesomeone who fought alongside you, who had your back. Someone whowould follow you anywhere even if it led to their death.

It was a dramaticthought, but considering our lifestyle, everything was all ornothing. It was a nice thought, having such a strong connectionwith someone. Having someone who would always take your side;someone you could always rely on. My mother and father had foundit. Alexis and Dorian. Heather had Sofia … Not anymore, though. Nowshe was on her own, like me.

I gave myself a mentalshake, tearing my focus off Nathan. Such thoughts were irrelevant.I was here to find Heather. Not to wonder about life and whatlimited options I had, or the overall outcomes.

Two days of searchingthrough the computer’s archive. Flicking through every book on theshelf. Looking through drawers and every nook and cranny to see ifI could find something, anything that would give me a lead.

There was noinformation on where the Pack was located. I could only presume itwas a privacy issue or that my aunt didn’t want anyone else in thefamily to know.

No indication as towhere the UK Nest was. Alexis and Dorian must have known so itshould have been in with all the other information about theColony, but it was missing. Had the Nest moved after Dorian’sdeath? Or had Sofia removed the details, so Heather didn’t gothere?

I was willing to betit was the latter, but it sure as hell didn’t help me.

I scrubbed my handsover my face, hoping to get rid of my jumbled thoughts. “I’m goingt’get a shower. See if I can wake myself up.”

“Maybe you should justgo and get some rest, y’know, in an actual

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