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Book online «Condition Evolution 4 Kevin Sinclair (top 100 novels of all time TXT) 📖». Author Kevin Sinclair

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us know Shaun’s alive, so that’s a massive relief.” Calegg provided a voice of reason and calm. “And it has given us some closure on what they have done and what they intend to do.”

“Yes. While it is an unpleasant position to be in, we now know where we stand. I still believe we will have some success with the station's controls,” Elyek added.

“Even with what he said, about it being remotely operated and needing a mental process to unlock them?” I asked.

“If it’s a computer, I assume there has to be a way for the other aliens in the Alliance to affect them some way,” suggested Elyek.

“Yeah, good thinking. It wouldn’t surprise me if he was bluffing, to stop us searching.”

“Most likely, Ember,” Elyek agreed. “I will continue to lead the push on the station's operating systems alongside Gus. Hopefully between the Veilitian technical abilities, and the human mental abilities we will come up with some workaround.”

“Thanks, Elyek. Now I just need to work out a way around the social issues that are gonna crop up with this. Everyone seems to be working together well so far, but the knowledge that we’re totally trapped for years may change attitudes. Astrid is still walking around with her face up her arse, which isn’t helping either. We need to try and bring everyone together again,” I said, rubbing at my temples.

“I hate to bring it up,” began Calegg, “but there’s also the small matter of what to do with the prisoners. Keeping Rufus in particular locked away is probably not the best move.”

“Oh, don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten about them, though I have no idea what to do with them. What do you guys think?”

“Coming from a race of people enslaved on their own planet, I am firmly against it. Yet I can’t deny they’ll make a great deal of trouble for us,” Calegg said, expressing thoughts as troubled as my own.

“I must agree,” added Elyek, “I do not wish for anyone to be confined. They did not commit any serious offence, except to voice displeasure with you being the leader, despite their reasoning being unpleasant and unrealistic. Of course there is certainly just cause to keep the man who attacked you locked up.”

“Graeme? Yeah, that dick is going nowhere. Thanks for the talk, guys. I think I’ll go try and reason with them now,” I said, getting to my feet. “I’ll address everyone later about the communication from the Apochros, once all of the teams have returned.”

“Good luck!” Elyek replied, also making a move from the table.

Calegg just smiled and gave me a thumbs up, which made me think of Shaun again, who’d taught him the gesture.

I decided to go and see Acclo first. They could organize everyone for a meeting. I hadn’t made it five footsteps from the table before they appeared at my side.

“Hello, Ember. I assumed you would wish to see me after that unexpected communication. Would you like me to get the word out for a meeting once all of the teams have arrived?”

I couldn’t help but laugh at the next-level control freak. “Exactly,” I said, patting them on the shoulder, “and thank you, Acclo.” With a quick smile they were off again.

Now for our prisoners! I groaned inwardly and made to leave the canteen when a little idea surfaced in my mind. The prisoners aside from Rufus were quite similar characters to Roger who Shaun had had a run-in with in the early days. Roger had also come over from the Seshat. He had mellowed slightly when he came to us, so perhaps he could be of use in talking to the detainees. Admittedly Rufus was my responsibility, but I could do with some help dealing with the others.

I made my decision quickly and went to find him. It wasn’t too hard; I just followed the noise. I couldn’t help but smirk at the scene before me. Roger was arm-wrestling. His opponent? None other than the ex-captain of the Flying Scotsman, William. They were both red-faced, but it seemed evenly matched. I watched the spectacle for a while, until William finally took the victory. “Damn, I can't believe you beat me again,” Roger complained.

“Tha’s cos yer a wee pansy,” joked William. “Come on back anytime if yer eva wanna ‘nother thrashing.”

“Hardly a thrashing! I held you for ages,” Roger complained, but there were clearly good relations here, which laid a good foundation for what I was about to ask. The spectators drifted away as I moved toward the two men.

“Hallo there, Cap’n. That were interestin’ news, right?” he asked.

“Yes, it really was, William.”

“Why’s Cap’n Shaun help’n them double-crossing shitheads oot, while we're stuck ‘ere?”

“They weren’t exactly clear on what was going on. But if I had to guess, I’d say he’s also being held against his will. I dread to think what’s being done to him.”

“So, ye dinnae think it's a choice?”

“Come on, William. You don’t think he'd abandon us, do you?”

Roger answered for him. “The next words out of your mouth better be ‘of course he wouldn’t’, or sod the arm-wrestle, I'll give you a hiding.”

“Of course, he wouldn't,” William laughed raucously, “and of course ye couldn’t. Ye know I’d kick yer arse. Have ye even transcended yet? Cos I ‘ave.”

“You’re a real dick, Will. You know I bloody well haven’t.”

“Right, you two, quit your bickering!” I seized the opportunity and made my move. “Roger, what do you make of everything that’s gone on?” I asked, making eye contact. I wanted to get a feel for his answer.

He looked at me curiously, no doubt wondering why I was paying particular interest to him all of a sudden. “I wanna kill the Apochros. It's not like adding them to our extensive list of enemies will put us in any more danger.”

“Right… I don’t know that we want to kill them, but I’m certainly not happy with them either. I am also not intending to stay here for years; we need to get free somehow.”

“Damn right, Captain,”

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