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Book online «The Sweet Life #2: Lies and Omissions Francine Pascal (manga ereader txt) 📖». Author Francine Pascal

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she also knew that if Todd ever found out…Well, that would be bad. She felt she would be able to forgive him. At least right now that’s what she thought because right now, he was the only one she wanted. But would he forgive her? She didn’t know and wasn’t going to take the risk to find out.

So Jessica hadn’t texted Todd back right away. She’d waited. And plotted and planned. After all, Jessica Wakefield didn’t leave anything to chance. She couldn’t afford just to play it straight and hope everything worked out. That was for perfect and purely blessed and talented people like her twin, Elizabeth.

Some people might have thought she was a manipulator, but Jessica knew the truth: If she didn’t have a plan, she would never have anything or anyone. Todd included. She’d learned that a long time ago. She had to be smart about what she wanted and have a plan. And a plan needed a scheme.

Now she had one. The first part was simple: She would quit her job. She would give up her career so Todd would be able to see just how much she loved him.

And in return for that sacrifice—which wasn’t a small one—she was going to allow herself the gift of pretending that night with Liam had never happened.

Lila had given her the idea when she’d said, “Who cares about drinks and dinner? So what?”

Exactly. So what? Only she and Liam knew what had happened that night, and there was no reason Todd would ever need to know.

The important thing was that she and Todd get back together. They were meant to be together. They were made for each other, and what he didn’t know couldn’t hurt him.

Or her.

In this case, the end would justify the means. What was a little lie—really just an omission—if it saved true love?

And she knew exactly how she would not tell him. She would not tell him about Liam over a romantic dinner at their special restaurant, tomorrow night after the huge MeanGreen gala.

Jessica heard her nanny, Liza, and son, Jake, come rumbling in through the front door, back from the park.

“Mommy!” Jake cried, bounding into the room. Jessica scooped him up in her arms and gave him a snuggle. Instantly, he gave her a full report on his time at the playground.

“Fast slide, Mommy! Fast!”

He beamed with excitement and pride. Jessica could imagine Jake wobbling up the stairs to the toddler slide. As he spoke, she saw that expression he got on his face that was pure Todd, the one when he couldn’t wait to tell her about something new. It was the same way Todd looked when he talked about covering some fast-break play in the NBA playoffs.

Jessica gave Jake another big squeeze before she handed him back to Liza. Seeing Jake gave Jessica a renewed determination to reconcile with Todd, whatever it took. She wanted her family back together again.

Jessica pulled up Todd’s cell number and dialed it. Butterflies danced in her stomach as she counted the rings.


“Hello?” Todd’s voice sounded hurried, or maybe it was just his haste to pick up his phone. “Jessica?”

The way he said her name, with hope and warmth, caught her by surprise. It had been so long since she’d heard him say her name like that. Without anger. Or bitterness. His voice went straight to her heart and warmed it.

“Todd, I got…”

“Did you…”

They both spoke at the same time.

“I’m sorry, you first,” Jessica said.

“No, you.” Todd gave a nervous little laugh. They sounded like awkward teenagers out on a first date.

Jessica decided to take charge. Lila was right. Why sit around and wait for the boys to come to them? Girls rule, right, Beyoncé?

“Todd, I got your messages and I think we should talk. Really talk.”

“But you and Liam…”

“We’re nothing,” Jessica added quickly.

“But you went out…?”

“For dinner.” This was the omission part, leaving out the sex that came after.

“Hey, that’s great. I mean, dinner, who cares?”

Just what Lila had said. Jessica tried not to feel guilty about the relief in Todd’s voice. She was doing what she had to do.

“Unless it’s us having dinner together. Like maybe a late dinner tomorrow night at Le Bouchon?”

There was a pause on the other end of the line, and Jessica wondered if she’d overplayed her hand. Le Bouchon was their restaurant. Their life together as a couple officially started there. At least, their open, nonsecret, nonaffair life.

“We haven’t been there in a long time,” Todd said.

“Is that a yes?” Jessica’s heart hammered hard in her chest as she waited for his answer.

“Definitely a yes.” Todd couldn’t keep the excitement out of his voice.

Jessica laughed. She knew she had him. Everything was going to be all right.

Chapter Three

When Elizabeth arrived at Jessica’s town house the next day, she found her sister in party-prep mode, gearing up for the big MeanGreen gala, a Bluetooth handless receiver accessorizing one ear and a diamond chandelier earring dangling from the other. Jessica’s makeup artist and stylist were just leaving. On big gala days like this one, Jessica left nothing to chance.

Jessica wore a glittering diamond choker necklace on loan from Tiffany and a sleeveless red slinky gown and strappy heels. Her hair was blown dry straight and fell long past her shoulders. Elizabeth felt dreary and dull, the left-at-home sister in her jeans and flats and her hair thrown up in a hasty ponytail. She never knew how her twin could make walking in six-inch stilettos look as easy as meandering around in Keds, but she managed it. Glamorous, was what she thought when she looked at her twin. Everything I’m not.

“The models are used to marathon makeup sessions, or they should be, so I wouldn’t worry about that,” Jessica said into her hands-free set as she gave Elizabeth a quick hug hello. “I’ll be there in twenty, but make sure to put the Vogue photographer front and center. He gets to set up first. I know—you have

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