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Book online «Reign Queen L. Gibbs (best books to read for young adults TXT) 📖». Author L. Gibbs

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and then jumped to her feet.

Felip Covey leaned in the open doorway of aroom just off the drawing room, his arms folded across his chest,his head tilted and his green eyes gentle. “I heard you didn’tsleep in the same bed with Russal,” he said.

“What are you doing here?” she said, ignoringthe fact that he had access to whether or not she slept with herhusband. She had to keep Russal and Covey apart.

“Checking on your parents.” His voice soundedsincere, and his smile was soft, almost kindly.

She wondered if he had experienced travelingwith a group of thespians. He looked completely relaxed, as if hedidn’t fear her calling for help.

“I worry. Your parents are important tome.”


“They’re your parents.” Covey took a stepinto the room. “Why haven’t you screamed yet, Kambry? Russal isjust outside the door.”

“Why are you pursuing me?”

His smile broadened. “So you now believe I amserious about you. I want you for my queen.”

“I am someone else’s queen.” That wouldn’tchange. Maybe this was more about him realizing the truth.

“It need not be permanent.” He watched her.“Still, you hesitate to call out. Perhaps you don’t want it to bepermanent.”

“What will make you leave Kavin?” She had toget him out of here, even better out of the realm.

“Tell me you feel nothing for me. Tell me whyI haven’t killed Russal and taken the kingship from him. I couldhave in all these years. Tell me why I haven’t stolen you away.Tell me why, when I could have, I haven’t taken that ring fromyou.”

She refused to think about the points helisted, but the last made her speak. “You can’t. Only Russal canremove it.”

“You can remove it if you truly want to.” Hewatched her reaction before continuing.

She gazed up at him, keeping a polite smileon her face, as if she lacked concern for him being in her parents’quarters. She had learned there was much she could do with Kavinmagic if she wanted to. Maybe she could remove the ring, but shewouldn’t. Her gaze shifted, and she jerked it back to him. Shewasn’t worried about him being here with her, just that he not faceRussal. Why was that?

“Or Russal can slip it off your hand. Thereare multiple ways, expedient ways to do so, but I won’t let thathappen. I won’t let them harm you.”

She believed him. She’d figure out why later.“You need to leave.” That was paramount. Russal could return anymoment.

“Are you protecting me from Russal?” heasked, his voice low and questing.

She would have to tell Russal, wouldn’t she?She had argued for not just truth between them, but involvement.“Leave before he gets here.”

She heard the door open in the hall. “Leave,”she whispered.

Kambry turned to the entry to the drawingroom. Russal would be here in an instant. When she looked back, shesaw no sign of Covey.

She closed her eyes and took a long breathbefore exhaling.

Russal entered the parlor. “Your dad tells meyou don’t like it when people are overly protective,” he said, awry smile quirking his lips. “He should have told me thatyesterday.”

“You think that would have made adifference?” Why didn’t she think of Felip as overly protective?Because he talked to her about it, claimed a motivation she couldat least argue against.

He opened his mouth and closed it with asnap, giving her a shrug. “Probably not. I suppose I have to learnby experience. But I am going to make sure I don’t shut you out orprotect you too much. Again.” He scratched his ear and lookedapologetic.

She turned in a circle, her gaze catching onthe room she suspected Covey had ducked into. “About that, Russal.”She finished her turn and faced him. “I need to talk to you aboutsomething.”

He gathered her against him. “Let’s talkwhile we walk. We have more than an hour before we have to lunchwith the Condoris. Let’s go to the garden.”

She shook her head but didn’t stop him fromguiding her out of the room. “Russal, I want to talk.”

“Doesn’t it feel odd to visit in yourparents’ quarters when they aren’t here? Come on.” They were outthe door before she could pull them to a halt.

“Russal, you’re doing it.”

He closed the door behind them and nodded atan alert guard. “What?”

“You’re not listening. I wanted to talk toyou about something important.”

“I’m listening.” He pressed her hand onto hisarm. “We’ll talk while we walk.”

Kambry noted the guard behind and the otherahead at the corner. Now would not work. Russal would hardly listencalmly to her telling him she had a chat with Covey while he wasgetting advice from her dad, and he already didn’t like the idea ofhis rival getting close to her. “We need to talk privately.”

He grinned at her. “Well, then I have evenmore to look forward to than what I have planned in thegarden.”

Exasperated, she said, “On your head beit.”

A quizzical look altered his face, but hecontinued forward, and she pressed her concerns to the back of hermind. Guilt pushed back at her. Maybe she should just tell him. Shecould whisper, but he wouldn’t stay quiet. He’d probably send aguard off at the run for Burty and then charge back into thechambers to search for Covey.

Felip was long gone. Without her in the room,Felip had nothing to entertain him. Had he really been checking onher parents? What would he do if he found someone ready to do themharm? She was an idiot to believe him. She tugged on Russal’s arm.They were going to have to talk about this in the corridor, guards,Burty and Russal be damned. “Russal.”

He came to a halt, grasped her shoulders andturned her to face him. “Yes?”

The grin on his face made her falter. Helooked so joyful. Maybe she could delay it until they were in thegarden. “You look very handsome today.”

Smugness formed dimples on his cheeks. “Oh,that is important. I never should have hindered your bringing thisto my attention. How handsome am I? Will damsels fall at my feet?”He glanced around. The female guard at the corner gazed at him withhalf-veiled eyes.

“Do you know any damsels?” he asked her. “Iwant to test this.”

“No, Your Highness. We’re low on damselsthese days. I can ask around

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