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told us she had him. This is all about revenge. Ethan is beside himself and I’m… well, I’m frantic, going out of my mind with worry. What if she hurts him?”

“Revenge? Did she say what type of revenge?”

“The revenge type. I don’t know. Ethan doesn’t know either, I’ve tackled him about it.”

“Seems strange that she should come after your son, is it likely to be a case of mistaken identity?”

“No! Oh, I don’t know. Ethan’s no bloody help whatsoever. I’m going out of my damn mind. Please, can you help us?”

“We’re going to do our best. Did the woman tell you her name?”

“No. But Ethan is acting weird, as though he’s aware who the woman is, but is refusing to tell me.”

“Well, we believe we have a rough idea what this is about.”

“I wish someone would bloody enlighten me then, because I’m floundering around in the dark here.”

“Are you aware of Ethan having a conviction?”

“He said he went to prison on a minor matter in his teens, but that’s all he’s ever told me. What did he do?”

“He and three other men were found guilty of manslaughter after the car they’d stolen ploughed into another car, killing two adults. Two children survived the crash.”

“Oh, shit! I had no idea. So who is the woman?”

“We haven’t quite figured that part out yet. My partner and I have come into work on our day off to do some extra digging into the case.”

“There’s an obvious connection though, that’s what you’re telling me between the lines, right?”

“We believe so, yes. I need you to prepare yourself for what I’m about to say next.”

“Shit! Okay, I’m ready.”

“This week we’ve been investigating the deaths of three, actually five, people.” Donna gasped. “Three of those people were involved in the same accident Ethan caused. He was driving the vehicle at the time.”

“Holy crap! And now this woman, whoever she is, has my son!” Donna sobbed, unable to contain herself any longer.

“So it would seem. I’m sorry, Donna. Please, try and hold it together, I realise how difficult that’s going to be for you, but we’re getting close, you have to take my word for that.”

“Who is this fucking woman? Why take my child as punishment?”

“We’re working on it, I promise you. The way things stand, I’m inclined to think the woman is possibly a relative of the family involved.”

“But it was an accident!”

Katy sighed. “An accident caused by joy riders. That has to hurt.”

“Oh, God. I don’t know what to say or think any more. Please, I just want my baby back, you have to help me. He doesn’t deserve to be held responsible for his father’s sins. I hate Ethan for keeping this from me. I had a right to know, damn it, look where it has led now. I could have kept my son out of harm’s way, had I known. Bloody hell, you think I would still be with Ethan had he been honest with me? There’s no way on earth I’d still be here today. My son is innocent, you have to help me to get him back. He’s my world. Please.”

“We’re going to do our very best. What I’m going to need is an up-to-date photo of Matthew.”

“I can send it via my phone.”

“Good. I’ll give you my number.” Katy told the woman her mobile number and waited for the picture to appear. “I’ve got it. We’ll print it out and distribute it. Try not to worry.”

“Please, if she finds out I’ve spoken to you…” Donna’s voice trailed off and a sob filled the line.

“Please, try and remain positive. We’ll take every precaution to keep your son’s involvement quiet. One last thing, can you give me Ethan’s mobile number?”

Donna gave the information and Charlie jotted it down.

“Okay, I’m going to crack on with things now. I want to thank you for bravely reaching out. I also want to assure you that we’ll maintain discretion at all times and issue a warning for our colleagues to do the same.”

“Thank you. Please, please bring my baby home safely.”

“I’ll be in touch soon.” Katy ended the call and then sent Matthew’s picture to the printer. “I won’t be long, I need to get this down to the desk sergeant right away.”

“I’ll keep digging into what’s going through my mind, I’ll hopefully have something for you by the time you get back.”

From the doorway, Katy shouted, “Do you think we should summon the rest of the team?”

“I don’t think we have that much to go on, let’s see how we go for an hour or so and reassess.”

Katy nodded and raced down the stairs two at a time. She found the weekend desk sergeant standing at reception. “Hi, Stan, I have an urgent task for you.”

“What’s that, ma’am?”

She went through what she expected of him. He listened intently and actioned her instructions immediately. “Leave it with me.”

“Remember, you need to emphasise to your men the need for discretion. If this woman gets wind that we’re onto her… well, I dread to think what the consequences might be.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll be sure to let them know.”

“Keep me informed of anything and everything, okay?”

He nodded and Katy hurried back to the incident room. She sat next to Charlie. “Phew! Quite an eventful day already.” She gulped down the remainder of her lukewarm coffee. “One of these days, I’ll get to drink a hot cup around here. Go on, what is it you want to share with me?”

“I think Donna has burst my bubble on that front. You know we came away from Ethan’s house wondering if he and Donna were behind the killings? I think we can put that scenario to bed now unless Donna is trying to pull a fast one, leading us astray.”

“Hmm… not sure about the last part of your theory. She seemed far too upset to me, plus, there’s the fact that the news about Ethan’s involvement in the crime totally blew her socks off.”

“That’s true. Okay, we need to take a different

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