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Book online «Billionaires in New York Boxed Set: Billionaires in the City Books 1-3 Laura Burton (books to read this summer .TXT) đŸ“–Â». Author Laura Burton

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now evaporating through her pores.

How can he stand there and say these things?

“You’re officially on probation. If you step a toe out of line, you’re out that door. Do you understand?”

Julie nodded. Her head thumped as the sound of her heart beat drummed against her ears.

“Yes, Frank. I’m sorry.”

Julie swallowed again. Trying hard to stop the rant bubbling in her chest. She wanted to tell him he was a jerk. No one liked him. He treated the staff so poorly, she had a mind to go to HR about it. Perhaps she could get ahold of Noelle, she would be quite happy to dispose of him.

“Now get out.” He chugged the drink and slammed the glass on the desk.

Julie collected her things and left the building without speaking to anyone. She would often keep to herself in the office. The other staff gossiped in the kitchen or hovered around each other’s machines when Frank went on his breaks, but Julie kept her head down and avoided making conversation. It wasn’t that she didn’t like people, she just didn’t like being around people. Making friends, striking up chit chat, and maintaining conversation were exhausting activities. Emily understood that. She accepted Julie’s awkwardness, perhaps even loved her for it. Usually Julie would pick up the phone and call Emily at times like these. When her emotions had risen to the surface, and she didn’t know what to do about it. But this predicament would mean letting Emily know that her job was less than perfect, that her boss was a nightmare to work with, and that deep down she wanted to give him a piece of her mind, spill his peppermint tea over his desk, then leave for good.

But Emily wouldn’t understand. Julie would be subjected to another rant—and she just suffered an extended one about staying away from Harry. When Julie filled her in on the threats, Emily started to speak so rapidly that Julie could only catch a few words.

 get the heck out!”

Julie shuddered. No. She didn’t need another Emily rant, and her warnings against Harry only made him more enticing.

He was now the forbidden fruit.

And she was hungry.

As if the universe had answered her wish, Julie’s phone vibrated in her bag. She pulled it out and glanced at the screen. A grin flashed across her face and she answered the call.

“I was just thinking about you.”

Chapter Twelve

Aggressive Negotiations

Harry rubbed his temples against the migraine starting to form. It had been a long day. The press tour for his upcoming movie was finally back on track. His team was able to rally and get Sabrina to rejoin the group. Harry didn’t ask how many prescription drugs it took to get her to agree to it; he didn’t want to know. With Sabrina back onboard, Matt was happy, and that was all that mattered.

The London premier was scheduled the day after the charity dinner. Harry wondered whether he should take Julie to such a public event. Going to London will get us out of the country, so surely the mysterious threat won’t follow us to England, Harry thought.

Benjamin firmly advised that he leave Julie in the US and go to the charity dinner alone. It might be for her own good, but Harry couldn’t bear the thought of seeing his mother and having to put up with her disappointment, nor would he turn around and tell Julie not to come. No, he couldn’t do it. Harry was a man of his word.

He silently apologized to Benjamin and picked up his phone.

“I was just thinking about you.”

Harry’s heart warmed at the sound of Julie’s gentle voice. “You were?” he asked, his voice a little too high to sound normal. “I was wondering if you were busy tonight.” He tried to sound casual, but his elevated heart rate made him feel dizzy with excitement. Just the idea of seeing Julie again had him grinning ear to ear.

“I’ve had a murder of a day at work. Whatever it is, I’m in.”

Harry walked Julie toward the glass doors of his exclusive gym with his hands covering her eyes. Julie chuckled and reached out blindly ahead of her as they stumbled forward.

“Is this really necessary?” she said through a laugh. Harry was beaming, her perfume flooded his senses, and the warmth of her body so close to his sent rushes of excitement through him. Harry knew the best remedy for a frustrating day at work—his brother had pounded that lesson into him for years, having owned his own gym in England. Benjamin rolled his eyes as he pulled open the glass door and watched Harry walk through with Julie in front of him.

“I hope I don’t end up walking into a wall,” Julie said with a hint of reproach in her voice. “Why does it smell like feet? Is that workout music?”

The steady beat of the music echoed in the gym hall. There was a mirrored wall to the far side and every work-out machine stood like trophies in the room. Harry removed his hands from Julie’s eyes and keenly watched her, excited to see her reaction. She blinked a few times to adjust to the blinding lights that reflected off the shiny white flooring.

“Oh wow.” She marched forward a few steps and stood resting her hands on her waist in a superhero pose. Harry’s eyes lingered on the back of her head; her white blonde hair was pulled back into a high ponytail revealing her elegant neck.

“When you said ‘work through our frustrations,’ I thought you meant go for a run around Central Park.” She turned to face Harry and folded her arms.

“Are you kidding? Jogging in Central Park is dangerous for normal people—”

“Oh, that’s right, you’re not ‘normal,’ you’re a millionaire,” Julie teased. But automatically raised her hand to her mouth as soon as the words came out, and her wide eyes made Harry think she had spoken too soon.

Billionaire, technically. But who’s counting?

Harry blushed furiously. “The carriage ride

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