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my friend who also happens to be a travel agent?”

“I do.”

“She linked our cruise reservations.” Elvira clapped her hands. “Isn’t that awesome? Now, we can start planning our excursions. We better get on it. The more popular ones sell out fast. How do you feel about scuba diving?”

“I don’t. Not gonna happen.”

“Snorkeling? They’re advertising some great snorkeling sites.”


“We could also rent Segways. It would be an easy way to tour the islands and see the sights.”

“I would have to brush up on my skills. It’s been a while.”

“Do you think Mercedes would let me borrow hers to practice, to see if Segways are something I might be interested in?”

“I’m sure she won’t mind. Speaking of borrowing, thank you for letting us borrow your drone. It worked great.”

“That was my next question. Were you able to track Shelby down?”

“We were.” The image of the shanty popped into Carlita’s head. “It wasn’t in the best of areas.”

“That’s what I thought after checking it out. It looks like a swampy area in the middle of nowhere.” Elvira shook her head. “Makes you wonder why she ran off.”

“I don’t know, and it’s none of my business.”

Rambo began tugging on his leash.

“I need to get going. If you want to swing by in the morning, we’ll dust off the Segway and you can take it out for a spin.” Carlita returned to the apartment to find the others waiting for her.

“We were getting ready to send out a search party,” Mercedes joked.

“I stopped by Elvira’s. She wants to know if she can borrow your Segway to practice. She’s going to come by in the morning.”

Tony almost smiled. “Now, that I have to see.”

The four of them exited the apartment. Autumn and Mercedes led the way through several of the squares, toward the visitor’s center and trolley loading area.

The farther they walked, the more Carlita became convinced she knew where they were going. Mercedes abruptly stopped in front of a wrought-iron gate. Beyond the gate was a set of stone steps leading to a covered porch.

They joined a group of people, who stood talking to a man in a top hat, coat and tails, someone Carlita remembered seeing just the other day.

Chapter 20

“Sorrel-Weed house is one of the most haunted homes in the U.S.”

The man in the top hat, coat and tails continued. “Francis Sorrel built the home in the early 1840s. Sorrel married into a family of substantial wealth. Unfortunately, his first wife, Lucinda Moxley Sorrel, contracted yellow fever and died. Eager to keep the Moxley money in the family, Francis married Matilda, his wife's younger sister.”

The guide began collecting tickets as he talked. He told them it was rumored that Francis had engaged in a long-time affair with a female who lived on the property and cared for the family. “Molly was given preferential treatment, even having her own private quarters above the carriage house, conveniently located only steps away from the main house.”

He continued. “Matilda was standing near her bedroom window one evening. She looked across the courtyard and witnessed Molly and her husband engaged in…shall we say…a most compromising situation. Despondent and depressed, Matilda jumped from a second-story balcony and killed herself.”

The guide let the horrific news sink in before continuing. “Not long after, Molly’s body was found hanging in her room.” He lowered his voice. “Some say Matilda haunted Molly and convinced her to kill herself.”

Upon dropping the bombshell, the guide opened the door, and the group began making their way inside.

Despite the rumored hauntings, Carlita appreciated the period furnishings, the sparkling chandeliers, and ornate fireplaces. It was a rare glimpse into the life of Savannah’s wealthy socialites.

They finished the tour, and the Garluccis and Autumn congregated on the sidewalk out front. “Well?” Mercedes asked. “What did you think?”

Autumn rubbed the sides of her arms. “I give it a ten for creep factor, especially the basement.”

“I have to say that areas of our property have close to the same level of creep factor,” Carlita said.

“I loved it,” Mercedes said. “I wouldn’t mind touring it again.”

“I enjoyed hearing about the history of the place.” The tour reminded Carlita of Pete’s surprise date when he hired Sam to take them on a walking tour.

Tony consulted his watch. “It’s getting late. We should probably head back.”

“I know a shortcut.” Autumn led the way home, cutting through an area of town that Carlita had never been to before. At one point, she was certain they got turned around, until they emerged onto a side street close to her brother’s tattoo shop.

“That was awesome,” Mercedes said. “I’ll have to remember your shortcut.”

“Don’t take it alone after dark,” Autumn warned. “Talk about creeping you out.”

As soon as they reached Walton Square, Tony excused himself after thanking his sister and friend for inviting him.

Autumn waited until he left. “I feel bad about Shelby taking off. They seemed like such a cute couple.”

“We’re hoping it’s a blip, a minor bump in the road,” Carlita said. “Speaking of bump in the road, don’t forget Elvira’s gonna come by first thing tomorrow morning to practice on the Segway.”

“The idea of Elvira on a Segway is something worth watching,” Autumn said.

“I was thinking the same thing,” Carlita chuckled. “Something tells me she might end up changing her mind after tomorrow’s Segway lesson.”


Carlita was up early the next morning. Her first thought was of Tony and then Elvira’s Segway practice run.

At eight on the dot, Elvira rang the doorbell. Carlita met her downstairs and invited her in for coffee to give Mercedes a chance to wake up.

Autumn arrived moments later, wide-awake and looking chipper.

“You’re right on time, Autumn. You must be a morning person.”

“I am,” she said, “I love early mornings.”

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