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too far from here. I went with my boy Chris Novak. He knew the dude throwing it. Anyway, she stood out like a sore thumb. No costume, just wild and curly black hair and some band tee. We were talking, drinking, just having a good time.” He looks around again. “We somehow ended up hooking up. It was fantastic.”

He rolls his eyes. “Or so I thought.”

I give him a puzzled look.

“She gave me a fake number, and I haven’t heard a thing from her since.” He tries to shrug it off, but I can tell he’s hiding his disappointment. â€ťI’ve actually been hanging around here more with some of those guys from the party. Just needed a change of scenery.” He grabs a magazine and flips through the pages. “My parents are on my case like crazy lately.”

“I bet you’ll run into her again soon,” I lie. When a girl gives you a fake number, it isn’t because she’s testing fate. It’s because she doesn’t wanna see your ass again.

Before he can respond, my phone rings. It’s Gelissa. Again. I let it go to voice-mail. It’s been over two years since I’ve heard from the traitorous bitch, so why is she so eager to talk to me now?

“Can I ask you a question?”

Morgan looks up from his magazine. “What’s up?”

“Have you heard anything about Gelissa? What’s she been up to?”

He gives me a puzzled look and closes the Sports Weekly. “Why do you wanna know? Don’t you have a girl now?” He raises an eyebrow at me.

“It’s not like that. She’s been reaching out to me. I never answer, but she’s persistent as fuck.”

He rubs the back of his neck. “I don’t know much, just that Roland broke up with her. After you two split, she went MIA with him and hasn’t shown face again until recently.” He shrugs his shoulders.

Roland is the piece of shit who almost broke my neck when I was tricked into fighting him. Gelissa planned to help him steal from me had I won the fight.

“She’s probably looking for a rebound. Don’t take the bait, man. Especially if you got a good thing goin’ with your girl.” He goes back to flipping through the pages.

“Trust me, no chance of that happening.” And that’s the honest truth. There’s nothing she could tell me that’d merit my attention. I drop the subject because I don’t wanna make this a thing right now. I’m pretty sure she’s just reaching out ’cause she’s lonely and looking for someone to fill the void.

Well, not today, Satan.

When my shift ends, we decide to head over to the bookstore to pick up Cam so I can introduce them. Walking up to the big building, Morgan stands outside and lights up a cigarette.

“Since when do you smoke?” I hate this nasty fucking habit.

“Since I became acquainted with stress, man.” He shrugs and lights the cancer stick. â€ťIt’s better than drugs,” he says with the cigarette between his teeth. He takes a puff and puts the lighter back in his pocket.

I wave the nasty stench out of my face. “I’m gonna head inside. Just meet me by the cafe.”

I enter the building, and immediately the smell of books and coffee hits my nostrils. I walk over to the counter, but it’s empty, so I whistle to get Cam’s attention.

She comes out of the back and places a box of cups on the counter.

“There she is,” I lean over the counter to kiss her cheek.

“This is quite the surprise,” she moves forward and meets me halfway.

“I have Morgan here,” I gesture my head to the door. “I wanted to introduce you guys.”

Cam gives me a gotcha look and begins removing the cups from the box to place them in holders. “I get off in about twenty minutes,” she tells me over her shoulder as she walks away to grab another box.

Just as she disappears, Morgan approaches, wiping down his polo.

“You’re takin’ ten years off your life, y’know.”

Morgan shrugs, “I better make these count, then.”

Cameron comes out again with another box and drops it on the counter. I gesture to Morgan, “Nyx, this is Morgan, the asshole I told you about.”

Morgan punches me in the arm and argues, “Yeah, I’m the asshole that let his dumb ass live with me and outstay his welcome on my couch.”

Cameron chuckles and waves at him from behind the counter. “It’s nice to meet you, Morgan.” He reaches out a hand to shake, and Cameron tries to hide her discomfort as she does the same.

Morgan doesn’t seem to notice and continues to talk, but Cam mostly concentrates on closing out her register.

Occasionally she smiles or giggles under her breath when he makes a joke but stays mostly quiet. When she’s finished, we all leave and walk back to the house. As we approach my gate in the alley, Morgan decides to head out. He says good-bye to Cam, and she waves back and heads for the door.

I hang back to talk with Morgan.

“Just do me a favor.” I peek into the house to make sure Cam’s out of earshot. “If you hear anything about what the she-devil’s up to, just let me know. I’m gonna need a heads up.”

He nods. “Yeah, man, of course, but I wouldn’t stress it. She’s probably just looking for the next coattail to ride on.”

I nod in agreement, mumbling out, “Yeah, well, she won’t be getting it here.”

He fist bumps me. “My man. I’ll keep you posted.”

I bump him back. “Appreciate it.”


I’ve been ignoring Gelissa’s calls all week. I eventually blocked her number because I didn’t want Cam to get any ideas or suspicions about her. I feel absolutely nothing towards that girl, and I feel just about everything for Cam.

Knowing the type of girl Cam is, though, an ex trying to contact me will fill her head with enough doubt to send her packing. And I’m not letting anything mess with my relationship, plans, or my mood today. I’m taking Cameron to the aquarium, and everything is set up and ready

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