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the bargain and spent more time with her family.


Georgie joined them in bed the following morning, something that was becoming a habit on a Sunday. It made Katy’s heart sing to have her family around her, if only for twenty minutes or so. She kissed her daughter on the head and caressed her hair.

Katy jumped in the shower while AJ and Georgie went downstairs to prepare her a special breakfast to set her up for the day. She groaned inwardly, her stomach still full from eating the damned fat-laden fish and chips the day before.

She spent an extra five minutes with her family after breakfast was finished and then drove to the station. Charlie was already at her desk, the computer screen on, and making notes.

“Hey, stop! You’re putting me to shame.” Katy teased and Charlie laughed. “Sorry I’m later than intended. Georgie wouldn’t stop nattering this morning and it made me feel guilty leaving her when I should be at home on a Sunday. The things we do to keep crime off the streets, eh?”

“Aww… poor Georgie. It must be hard for her to understand and even harder on you to leave her and AJ for the day.”

“The same could be said about you and Brandon. Everything all right there?”

Charlie waved her hand from side to side. “It’s as well as it can be, I suppose. Once this case is over, Brandon’s insisting we should sit down and discuss our future.”

Katy slotted a coin in the vending machine and prodded the white coffee button. “Sounds ominous.” She placed the cup on Charlie’s desk.

“Thanks. I’m used to it. He’s always putting the pressure on, but when it comes to the crunch of actually discussing our problems, he tends to shut down.”

Katy returned to the machine to fetch a coffee for herself and then sat down next to Charlie. “I’m sorry, love. I’m always here if things ever get too tough for you.”

“I’m fine. Does it give a bad impression for me to say that I’m used to it?”

Katy shrugged. “It doesn’t bode well for a relationship, does it?”

“Nope, Mum would say the same, if I ever confided in her. I’m trying my best not to go down that route. The last thing I want to do is cause her to regret moving to Norfolk.”

“I hear you. After this case is over, why don’t you and Brandon go away for a few days to try and put your relationship back on an even keel?”

“I think it’s too late for that. Do you mind if we stop talking about it, Katy? It’s nice to be at work, doing my best to forget all the angst I’m having to deal with at home right now.”

“Sure, that works for me. Let me nip into the office, see what post is in there, if any, and then we’ll get stuck in.”

Charlie pointed at her desk. “I’ll continue with what I was doing. My mind refused to shut down last night, so I thought I’d come in early to chase up something that’s bugging me.”

“Can’t wait to hear what it is. Two secs and I’ll be back.” She dipped into the office and peered at her in-tray. There was a smaller pile than usual. Small enough to make her mind up for her. She backed out of the room and rejoined Charlie, whose fingers were darting across the keyboard. “Right, let’s have it.”

Before Charlie had a chance to speak, the phone rang. Katy answered it on a nearby desk. “DI Katy Foster, how may I help?”

“Please, please, you have to help us. He’s gone, she’s taken him.”

Katy instantly put the phone on speaker. “Okay, one thing at a time. Who is this?”

“Donna Platt. We met yesterday, you came to our house.”

Katy stared at Charlie and mouthed, “Do you know the name?”

Charlie shook her head and opened up a search screen on the computer.

“I’m sorry. I don’t recall your name,” Katy replied, perching on the edge of the desk behind her.

The woman growled. “Ethan Romero’s fiancée. All right, we were never introduced, but you were at the house last night.”

“Ah yes. Okay, you said something about someone being missing, who are you talking about? Ethan?”

“No, it’s our son, Matthew. She took him. Told us if we contacted the police that she would kill him. I haven’t slept all night, I can’t stay silent a moment longer. Please, you have to help us.”

“When did this person take your child?”

“Yesterday, around two in the afternoon. He was playing football at the park with his friends. I was late picking him up, I had a puncture. I’m pretty sure she did it to make me late for collecting him. It was her plan to kidnap him all along.”

“I’m so sorry to hear this. Is that why Ethan was off with us last night?”

“Yes, we argued most of the night after you left. I pleaded with him to tell you, but he refused in case she carried out her threat.”

“Where is Ethan now?”

“Out there, searching for them. I couldn’t stand the stress any longer. We need your help, we’ll never get Matthew back without your assistance, I’m sure of that. But… I’m terrified to think what will happen if she hears that I’ve been in touch with you. You can’t put this out in the news, I’m begging you.”

“Please, don’t worry. Where was your son playing football? We’ll see if there are any cameras on site or in the vicinity.”

“There are, I’ve seen them. They’ve had problems with the centre being vandalised over the past few years. It’s the Tom Fordyce Centre.” She let out a deep sigh. “It was set up in the young lad’s name. He lost his battle to cancer and the money raised from his charity contributed towards building the facility.”

“Thanks. We’ll get on to it straight away.” Katy motioned for Charlie to action it. “This woman obviously contacted you, what were her exact words? Has she made any demands, you know, for money?”

“No. She

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