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Book online «Strawberry Kisses Phavy Prieto (bookstand for reading TXT) 📖». Author Phavy Prieto

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tone as cold as possible.

"Please, go ahead," he replied with a faint smile, disguising a certain air of superiority. "I'd really like to see everyone's face when they see that tonight at 10 o'clock you are supposed to... masturbate."

"What? What are you talking about?" I quickly thought if I had written it in my planner. No, never... though my headache didn't allow me to be completely sure.

I jumped in an attempt to grab it, but that cover model was too tall. In that instant I regretted not having practiced basketball as a child to be able to jump higher. Besides, I was late for the meeting!

"I won't give you anything back, until you pay for the damage you caused," he said, pointing at his shirt.

Is that all? Did he just want me to pay for the laundry? I would have accepted anything to get my treasure back.

"Send the laundry bill to my office, and I'll pay for it," I said, believing that it would solve the problem.

"I'm not going to take that risk, Miss..."

"Maria! Are you still here?" Aurora, my supervisor, exclaimed as she approached the elevator.

"No, not now," I thought when I saw her.

"Aurora! I was just about to go upstairs, but..." I began to say when my interlocutor saw that Adonis.

"Oh, Mr. Devoir!" Aurora exclaimed, surprised and pale in the face. "I... I mean... I hope everything is well?" she added nervously.

"Everything is great! In fact, I was already leaving," he said, smiling mischievously and waving my planner in the air as he walked towards the exit.

"What?" I said. "But... my..." I could not add anything else because Aurora dragged me into the elevator and pressed the button to go to the floor where the new project for the new boss had to be presented. I could not understand how my planner, my precious planner ended up in the hands of a complete stranger. No matter how cool he was, he remained a stranger.

Wait... Aurora addressed him as Devoir.

"Do you know that guy?" I asked suddenly, coming out of my trance, as if my limb just got amputated.

"Sure, didn't you recognize him?"

"Recognize him?" I asked confused.

Could you imagine if that guy was really a model from Men's Health?

"Oh, that's right!" she suddenly stated. "I forgot that you never come to the Christmas party because you prefer to go back home."

What the hell does the Christmas party have to do with that handsome man now?

"Mr. and Mrs. Devoir don't usually come to the branch, as it's not the main one. I don't know what has happened. It probably has something to do with the new director. Yes, it must surely be that... Without his suit, I almost didn't recognize him," said Aurora.

"Will you tell me who he is?" I exclaimed exasperated, trying to find out who the man who had seized my planner was.

"Oh dear... He is handsome, but you don't need to get that nervous," she said, looking at me indulgently. "It was Damian Devoir."

"Damian Devoir?" I said confused. I didn't have the faintest idea who he was.

"That’s right. Mr. and Mrs. Devoir are the owners of the holding and Damian is one of the owners."

Goddamn it! Did I throw coffee all over the super boss of all bosses? Fuck, fuck, fuck! And what's more, he has my planner!

And suddenly I remembered that I had, in fact, written in my planner that I would masturbate that night.

Oh my God ... I want to die.

Chapter II

"It can't be true," I thought going up in the elevator. I wanted to get out as soon as possible to retrieve the black planner that a few seconds earlier that angel-faced Adonis had seized.

"Damn me! I need a Kinder Bueno, one Kinder Bueno... I would need at least twenty of them to calm my nerves right now!" I whispered to myself.

Thanks to my self-control, I was able to limit the consumption of that chocolate created for gluttony, except when an irrepressible anxiety prevailed.

"I want a Kinder Bueno, I need a Kinder Bueno. And I want it now!" I thought. A fire was raging inside me, and in an attempt to calm my anxiety, I nibbled at my trembling index finger.

"Couldn't the meeting be postponed?" I asked confidently.

"Obviously not!" Aurora blurted out as if I were offering her an intimate dinner with Hannibal Lecter. "Mr. Ramirez is already waiting for us, and we certainly cannot postpone it."

I clenched my teeth hard to try to control myself. I hate not having everything under control, and at that moment nothing was under my control! Neither my unbearable hangover headache nor my planner. Not even my nerves at the very thought that that Adonis with perfect hair could discover my innermost secrets.

"I want to die, but this time for real!" I whimpered to myself, thinking of the amount of information about my private life in that planner.

"Would you, by any chance, know how to contact Mr. Devoir?" I asked with feigned disinterest. Contrary to my intention, I made the opposite impression, because a luminous sign must have flashed on my forehead, with the word "desperate" on it.

Aurora laughed in my face for that absurd request.

"They don't give the phone to employees of the company, Maria, but you can always try to call his secretary who will, in all likelihood, leave you waiting."

Great! From now on they will see me as one of those crazy women who try to hook up with their multimillionaire bosses. Hateful social climbers that I despised because for me the greatest professional satisfaction was to advance solely on one's own merits.

"Shit," I whispered in anguish.

"Is something wrong, Maria?" Aurora insisted. "It seems that Mr. Devoir has made a pleasant impression on you."

Great! Now at work

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