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Book online «Strong Alibi K.C. Turner (reading books for 5 year olds .txt) 📖». Author K.C. Turner

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base of her neck. She looked at Martinez who was still studying a page from his stack. Her hand moved from her head to her shoulders, digging her fingers deep into her trapezius muscle to relieve the built up stress. She twisted her neck from side to side. “Are you hungry? Chinese sounds awesome right now.”

Martinez sat back in his chair. “Yeah, we should probably take a break, huh?”

Getting up from the table, Elizabeth took a stack of menus out of the junk draw in the kitchen. “Okay, China Dragon it is. Do you prefer Chinese or Thai?”

“Both sound great. How ‘bout we get a few dishes and share? As long as you get at least one meat dish for me. I don’t wanna be starving in a couple hours.”

She winked at him as she dialed a number from her phone. Once she had placed the order, she hung up and said, “Alright, should be here in 30 minutes or so.”

Martinez stood up and placed his hands together behind his back to stretch his back and triceps. He sat back down and said, “Since we have a little time, there’s something we should talk about.”

She took a deep breath. “Come on,” she said as she titled her head back. “Seriously?”

“Liz, it’s not just gonna go away.”

Becoming defensive she said, “Apparently not. Cheese and Rice! You were able to get my uncle over here to install a frigin’ security system.”

“He cares about you, Liz. And from what he told me, he wanted to do it long before you moved back in here.”

“Not the point, Martinez.” She circled the table. “God, half the time I feel like I have no control over any of these decisions, let alone being made aware they are even being contemplated.”

He rested his head in shame. “I’m sorry. I should have told you. I was afraid if I did, you would shut me down without hearing me out, just like you’re doing now.”

Guilt swept over her face. “I’m sorry. I’m not trying to shut you out. I just – Over the past couple years I just started to feel like I was in control of my life again, ya know? And you and Bill stepping in like this just feels like I’m losing control again. I don’t wanna be a burden to anybody, Angel. I can take care of myself.”

“I’m well aware of that, Liz. However, there are people who care about you and would do anything for you.”

“Then please involve me next time. I lived for a long time feeling like I didn’t have a choice. At least give me that.”

“I’m sorry. I thought I was doing the right thing,”

“It’s not that it’s right or wrong, Angel. I appreciate it. I really do. But this is my house and my life. I think I should be the ultimate decision maker.”

A wave of sympathy crossed his face. “I can understand that.” Looking up from his shameful retreat, he asked, “So is this a bad time to bring up a protection order?”

“Seriously, Martinez?”

“Liz, he’s getting out Friday. I’m just worried about you. Red’s worried about you. China is worried about you! How is it that you, the one person truly affected, seem to have no concerns about this?”

“Of course I’m concerned. I’m just trying not to stress too much about it. For God’s sake, if Steve Robinson wants to get to me, don’t you think he will do just that?”

Martinez became stiff, his presence warrior-like. “We don’t have to make it easy for him.”

There was a knock at the door. Their food had arrived. Elizabeth grabbed her wallet from her bag and answered the door paying the man, tipping him generously. “Thank you so much!” Returning to the table she placed the bags in front of them.

Martinez began removing the small boxes of food from the bag and placing them on the table. “You know, you were wrong.”

She became defensive. “Excuse me?”

“You don’t need to place your address on a Civil Protection Order.”

“What the hell are you talking about?”

“China told me why you didn’t want to do the protection order. You don’t need an address.”

Elizabeth was growing more irritated. “Is that right?”

Finding the pepper steak and fried rice, he dug in with his chopsticks. His mouth full he said, “That’s right, Miss Strong.”

Grabbing the box of Shrimp lo mein, she said, “Do tell, Detective.”

“I checked out the statute for a CPO. You only need to provide an address of where you want the defendant to keep himself from. Meaning, he doesn’t know where you live. Therefore, no need to include it. He knows where you work, Liz. So you put your work address. That simple.”

“That simple, huh? Do you even know what you’re getting yourself into?”

Immediately after she asked the question, the Rolling Stones, Wild Horses, began playing on the stereo. Martinez put his chop sticks in his little white box and stood before her. He reached out his hand and she accepted. She put down her food and allowed him to pull her in close. As the song played, they swayed to the music. He whispered in her ear, “Wild horses couldn’t drag me away.”

As the song ended, they pulled away from each other and he kissed her lightly on the mouth. ‘Can’t You Hear Me Knockin’ began to play. He looked deep into her blue eyes. “We’re not trying to take your choice away, Liz. We’re just trying to get ahead of the game and help.”

“I get it.” Her arms circled his neck. “Just make sure I’m a part of next time, will ya?”

His nose swiped across hers. He felt the warmth of her breath. “I’ll always be here for you. I’m sorry if my protective side got away from me.”

Shrugging her shoulders she gave in, “It’s okay. I get it. Kind of.” Pulling away, she sat back in her chair. “Anywho! Back to Pam DeFranco.”

He sat down attempting to cover up the look of defeat on his face. “Absolutely. So. Here we are, the

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