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Book online «Billionaires in New York Boxed Set: Billionaires in the City Books 1-3 Laura Burton (books to read this summer .TXT) 📖». Author Laura Burton

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hand. Mission: make Julie look like a celebrity.

They had their nails done, brows threaded, and Julie finally found out what a Hollywood wax was—which she was never getting again. She winced as she shifted in the chair, still sore.

“We’ve got just enough time to grab dinner. Where do you want to go? We look so fabulous; it’ll be a waste to grab take out and hide in your apartment.” Emily glanced at her phone and chewed her lip as she thought.

“And yet, that’s exactly what I want to do,” Julie said with a sigh. She thanked the stylist and collected her shopping bags while Emily handed her card to the lady at the cashier.

“If that’s what you want, I suppose you’ll be dealing with a lot of public appearances over the next few days.”

Julie groaned.

“Don’t remind me.”

The thought of turning up to a charity dinner with all sorts of wealthy people made her feel sick. There was also the endless list of “what if” scenarios crossing her mind. Harry didn’t let her know where she was staying, who they were going to meet, what to expect, nothing. He just said, “I’ll take care of everything. Just bring yourself… and clothes.”

Julie did not like the unknown. But she figured if everything went badly, she could give her parents a call and crash at their house.

I should drop by and see them anyway.

Emily spoke at top speed as they walked onto the subway and got a seat, surrounded by their bags. Julie daydreamed about Harry as Emily’s words floated over her head. The wobble of the train rocked Julie into a sleepy stupor, and before she knew it Emily snapped her fingers in front of her eyes. Startled, she jumped back and blinked at her.

“It’s our stop. Come on.”

The two of them pushed their way through the crowd of people at the subway and climbed the steps, heads bowed low. Rule number one: avoid eye contact and do not draw attention to yourself.

Julie wished she was carrying bargain bags. She and Emily were walking targets. Her friend had insisted on checking out the designer stores, and Julie spent so much money she was worried her credit card would set on fire. If it did, it would be for her own good. Though, she was going to have to live off mac and cheese for the rest of the month until her next pay check.

“But that Betsy Johnson bag is so gorgeous,” Emily reasoned as Julie stood in the store looking at herself in the mirror, a black and white polka dot satchel at her side. “It would be a crime not to get it. Besides, it’s just over a hundred dollars. It’s not like you’re splashing out on Gucci is it?”

Julie sighed. Usually she would suggest a bargain hunt in Jersey in all the outlets. But there was something about buying a bag full price that sent thrills through her.

They climbed the steps to Julie’s apartment, grumbling at the weight of their purchases, and burst through Julie’s front door. Emily dropped her bags to the floor and collapsed on the two-seater couch. Tabby meowed angrily and darted from underneath a chair to the back of the room.

“Tabby is so weird, you know,” Emily mused, kicking her shoes off and rubbing her feet. Julie shook her head with a smile and closed the door.

“I know right. Trust me to end up with a dud cat.”

Tabby was a rescue. The little old lady at the center said that no one wanted him because he was so skittish. He was going to be put down that afternoon, which broke Julie’s heart. So she adopted him. She suspected that he was abused by a man, because any male who came to the door was met with violent hissing and back arching.

“Now, promise me you will keep me posted the whole time you’re in England. If I get radio silence, I’m sending out a search party.”

“Yes, I know.” Julie rolled her eyes. Emily perched herself on the edge of the couch and eyed Julie seriously.

“I mean it. I’ve done background checks on Harold––”

“Harry,” Julie corrected. Emily inclined her head.

“He seems okay, but we don’t know who this weirdo is who is following you guys.”

“Emily, Harry has a whole team of security. I couldn’t be anywhere safer. Nothing is going to happen––”

“I still don’t have a good feeling, you know, and I always trust my gut.”

“Oh yeah? Like the time you were convinced a spider was crawling on your back?”

“There was a spider on my back. You didn’t see it because it jumped away.”

“Right, and spiders can totally jump.”

Emily launched into a rant about jumping spiders as Julie smiled at her, nodding every now and then to show she was listening.

But she wasn’t really listening, she was counting down the minutes until Harry rang the bell. Her stomach did backflips and her heart started to race.

Is this really happening?

The buzzer shook Julie out of her thoughts as a rush of adrenaline coursed through her veins. Emily stopped talking and grinned as Julie sped across the room and clicked the intercom.

“It’s Harry.”

Julie glanced back at Emily, who held her hands together excitedly.

“Come on up,” Julie said, then crossed the room to collect her luggage.

“Emily, I feel sick.”

“It’s okay. I packed some Cinnabons in your carry-on.”

“How is that going to help?”

Emily pulled Julie in for a hug and squeezed.

“Just be safe. I wish I could come with you, but Julian is sick and I have to take all his clients.”

They broke apart at the sound of a knock on the door and Tabby launched onto the couch with his ears standing up and his back fur on end. Julie took a deep breath and opened the door.

Harry came into view, wearing a black leather jacket and dark denim jeans. His hair was styled to the side and he flashed Julie a smile that made her go weak at the knees.

“Hey, there,” he said smoothly. Then his eyes moved from Julie

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