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Book online «The Godsend Backfire: The Beginning Harold Straugh (bearly read books TXT) 📖». Author Harold Straugh

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I simply just rolled it up tightly and fashioned it to Sabor.  Soon we where off, I noticed the temperature was a little cooler, it was getting to be fall time.

“I think in our next place we help, we should get furs, it’s going to be getting cold soon, we will have to live in that tent in the winter months.”

She was right, I never prepped for winter just lived through it, walked, traveled right on through it, but I was traveling with a human, so I had to take precautions.

We continued up the path and a little bit after the morning sun, we came across some graves, we acted quick to unbury them and watched them burn.  Noemi was enjoying it as much as I. We took a break from riding, well Noemi did, said her back was hurting.  She walked off into the woods and grabbed onto a low hanging branch.  She then pulled herself up, repeatedly. After that she dropped to the ground, got in a prone position, palms flat on the ground and pushed herself up.  Push-ups and pull-ups have been around a long time, longer than most idiots think.

“What are you doing?” I asked.

“Keeping my body looking good,” she said then looked at me, “Don’t you do this to keep your body looking like it is?” she asked as she was doing push-ups.

“No, I’m from a fallen angel, my body has looked this way as long as I can remember,” I said.

“I hate you!” she laughed, “I need heavy stones. I didn’t get these stones by lifting light stones,” she flexed her arms.”

She was well defined, then she took off jogging, her horse followed, and I followed her.  She went from a jog to a full-on run and she ran for at least thirty-minutes.  Then she stopped, and put her hands on her knees and leaned over, taking in deep breaths.

“Are you okay?”

“Yes, I am! That felt amazing,” she huffed, “I need a bath, we need to find water.”

I didn’t see any water as far as I could see, and with the woods thinning it was easy to see far.  She jumped on her horse and we trotted off. We didn’t find water for another two hours.  We found a small stream, with a mountain way off in the distance. It was only knee deep, but it didn’t stop Noemi from first, drinking large handfuls of it, second, filling her camel-skinned canteen, then finally stripping down and sitting in the creek.  She scrubbed and scrubbed then offered me the bar, I gently refused.

I walked around a little bit, sniffing out some of the flowers, I found a few that smelled nice and picked them. I had my own plans to smell good, or I thought anyways.  I stripped down and sat down the creek from her.  I used my florals and scrubbed my arms and chest with them. All I managed to do was color my arms and chest with some reds, blue and yellows from the flowers.

I looked over and Noemi was on the bank already, gathering sticks. I was angry that my flowers didn’t work on making me smell good, so I got out of the creek and walked right past Noemi, who was leaned over, striking two black rocks together, trying to get the fire going.

“WHOA! Get that thing out of my face!” she said and laughed.

“I’m sorry,” I said and sat down, offering to take the fire stones away and get the fire going. I done what I planned to do and with only two strikes, I got the fire going.

“Thank you!” Noemi said and smiled at me.

“You don’t have to thank me, you’re going to have to get use to me doing this, once winter sets in you’re going to be staying warm in that tent,” I said.

“I can take care of myself you know, I’ve been doing it most my life.”

“I know, but we are on dangerous times and you are valuable to me,” I said admitting to her basically, that I appreciated her.

“Thank you!” she said and rubbed her hands together.

After an hour of warming up she got into her pack and got out a change of clothes. Now back then there were no bras or panties, it was simply shirts and pants, or makeshift dresses, nothing like today’s standards. I didn’t have a change of clothes, so I dressed in my somewhat dirty ones. I put on my purple glasses, put the fire out and once again we were on our way.

The area opened up even more and the trees went away as we came upon lush green fields of grasses.  The horses would stop randomly and graze, but ultimately go on their way. After miles of not seeing anyone, we came to small town with more mud-brick style huts, some of them with multiple rooms instead of one big room.  The place is now called Dudince in Slovakia.

I saw one of the townspeople and he looked at me in confusion. He wasn’t as tan as the people I’ve encountered before and was pinkish in color.  He was skinny, had a beak-like nose and narrow eyes. He spoke and as usual, I didn’t understand them at first.  Noemi looked at me, she didn’t understand what he was saying either, then my brain processed his words.


I spoke to him, in his language, “I am Roldian, this my friend Noemi,” as my brain translated once more, it was a trait that Derium and I shared.

Noemi spoke, “You can understand him and speak his language?”

“I can understand all,” I said. how the languages don’t get messed up in my head, still amaze me.

Then the guy stopped once he heard Noemi talk and started talking to her, he spoke in her language this time.

“What’s wrong

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