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we entered dragon valley. This mother needed her help, and that urgency took away any fear Kas might have had before.

The little dragons flew down from the large male’s head and landed on the grass in front of him, but they didn’t play or look around. They simply sat and watched as Kas started to work on the wounded female.

The large green dragon lowered his head to watch, too, and I turned to him and gave a small bow to say thank you.

He bowed back, but I could feel he was invested in the outcome of the situation, and he wasn’t going to leave until he knew she was going to be okay.

Against my chest, I could feel the little dragon in the egg stir. He started to swirl around in an excited panic now that he sensed his mother was nearby.

“It’s okay,” I whispered, and I laid my hand on the egg. “She’s alright, we’re going to fix her right up.”

The mother raised her head slightly when I put my hand on my chest, and I realized she could sense her baby.

I walked to her, took the egg out of the sling, and held it out for her to sniff.

The mother was a beautiful deep silver color with ruby-red eyes, and her lip twitched slightly as she sniffed the egg and then let out a low moan.

“He’s okay,” I told her, and I laid my hand on her head. “He’s waiting for you. Once you’re healed, he’ll come out to see you, but you have to hold on for him.”

The female sighed deeply before she laid her head back down on the edge of the nest, clearly too weak to hold it up any longer.

I set her egg next to her head and then made my way around to where Kas was bent down near her front leg.

The dragon’s limb was nearly torn off, and there was a large pool of blood around the wound. I was positive I could see the bone protruding from her body, and the sight of her exposed muscles made my stomach drop with despair.

“Kas,” I whispered as I crouched down next to the strawberry-blonde. “Is she going to be alright?”

I was so focused on the dragon’s feelings, I hadn’t noticed Kas’ until I got right down on her level. The sorceress had her hands placed on the piece of leg that was still attached to the dragon, and red magic sparkles swirled around her fingers, but her face was pulled into a terrible grimace, and hot tears streamed down her face.

“Kas,” I said, and my eyes widened as I reached out to put my hands on her shoulders. “Talk to me.”

“I-I can’t do it. My powers aren’t strong enough… I… her arm is nearly torn off, and I… I can’t put it back on.” She looked at me with panicked violet eyes. “She’s going to die, Rath. She’s going to die, and I can’t save her.”

I gulped hard as my eyes began to prick with emotion, and then I glanced over to the bloody nub below Kas’ fingers. The sorceress had stopped the blood from flowing, but there was already so much on the ground below it was hard to imagine she had much more to lose.

There wasn’t much time left, and my healer was unable to mend the wound.

We had to do something, anything.

I wasn’t going to let this mother die.

Chapter 9

My mind raced as I tried to think of what we could do. I could feel the dragon’s energy, and I knew we didn’t have much time at all.

She was dying, and if we didn’t do something quickly, the little dragon in the egg was going to die, too. He wouldn’t come out without his mother, and if he stayed in his egg, he’d die from starvation eventually.

Even if I could convince the little dragon to come out, he’d be an orphan, and though I was always willing to take one in, I didn’t want it to wind up that way. This little boy had a mother who loved him, and I wasn’t going to let him lose her.

“What’s going on?” Asta asked as she and Eira came over to us.

The redhead’s eyes landed on the wound, and her hand instinctively came up to cover her mouth as she gasped.

Asta’s mouth fell open when she saw the mother’s arm, and she closed her eyes and turned her head as tears started to trail down her cheeks.

“Is she going to be okay?” Eira asked, and she licked her lips and looked everywhere but at the wound.

“I-I can’t heal her,” Kas sniffled.

“What?” Asta asked as she knelt down by Kas. “Will my magic help?”

“What can we do?” Eira asked, and she knelt down, too.

“I was already pulling from your magic,” Kas said as tears continued to run down her cheeks. “All I can do is lessen the bleeding. I can’t close the wound at the same time, and if I let go, then she’s going to bleed out too quickly for my healing to work.”

I’d thought Kas was unable to heal the dragon because her power wasn’t enough to fix such a large wound, but in actuality, she was doing all she could to simply keep the mother alive right then. We needed another sorcerer.

“Preyna,” I said, almost to myself.

“Preyna?” Kas asked, but then her violet eyes widened with realization. “Preyna!”

“Yes.” Asta nodded fervently. “Call her to us!”

“If anybody can help, it’s her,” Eira added.

“Blar!” I called, and the little blue dragon appeared a second later. He looked at the mother’s wound and then at me with huge blue eyes full of concern. “She’s going to be okay, but I need a portal to Preyna.”

Blar nodded and closed his eyes to call

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