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Book online «Christmas to Come: a heartbreaking coming of age saga set in London's East End Carol Rivers (best sales books of all time .txt) 📖». Author Carol Rivers

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that was strictly legit and turning a profit.

Ronnie watched his young manager, Dino, who in turn was watching his stewards. They all looked the bee's knees, dressed in black waistcoats and bow ties, their slim figures reflected in the triple mirror behind the bar. The glassware sparkled on the shelves and the ale pumps were all oak handles and chrome bracelets whilst members sat at the bar or in leather club chairs, enjoying the atmosphere.

Ronnie smiled in satisfaction. Life was good. He had a partner he could trust, a lucrative business and reliable staff. And to add icing to the cake, he had received no further opposition from Micky. His little brother was back on track running the markets and suitcases again. All in all, life couldn't be better.

Just then his attention was caught by a movement at the top of the blue carpeted stairs. Joyce, wrapped in a fur stole and looking more like royalty than an East End madam, smiled at him. He returned her smile as she turned into the foyer.

Ronnie always admired her elegance. In some ways she reminded him of his mum in her younger days. He'd seen photos of Mum and Dad, all done up to the nines. But in every other way Joyce was different, a shrewd lady and tough with it. Mum's heart was all marshmallow, Joyce's, reinforced steel. But Ronnie knew he had a good partner in Joyce and he hoped he could keep it that way.

Moving slowly across the floor he followed her, ascending the steps and making his way past the cloakroom. He entered the office and found Joyce waiting for him, idling a finger over the rich, dark wood of the desk.

Ronnie felt a stirring inside him. She was a wonderful woman and he thought the world of her. She reassured him in every sense of the word, a quality he had found in no other woman.

'What took you so long?' she purred as he closed the door and took her in his arms. Her dark eyes were ebony, her skin smelt sweet.

'What took you so long, beautiful?' he whispered as he took her in his arms.

'A small problem at work, that's all.' Her voice was smoky and low as she folded her hands round his neck.

'What sort of problem?' He sensed she was disturbed in some way.

'It was nothing.'

Ronnie kissed her cheek briefly and raised an eyebrow. 'Come on now, spill the beans.'

She smiled then. 'A few clowns cut up rough. Not the usual idiots though, these were more organised, stopped short of a slap as if they had planned it.' She paused, her eyes narrowed. 'They distracted Bernie and Sid just enough to get one upstairs.'

'To your quarters?'

'As good as. Luckily, I caught him on the stairs, looking dead shifty. Said he'd lost his way. But he was clever enough to have got where he was whilst the others entertained your boys.'

Ronnie drew his thumb across her chin. 'Are you all right?'

'Course I am.' She laughed, but Ronnie saw the concern in her eyes. He ran his fingers through her hair and murmured reassuringly, 'Leave it to me, I'll make enquiries.'

'It's probably nothing…'

'Relax, Joyce. I'll put more men round with you, double up on security.' He didn't think it was necessary as he felt she was reading too much into it. But he'd talk to Bernie and Sid and keep her happy. He didn't like to see her upset.

'Oh, leave it awhile,' she shrugged dismissively. 'A storm in a teacup, I expect.' She lifted her hands to his face. 'Don't let's talk business, eh?'

He smiled, feeling good as she clung to him. 'To think there was a time when it was only business between us,' he whispered, pressing his lips against her fingers and feeling the passion erupt inside him.

'Yeah, but we changed the rules, didn't we? You're not sorry we did, are you?'

He tipped her face to the light. 'What a thing to ask!'

'I'm asking it though.'

'Joyce, I want you in my life and not just to make the sums add up right. We're good together, we understand each other and I haven't had a minute's regret since I first kissed you.'

She took his face in her hands. 'I'm a girl again when you tell me that. You give me all that I've ever wanted, not just the physical but the trust and respect that I've failed to find in another man. No one that has done that for me before and it's bloody worrying at my age.'

'You'll always be a girl to me, Joyce. My girl.'

'You say the nicest things, you charmer.'

As she pulled him with her towards the next room, Ronnie thought for the second time that evening how life was definitely on the up and up.

Chapter 12

Bella was laughing and joking with the customers as she served the early morning regulars of Gina's cafe. Six months ago she had been living on the streets with Terry, at the end of her tether. Now it was the beginning of December and she was a working woman and Terry was earning a few bob too. For someone who couldn't put more than a few words together at one time, never mind enlarge on the thought behind them, this was a miracle. Helping Lenny at the lock-up had changed Terry's life. And becoming a waitress in Gina's cafe had changed her own. The dark and desolate days of Dixons were well behind her and thank God for that.

'Have a butchers at this, sweetheart.' A big, burly man sitting with his two friends at one of the tables, waved the newspaper in her face. 'It says here that jam's supposed to be off the rationing list now. Does that mean I get an extra dollop with me breakfast this morning?'

'You'd get an extra dollop anyway,' Bella laughed as she lowered a large china plate overflowing with eggs and bacon in front of him. 'We like to keep all our customers sweet. Now don't touch the

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