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Book online «Duplicity - A True Story of Crime and Deceit Paul Goldman (the mitten read aloud .txt) 📖». Author Paul Goldman

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aroundThanksgiving of 2002. I was all set to break up with her and thenshe surprised me with a dozen big balloons with the words, ‘JustSay Yes’ emblazoned across them. I guess you could say I was caughtup in the moment, and she was so sweet and endearing. We hopped ona plane to Vegas and were married the very next day.”

“And then what happened?”I was absolutely captivated by his story and, admittedly, I felt atwinge of jealousy on learning that Audrey had actually proposed toBob. She never would have done the same to me.

“There were constantarguments because I could never trust her. Plus, she was alwaysasking me to put her name on my assets, something I refused to dountil we resolved some of our issues. Then, a couple months in, thetech bubble burst and I lost a lot of money.”

“Sorry, Bob.”

“Well, I told Audrey thatwe would have to live a little more frugally for a bit, on a budgetof $100,000 a year.”

“That seems generous,” Isaid. “Most people live on a lot less.” Again, Bobgrinned.

“Yeah, but Audrey didn’tquite see it that way. She told me she’d never live on a budget.Eventually, I just got so fed up with her lies and her demands, Ifiled for divorce and moved back to Connecticut. A few weeks later,just when I thought I was free of her, Audrey called to tell me shewas pregnant. Of course, I had the court order a DNA test to makesure the child was mine, since I reasonably had somedoubts.”

“Well, at least one greatthing resulted from the relationship. I've spent time with Tommy,and he's wonderful,” I said, with a nod. “Tell me, though, did sheever steal anything from you?”

“Quite consistently,actually,” he admitted. “She would steal money from my wallet andfrom a coin box where I kept loose change. When I called her on it,she would argue that, as my wife, what’s mine is hers and all that.Normally, I might agree, but she was sneaky about it and wouldnever tell me what she needed the money for. Then, a few monthsago, she came over to the house with the kids, using them as adistraction no doubt, and she stole a ring my grandfather had givenme.”

“What?” I exclaimed, notbelieving Audrey could be that unscrupulous.

“I’m not kidding,” hesaid, his expression showed real anger for the first time. “She hadthe kids lead me out to the lake to feed the ducks, so she could goupstairs and steal my recent tax returns. Unfortunately, mygrandfather's ring was in the same desk drawer, and she stole thattoo.”

“This is all sounbelievable. I mean, was your arrangement the same? Our marriageoriginally began as part-time while she was taking care of hergrandmother in Cocoa Beach every Saturday through Wednesday. I’mnot sure about you... ” Bob cut me off before I could say anymore.

“Cocoa Beach? I don't knowhow to tell you this, Paul, but she wasn’t in Cocoa Beach. She'sbeen here every Monday for years.”

“I’m sorry, she was inthis area every Monday?” I asked in disbelief. “How would you knowthat?”

“Because I've beenbringing Tommy to her trailer in Stuart every Monday. Our divorcestipulates that I have Tommy on the weekends, and Audrey has himduring the week.

“Oh,” was all I couldmanage. The omelet I had only half-eaten was now a rock in mystomach. I felt sick. Audrey had planned the whole thing. She had apre-planned con to try to make a grab for my assets from the day westarted dating. I was simply her third victim.

“So, one of the mainreasons I wanted to meet with you today, Paul, is because Audrey issuing me and Joe Munson for additional child support. Of course,Joe and I are counter-suing her for full custody, with the argumentthat she's an unfit mother due to her lifestyle. She’s constantlyat the bars, she’s got a new boyfriend every month. Do you knowthat in the last year she has moved in and broken up with fourdifferent men? She’s incapable of anything honest, let alone a longterm relationship.” But all I heard was “four men.” Audrey had beenwith four men over the last year while I was trying everything Icould to piece our family back together.

“I can’t believe it,” Iwhispered, bracing my hands on the table for some balance. The roomwas spinning and my head was pounding. “Four men… ”

“Well, four that myprivate eye found out about.”

“Four. I just, I can’ttell you how that makes me feel.” I was finding it hard to look atBob.

“Join the club, Paul. Howdo you think I feel with my son being carted around like a piece ofluggage? Constantly living with a revolving door of strange men.”And he was right, Tommy was the worst victim in all of this. I wasan adult, I could recognize what she was, what she has done. ButTommy? How could this not affect the rest of his life? At thatmoment, I just wanted to see Johnny. I just wanted to hold him.Then Bob pulled out a piece of paper. “So, tell me your story. Inparticular, whatever you can tell me about Audrey’s treatment ofTommy when you were together.”

* * *

May marked the beginning of our attempts toreach a divorce settlement through mediation. It had been well overa month since I first met with Bob, and though we had spoken a fewtimes thereafter, the initial sting of realizing the unbelievabledepths of Audrey’s treachery had eased a bit. No longer shocked, Ihad resigned myself to the fact that she was a woman who knew nobounds and, using that understanding, I didn't hesitate to tell mylawyer that I wanted to play hardball in every possible way.

Audrey’s lawyer, JackSmith, had converted a small white house in Palm Beach into hisoffice and it was there we held our mediation. Unfortunately, I gotlost finding the place and was a little late. When I entered theroom where we were to meet, I was immediately confronted by thepresence of Audrey, seated at a large round table with her lawyer,my lawyer Adam Nettles, and the mediator. After brief introductionsthat found me fighting every urge to hurl a slew of insults herway, Audrey

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