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Book online «Strong Alibi K.C. Turner (reading books for 5 year olds .txt) 📖». Author K.C. Turner

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I’m comfortable with what you have here.”

Nodding his head, he said, “Alright. That’s all I needed. I’ll get the warrant served this afternoon.”

She smiled and winked at him. “Good work, Detective.” She put her glasses back on and returned to her paperwork.

“Thank you, Marilyn.” He started to step out of her office and turned back around. “Hey, is it okay if I stop back and see Liz before I go?”

She looked up over her frames at him. “About that. You know it doesn’t bother me about you and Elizabeth helping each other. I mean we’re both on the same team here. Just remember, I’m not the only person she reports to now.”

He sucked in his bottom lip and bit down hard before nodding at her again. “Copy that.”

Walking back through the main office, he smiled at all the secretaries and headed down the hall to Elizabeth’s office. As he approached, he heard Elizabeth and China laughing. Leaning into the doorway, he said, “Now ladies, it sounds like we are having way too much fun in here.”

Perking up in her chair, Elizabeth’s face lit up. “Hey, you!”

He looked at her possessively but lovingly. “Hey, yourself.” He moved his eyes to China. “Hey, China. How’s it goin’?”

Seeing that as her cue to leave, China picked up her things and walked past him, giving him sexy eyes. “Hey Martinez…” She turned back to Elizabeth and winked at her. “You kids behave now.”

Taking the seat that China occupied, he made himself comfortable. “So how’s your day going, Bella?”

She smirked and rolled her eyes. “It’s going, I guess. Good to see your smiling face though!”

“Well, maybe I can make it a little better for ya.”

Her face was speculative and she giggled out loud. “Well you can certainly try.”

He sat back in the chair with confidence. “I just spoke with Marilyn about my investigation on Pam DeFranco’s death and I’m pretty sure I should be making an arrest before the weekend.”

“Really? Well I guess that is some good news for a change.”

He pulled the warrant out of his pocket and waved it in front of her. “Yep. I just need to deliver this warrant to Jim West’s smug ass and solidify my suspicion. After I get what I need, I’ll bring in Brandon DeFranco and his little girlfriend one last time, try and get one or both of them to give me something. Regardless, I’ll have enough for an arrest.”

A confused look swept across her face. “You know, I’m not a huge fan of the Tribune either, but it seems like you take it a little personal. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I took some of their articles a little personal myself but...”

Leaning forward he attempted to defend his stance. “I don’t have a problem with freedom of speech, Liz. What I do have a problem with is trying to protect someone who is guilty behind some Constitutional bullshit.” He proceeded to tell her about his last conversation with Jim.

The look on her face was sympathetic. “Angel, I understand where you are coming from, but to be honest, I understand his side as well. He’s not obligated to share anything with you. But that’s why you have that warrant in your hand. You can’t blame him for making you take the proper legal steps to get what you want, can you? He’s right, you know. But so are you.”

A little put off, he thought for a moment. “I get what you’re saying. But Jim West is a smug asshole. I can’t wait to deliver this.”

Tilting her head in a compassionate manner, she said, “I want Brandon DeFranco as much as you do, but, I don’t know, I guess we both need to put things in proper prospective when it comes to the Tribune. If it’s not Jim West and Brandon DeFranco spewing their hate of SPD and the prosecutor’s office, you know it would be someone else.” She shrugged her shoulders.

He sighed. “Yeah, you got a point. But it’s still gonna feel damn good setting this on his desk and bringing Brandon down.”

“I get it. So, how ‘bout I give you a little piece of information from my arsenal?”

He perked up. “Oh yeah? Whatchu got, Strong?”

“Interestingly enough, Pam’s sister, Janet Burrows, called me after lunch. Said she received some mail for Pam at her house. From a divorce attorney.”

He smirked. “So, she was seeking a divorce? Classic,” he said as he shook his head.

She smacked her lips as she spoke. “Yeah, it appears so. Are we surprised?” she asked sarcastically.

“Not in the least. It also comes as no surprise it’s officially a homicide. Dr. Wexler emailed me the autopsy report confirming the cause of death. He also confirmed she was pregnant.”

Sadness washed over her face. “Oh my God, seriously?”

“Yeah, I know, right? Hopefully, once I nail this bastard, Marilyn will authorize two murder charges.”

She sighed. “Hopefully.” There was a silent pause. Elizabeth tried to push the visuals out of her head. “Hey, can you do me a favor?”

“Of course, Liz. Anything.”

“Can you let me know as soon as an arrest is made and let me tell the family? I’ve been working pretty close with Janet. I would really like to be the one to tell her.”

“I can absolutely do that.” He stood up to head out.

Standing with him, Elizabeth had one more request. “Hey, I know your busy today, but I was hoping you were free tomorrow afternoon, say after lunch?”

“I don’t have anything going on so far, unless of course I can get Brandon in again for questioning. Why, what’s up?”

She took a deep breath. “Well, China and I are going over to court. I have my petition for a CPO filled out and I’m ready to request it from the judge.”

His face showed signs of shock and relief as he steadied himself against the doorframe. “Wow. Okay. Of course, I’ll be there. Just say the word. I’ll be sure to clear my calendar after lunch.”

Stepping toward him, she placed her hand on his

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