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Book online «Tarnished Crown (Gravestone Elite #2) Caitlyn Dare (old books to read TXT) 📖». Author Caitlyn Dare

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"The other men don't matter. They are not linked. The only reason they are on the same piece of paper is because they met the same end."

"So Q killed Gregory Kingsley,” she deadpans. “Why? And how does this involve me?"



“Why does my father have the list? It doesn’t make any sense,” I say, trying to process everything.

“That I can’t tell you.” James gives me an apologetic look. “But know that this knowledge is dangerous. In the wrong hands, it could be catastrophic.”

“This is why Marcus didn’t want me snooping around,” Bexley says. “Why he’s told me nothing.”

“We all keep secrets, son. You know that.” James levels Bexley with a strange look.

“What do you mean?” I ask, a trickle of awareness zipping up my spine.

“That’s for Bexley to tell you.”

My stomach dips as I search Bexley’s face for answers.

“Not here,” he says, squeezing my knee under the table. “Later. It feels like we’re still going around in circles. If Quinctus are that worried about Cade, why can’t they just… you know, get rid of him?”

His words made me flinch. Of course, I’m not immune to the whispers of dark deeds that follow Quinctus and the Electi wherever they go. But there’s hearing about it and then knowing it.

“Nothing in this world is that simple, Bexley. Let’s just say the Kingsley name still holds a lot of sway with Q’s associates. If Cade were to just disappear, it would create problems.”

“How do you know all of this?” I ask.

“My business with Q affords me certain knowledge.”

“And what exactly is it you do?”

“Mia,” Bexley warns.

“It’s quite alright.” James smiles. “You’re strong. Inquisitive. You’re going to need that in the coming weeks. I’m what you might call a fixer.”

“A fixer?”

“I make problems disappear. Paper trails, money trails…”

“People trails?” Bexley raises a brow, and James chuckles.

“I leave the more hands-on stuff to others. I’m fortunate; I have one foot in Gravestone business and one foot out.”

“Why did you agree to meet us?”

“Because I’m far enough removed that I can tell you what I know without raising alarm bells. There’s a splinter in Q. Those who believe in walking into the future and embracing new ways. And those who aren’t ready to leave the past behind. Gregory Kingsley dabbled with bringing the past into the future, and it cost him his life.”

James hesitates, waiting as the server brings us a fresh pot of coffee. “Thank you,” he says. She leaves us and he continues.

“There are those in Q who want to see Cade succeed. To follow in his father’s footsteps. And there are those outside of Q who have a vested interest in Cade’s legacy.”

“Let me guess,” Bexley scoffs. “You can’t tell us who.”

“Cade’s uncle. Lincoln Kingsley. After Gregory… died, he made Quinctus promise to protect Cade. To nurture him and raise him to fulfil his rightful place.”

“Well, they didn’t do a very good fucking job.”

“This is why your presence is so important, Bexley. The Electi needs balance. It needs level headedness.”

“If Q thinks my presence is going to do anything but antagonize Kingsley, then they really don’t know their Electi very well at all. He’s gunning for blood, James. My blood.”

“It won’t get that far.” He lets out a long, steady breath. “Cade is just testing boundaries. But eventually he’ll push too hard, and Q will push back.”

“I don’t like it.” Bexley slips his arm around the back of my shoulder. “I don’t like it at all. This isn’t some… some game. This is our lives.”

“I know. For that, I am sorry.”

“Sorry? You get to live out your life in Sterling Bay, removed from all this. Ace, Cole, and Conner will never have to sacrifice their lives for some… cult.”

James flinches. “There are still things you do not understand. Sacrifices my family made…”

“Yeah, I’m sure it was very hard, running away.” Bexley shoots up. “I need some fresh air.” He glances at me, regret shining there. “I’ll be in the car. James, I’d say it’s been nice to see you, but really, it hasn’t.” He stalks off, leaving me alone with James Jagger.

Silence hangs between us, and then I say, “All I want to know is how we get out of this.”

His expression hardens, and then he says the two little words I’ve feared since this whole thing started.

“You don’t.”

James settles the check, and we walk out of the diner side by side.

“I really am sorry, Mia.”

“Yeah, me too.”

“I will talk to Marcus. The stubborn old fool is too blinded by the past to realize what’s staring him in the face. I know it feels like you’re alone in this, but I promise you that you’re not.”

“Thank you.”

My head feels like it’s going to explode from all the revelations. Except, they weren’t really revelations, only more pieces of a never-ending puzzle.

“Tell Bexley I said goodbye.” James gives me a stiff nod before slipping into his black SUV.

I watch him leave before going to Bexley’s car and climbing in.

“Are you okay?”

“Nothing about this is okay,” he grumbles, firing up the engine.

The ride to Gravestone is quiet, the air thick and heavy with our conversation with James. Bexley is on edge, a dark storm circling him.

“Bexley,” I say softly, trying to coax him out of his bad mood. His fingers curl tighter around the steering wheel.

“Bexley, look at me.”

His eyes flick briefly to mine, two black orbs full of so much anger it stuns me.

“We’ll figure it out.” Even though I know it’s futile. There is no winning against Quinctus or the Electi. We are pawns in their game, and we have no choice but to follow the play.

I am Cade’s prosapia.

One day, I will be his wife.

One day, I will bear his heirs.

A shudder rolls through me and I blurt out, “Stop the car.”

“Mia?” Panic coats Bexley’s voice.

“Stop the car,” I cry.

I can’t breathe. I feel like the air is being sucked from the car until my lungs burn.

Bexley swerves into a rest area and cuts the engine. “Mia?”

“I hate this.” My

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