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guess we can watch The Nightmare on Elm Street.” I roll my eyes to make a point. “Again.” I walk towards the door, and Jaxon slaps my behind playfully.


I. Am. Happy.

Once I reach my room, I hear him singing the jingle from the movie. “One, two, Freddie’s coming for you...” And I can’t help but laugh at how much of a dork he really is.



It’s almost six o’clock in the evening, my shift is almost over, and I’m just wiping down what’s left of the mess from the busy day. It’s Halloween, so I’ll head straight home so Jax and I can go trick-or-treating with Sayeed and Sam, otherwise, they’ll have to wait on me.

I’m not too worried since all I have to really do is throw on a mask and maybe brush my hair. I’m pretty sure Sam has been dressed since he woke up, in anticipation for tonight. Halloween’s the one day it’s socially acceptable for kids to walk up to strangers and ask them for treats, so it’s understandable that he’s looking forward to it.

“Honestly, male on male romance is highly underrated.” Kim shrugs, continuing her rant and pulling me from my thoughts as I clean up.

Her feet are propped on one of our small tables as she sits in the chair, chipping off her black nail polish. Her dark hair is very curly, actually wilder than mine. Her skin has a much more natural peach tone, and she wears nothing but Pantera tees and Vans.

I’ve made two girlfriends in the almost two months I’ve been working here. Tegan is the manager of the Cafe, and Kim works in the fiction section. I was kind of forced to interact with Tegan since she’s my manager, but it turns out she’s super nice.

She and Kim are best friends, but they’re always inviting me along, trying to include me in their duo. We’ve grabbed coffee a few times after work, nothing too crazy. I don’t know what it is about Brooklyn girls and Starbucks, but it’s like a moth to the flame.

I enjoy my job, too. I just make coffee for customers, but I feel like the social interaction alone is a huge victory for me. Having a couple girls to talk to and hang out with sometimes isn’t too bad either.

“And I tried getting Tegan to try an audiobook, but she insists that books are better.” Kim waves her hand in the air in disapproval.

Kim loves everything about fiction books, especially romance, and is extremely passionate about them. She’s in book clubs and runs Facebook groups where they do nothing but share their favorite authors and series and obsess over book boyfriends.

She always tries to get me to read her favorites, and I always refuse. I have enough on my plate with my human boyfriend; I have no space in my brain for a book one.

Hell, I’m still trying to wrap my head around the fact that I’m actively in a relationship.

“That’s because they are!” Tegan sing-songs, coming from the storage closet holding a box of paper to-go cups, her pink hair bouncing as she does. Tegan is the shortest of our trio, and her hair changes color with her mood. She also has a slight obsession with sugar skulls.

“I don’t have anything against audiobooks. I just feel like reading better fits my lifestyle,” she shrugs. “I enjoy the feel of a book in my hand.”

I look up at her and give her a reassuring nod. To each his own and all, but Kim just waves her off as if she’s crazy.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Anyways...” She takes her feet off the table, probably because Tegan is giving her a death glare, and nods her head towards me. “What do you have planned tonight, Cam?” She examines her curls. “Me and T are heading to a small party. Wanna come?”

And just like every time before, I politely refuse her invitation.

“No, thanks. Jax and I are taking Sam trick-or-treating.”

I continue to wipe down the counter when Tegan chimes in, “Girl, I don’t even blame you. If I had that delicious piece of man meat at home waiting for me, I wouldn’t need to waste any time skimping myself out for these below mediocre fuck-boys.” She fans herself and then makes a gagging face referring to the guys she meets at these parties.

I shake my head and smirk. I don’t respond because I don’t like talking about my relationship. Ever. It’s not that I’m ashamed. In fact, it’s the opposite. I’m just afraid that if other girls know what I see in Jaxon, then they’ll want him, too.

And then maybe he’ll find someone better than me because of it.

Tegan takes off her apron and places it on the hook by the window. “You mind closing out the cash register for me? I want to run home and jump in the shower to get ready for our Halloween escapades.” She does a little shimmy in excitement.

“You got it. Have fun and be safe.” I tell her, and they’re off arm in arm to get into God knows what kind of trouble tonight. It must be fun to be twenty-one and actually be twenty-one.

The apartment is about fifteen minutes from the bookstore, so it’s within walking distance. I haven’t kept Jaxon and the guys waiting for too long, so I decide to walk home instead of waiting for the bus.

I had no intention of dressing up at all tonight, but of course, Jaxon wants us to be Freddie and Jason. He even got Magnet a small Chucky costume for him to wear.

I agreed, but only after a bit of persuasion, which included a few fingers and a lot of tongue.

Since last week we’ve been fooling around all hours of the day and night, almost like we’re making up for lost time.

Obviously, it’s limited, but we spend about every waking minute we’re alone tangled up in each other. I’m getting really good at pleasuring Jaxon, too. I can read his cues and

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