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realize what wouldlater turn into a “Star Wars”obsession.

“Hey, buddy, where’sKingy?” I asked as I ran my fingers through my still wethair.

“Kingy left,” Johnnyresponded, without taking his eyes off the two storm troopers hewas manipulating into rather fierce combat.

“What do you mean, Kingyleft?” I asked curiously.

“Kingy left,” he repeated,but this time he looked up at me with what seemed like concern.Sensing that something was amiss, I ran out into the rain to scanthe backyard, the front yard, and the neighboring lawns. Our poodlewas nowhere in sight. I then went to the alligator-inhabited lakebehind our house, fearing the worst. Still, no Kingy. Johnny and Ispent the remainder of the day making flyers and decorating theneighborhood with them. We also went to every veterinarian andanimal shelter in the area, but to no avail. One week and manytears later, I told Johnny we would try something else, anythingelse to let a desperate father ease his son’s pain. Logging on tomy computer, I Googled “pet psychics” to see if we could behelped.

Now, I realize that there is a strongdistinction between those who do not believe in alternative mediumsand the paranormal, and those who do. I'm not suggesting that I'man avid ghost hunter, but I do consider myself very spiritual andhave always at least considered the possibility that some people doin fact possess inexplicable abilities to sense and see things therest of us cannot. Having found Terri Lynn, I decided to give her acall, as much to appease my son as to satisfy my own curiosities.Terri, a woman whose website identified her not only as a petpsychic, but also as a professional medium who had even worked withthe police on various murder and missing persons cases, “tuned in”to the situation immediately and, with few details from me, had anexplanation for Kingy’s disappearance.

“Within a minute of himleaving your house, he was picked up,” she explained, speaking sosoftly I had to strain to hear her. “A woman who had been over at aguy’s house for a one night stand was driving down your street onher way out of the community, saw him, opened her car door, andyour dog jumped right in.” Though we had no way of knowing, herexplanation seemed reasonable, especially since Kingy was only gonea few minutes before I started looking for him, and was nowhere insight.

Though I was stillskeptical about the true value of Terri’s “gift,” I did find herlikeable and believable and so I wrote down her name and number incase I ever needed her again. Now, over a year later, I foundmyself once again staring at her name while I slowly petted anappreciative Queenie. After everything I'd been through over thepast six months, plus the reality of a courtroom drama in my nearfuture, I was feeling more depressed and confused than ever. I knewthe odds of my winning in court were great, but I was still weigheddown with loneliness and questions. Chief among those questions:Why me? Talia, Daniel, and Audrey all picked me as a means to theirown end. Was I “projecting” something? Was I too trusting? Toonaïve? Tired of thinking and guessing and feeling miserable, Ireached over and picked up the phone to get some answers fromTerri.

May 30, 2009: The First Reading

PAUL - I’m calling you because it looks like I married a liar,thief and con artist.

TERRI - Would you tell me her full name?

PAUL - Audrey Elizabeth Allen Munson. Can you tell me why Audreyhas refused to return the engagement ring I gave her? It was thering of my mother, kept for me by my father for almost twenty yearssince my mother’s death. What’s wrong with her that she would be soheartless and immoral?

TERRI - This is because she is repeating patterns from herchildhood. She’s not learning the things she came here tolearn.

PAUL - One big question: Why has this happened to me?

TERRI - You attracted her to you so you could work on what you needto work on. I feel it will resolve itself, that any judge will rulein your favor, but… it is your reactions that count. Also, you needto relax more, surrender, and be grateful that the marriage did notgo on longer than it did. Also, once you get the divorcesettlement, you should prosecute her for fraud.

PAUL - Why isn’t her conscience SCREAMING at her to stop thisbehavior?

TERRI - This is an immoral person. I want you to be at peace, andnot react to the process. Be in surrender. You have such a goodnature and you can rebound from this. You know, there is somethingmissing in some people’s make-up, and they are in survival modeonly. Damages done during childhood. She has no concept ofconsequences, which is the same thing I see in people who do drugs,the drugs destroy that part of their brain. She planned and shebelieves she will get away with this, and is even entitled tothis. She looks at it like whoring. Shebelieves that since she gave you sexual favors, that you oweher.

TERRI, CONTINUED- I think that there is no way she will settlebefore court, that she wants to get every last drop of blood fromyou. You should relax and enjoy your day in court. I feel thatAudrey is already lining up her next victim. Also, she hasfraudulent tax returns, and you should turn her in to the IRS.Paul, you should try to protect others from her. How, I don’t know.However, anything you do should be done in a state of nurturing,not a “getting even” mentality. Again, she has no sense ofconsequences, and that is why she didn’t claim her income. Audreylooks for weak and vulnerable men. By whatever actions you take,you will strengthen yourself and discover your true SELF, as awarrior of love, bringing the message of love and protection toothers. Audrey is very good at seduction, very good at actinginnocent. She was abused as a child, sexually, and she learned touse sex to get what she wants. I feel her energy is so low andslimy, I feel after tuning in to her that I need to take a bath…I’m hearing that you need to

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