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Mercedes plodded out of the bathroom wearing stained sweatpants and a wrinkled t-shirt. She shot Elvira an annoyed look. “Remind me again why you want to try out my Segway.”

“Because I’m considering booking a Segway excursion on one of the islands. It’s kinda pricey, and I don’t want to spend money on something I won’t enjoy.”

“Not to change the subject,” Autumn said, “but remember how you mentioned the Zhao name last night? I called my brother, Steve, after we got home and asked him about it. He said he almost rented a property from someone named Zhao.”

“That’s interesting.” Making a mental note to chat with Steve later, Carlita gathered up the dirty coffee cups while Mercedes and the others made their way downstairs.

When she caught up with them, Mercedes was standing next to Elvira, helmet in hand. “You’ll need this.”

“No can do.” Elvira shook her head. “I don’t do helmets.”

“You have to wear a helmet.” Mercedes attempted a stern look. “No helmet. No Segway.”

Elvira’s back door flew open, and Dernice emerged. “Did I miss anything?”

“Not yet,” Carlita said.

“Good. I gotta see Elvira in action.”

“Had I known I was going to draw a crowd, I would’ve charged admission.” Elvira reluctantly placed the helmet on her head while Mercedes showed her how the human transporter worked.

“Make sure you center your feet when you get on. Keep a firm grip on the handles. To move forward, put pressure on the front of the footboard. To go back, use your heels to put pressure on the back.”

Elvira finished securing the helmet’s strap and nudged Mercedes off to the side. “I know all that. I did some research last night. This will be a piece of cake.”

“Famous last words,” Dernice teased.

Her sister gave her a dark look. “At least I’m willing to try it.” She turned her attention to the machine, grabbing hold of the center bar and lightly hopping on the footboard. As instructed, Elvira centered her feet and reached for the handle.

“Start slow,” Mercedes said. “Practice going forward and then in reverse.”

“Got it.” With a look of determination, Elvira stared straight ahead. The Segway rolled forward a good twenty feet. She coasted to a stop and then began slowly backing up.

She easily stopped within a few feet of Carlita and the others. “See?” Elvira jabbed her finger at her sister. “Easy-peasy, pudding and pie.”

“You seem to have mastered the foot pressure,” Mercedes said. “Now, take it to the other end of the alley. When you reach the parking lot, gently steer in the direction you want to go.”

Elvira gave her a thumbs up and sped off. She slowed when she reached the end, easing the handle to the right. The Segway circled right. She sped back toward them, her head held high and a smug smile on her face.

Mercedes, sensing disaster in the making, began waving her hands. “Slow down! You’re going too fast!”

The Segway hit a bump. A look of sheer panic replaced Elvira’s smug smile as she struggled to maintain control.

“She’s out of control!” Carlita lunged forward, shoving Autumn and Dernice out of the Segway’s path.

“Help!” The Segway zigged and then zagged as Elvira hung on for dear life.

Mercedes ran after her. “Straighten your feet!”

In a desperate move, Elvira jerked the handle to the left. The Segway careened left and crashed into a minivan parked at the end of the alley.

She let out an ear-piercing scream as the Segway bounced back. Elvira’s self-preservation mode kicked in. She released her death grip on the handle and flung both arms over her face.


Elvira executed a Dukes of Hazzard slide across the top, followed by a half-roll before crash landing, face down, on the car’s windshield.

“Oh my gosh.” Carlita raced across the alley. “Are you all right?”

Elvira flopped over, both arms still covering her head. “I don’t know.”

“Let’s try to get her on her feet.” Mercedes slid her hand under Elvira’s shoulder while Carlita steered the Segway out of the way.

“I’ve never seen a Segway go that fast.” Dernice put an arm around her sister’s waist. “How fast were you going?”

“Too fast for a beginner,” Mercedes said.

Autumn inspected the minivan’s hood. “I don’t think you damaged the van.”

“Who cares about the van? What about me?” Elvira grimaced. “Something popped when I hit the windshield.”

“You may have broken your arm.” Carlita pointed to a protruding bump on Elvira’s upper arm.

“I’m tough as nails.” Elvira attempted to brush off her injury, but it was clear from the look on her face that she was in pain.

“Carlita is right. I fractured my arm in three different spots a few years back, and it looked a lot like yours does,” Dernice said.

Mercedes maneuvered the Segway toward the apartment. “I think we’ve had enough lessons for today.”

“You should have your arm checked out,” Autumn said.

It was apparent from the way Elvira was holding her arm, something was definitely amiss.

“I’m taking you to the nearby walk-in clinic to have it x-rayed.” Dernice ran to the end of the alley to get the company van.

When she returned, Carlita and the others helped her climb inside. Before driving off, Dernice promised to call later with an update.

“Poor Elvira.” Autumn shaded her eyes, watching as the van turned the corner.

“She hit hard.” Mercedes, along with Autumn, returned the Segway to the storage area while Carlita headed into the pawn shop.

Tony was standing in front of the gun case and made his way over. “I saw Elvira buzz by a little while ago. How did the crash course in Segways go?”

“Crash pretty much sums it up.” Carlita gave him a thumbs down. “She crashed into a parked minivan. I’m pretty sure she broke her arm. She and Dernice are on their way to a walk-in clinic

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