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Book online «Christmas to Come: a heartbreaking coming of age saga set in London's East End Carol Rivers (best sales books of all time .txt) 📖». Author Carol Rivers

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his eyes. She knew that her decision to work at Dixons had rebounded on her in a bad way. It had been a hard lesson to learn and she would never forget it.

'Blimey, Bells, your little brother ain't in the pink, is he?'

'He's going to be all right, though?'

Micky bent over the prostrate form and shrugged. 'How did he get like this?'

'I think he got a chill from sleeping under this old barge. He's always had a weak chest.'

Terry looked almost unconscious as he lay shivering on the bench. And Micky was tempted to get shot of them both, drop them up the horse piddle and be done with it. He knew trouble when he saw it, yet he also recognized an opportunity when it arose and it had today in the shape and form of Bella Doyle. He knew if he could turn the situation to his advantage, it would pay dividends in the long run. The kid was on skid row and they both knew it. He hadn't recognized her at first she looked so tatty and the smell of her had knocked him sideways. But as she'd talked, it had all fallen into place. A little plan that would get him into Lenny's good books again.

'Right, pal, let's get you in the car.' Micky took one lanky arm and heaved Terry over his shoulder. He was no weight at all and it was easy to carry him through the gates and into the road.

A few seconds later they were laying him on the back seat, folding up his knees to his chest. He was wet with sweat and making gurgling noises. Micky closed the door and was in two minds as to whether he was calling a wrong shot. The kid didn't look good. What if he popped his clogs right now? But by the time he climbed in the car and Bella jumped in beside him, Micky gave her a wink. 'He'll be right as rain soon. Reckon it's a touch of flu and he just needs to sweat it out in a proper bed.'

'But Mum won't let us back, not even if I went begging.'

'The old cow's not an option, Bells. She can kiss your arse goodbye.'

Bella looked shocked. 'So where are we going?'

'To a friend's.' He gave her a sideways glance. Although his arrival at Gina's was a bit impromptu, he'd give her a good wedge for her trouble. He reached across and taking Bella's cold hand, he squeezed it. 'From now on, Bells, you leave it to Micky to sort out.' He paused for good measure. 'Are you with me on that one? 'Cos if you've any doubts, say now. But I tell you this, a second chance is not to be ignored, girl. It'll never come again from Micky Bryant.'

She nodded fiercely as tears filled her eyes. 'I'll do whatever you want, Micky. And I'll never forget this, I promise.'

He smiled. He'd make sure she never did, either.

Micky parked the car outside the cafe and smiled as he saw the tall, voluptuous looking woman clearing the tables inside. There was no sign of Lenny as being Friday, he and Sean and Ashley would be down the lock up making certain that the orders were ready for Friday night's delivery.

Micky shuddered slightly at the near squeak he'd had with Lenny and their last little upset. Four days of hell spent in the lock up trying to follow instructions that might as well have been double Dutch was not Micky's idea of a good result. He'd felt like a monk in a brothel and drank himself stupid for thirty-six hours and after a hangover from hell, gone cap in hand to Lenny.

Oddly enough it was Gina who'd persuaded Lenny to return to work and Micky had rejoiced at the fact that Gina was business first and last. From then on they had established an understanding. Whatever Gina wanted she was going to get, basically. If it meant the safe keeping of his little hooch empire, Gina could have what she wanted. But it was cash tinkling in the till that made Gina's blood quicken and Micky had coughed up without protest.

Now he raised his hand in salute and Gina nodded to him, her shrewd eyes narrowing under her fringe of black hair. Micky smiled exaggeratedly and hoped that her better nature had climbed out of the right side of the bed today.

'Who's that?' Bella asked and without removing his gaze he replied through smiling lips.

'She's Gina, the friend I was talking about. Nice girl an' all just as long as you know the right foot to tickle. Now, listen to me, Bells. You sit here and look after our friend at the back, right? Don't get out. Just wait here till I come back for you.'

'But Micky – '

'Do as I say, there's a good girl.' His tone was firm as he turned to her, his dark eyes hardening. 'Remember what I said? Leave this to Micky now.' He gave her the proverbial wink and jumped out of the car. Tightening the knot in his tie and brushing his lapels he strutted his way to the cafe. It was early afternoon and he could smell bacon frying. Gina was going to be a hard nut to crack. But then he'd been lucky before, why not again?

She looked at him, smoothing the bib of her white apron that was drawn tightly across her hips. The cafe was hot and sticky and thick with smoke. Three of the oilcloth-covered tables were occupied.

Micky gave another wide grin as he swaggered his way to the counter. 'How you doing then, darlin'?'

Gina frowned suspiciously. 'What do you want, Micky?'

'Just popped in to say hello, that's all.'

'You've said it. Now what?'

'Come on, Gina, give us a break.' He blinked, trying to quell his nervousness.

'Lenny's not here. You should know that.' Her cockney accent was loud and strong. All heads turned slightly and Micky swallowed hard. He didn't want any information

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