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Book online «The Lies: Landon Academy book 1 Natalia Wiszniewska (read any book .TXT) 📖». Author Natalia Wiszniewska

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I kneel down. A bangs rings in my ears and someone behind us falls heavily on the ground. I didn’t even turn to check who it was. We jumped to the car with Zac on the driver side and we drive off.

 Chapter 20

We drive for a long time in silence. The guy’s words still repeating inside my head like a mantra. ‘Your father wishes your happy birthday Amanda.’ Who the hell is Amanda and why her own father would send some creepers her way.

“Can we talk about what’s going on?” I break the silence and look at everyone in the car. No one answers me. Liam looks at me with concern. He gives me a tissue. He gestures at my nose and then I feel the blood streaming down to my lips. I quickly put a tissue to it and wipe the blood off.

“Why are you bleeding princess? Are you hurt?” Tobias who’s sitting next to me stares at me with pain in his eyes.

“No, I’m fine. Just the stress. You didn’t answer my question. Who the hell was it and why father asked me to run? And where are we going?” I ask again with annoyance in my voice because why they’re keeping me in the dark.

“Listen, our father will tell you everything as soon as we meet him. For now, you need to trust us and we need to abandon those guys because we don’t need them anymore.”

“Trust? You’re asking me to trust you. After everything you’ve done to me, after all these lies. We’re not going to leave them both behind. I trust Zac and I know that he will keep me safe, as for Liam… He saved my life today and I trust him more than you with my life.” I look at Liam who’s smirking at me. He looks proud of himself. Tyler turns and looks at us with a scowl.

“We cannot trust him, he’s enemy.” He says.

“You don’t need to trust him. If you have any problem with him coming with us, you’re free to go. I don’t need you anymore.” I announce and my statement makes Tyler angrier.

“Fine…” he says after a while. “They can come with us, but if they gonna trick us, it’s gonna be your fault.” Ty turns his back at us and stares ahead. “We have a safe house nearly. Drive two miles straight and then I will give more instructions.”

We drive for at least thirty minutes. We stop at the small cottage house situated in the centre of the forest. It looks creepy at night. We step out the car and walk to the front doors. Tyler opens the doors and the dust and completely empty space greets us.

“It’s creepy but where are we gonna sleep?” I ask. Tyler looks at me and leads the way further the house. He stops next to the broken book shelve and puts his hand on top of it. The soft beep sound echoes around and the shelve starts to move right. The hidden room, brilliant.

We walk inside and the lift takes us down. The automatic doors open, and the huge modern space welcomes us. I gasp in shock. Everything is clean and so innovative. I look around the living room which has a huge sofa, coffee table and a huge TV.

“There are only three rooms here. Liam and Zac will take one, Tobi you can take one at the end and I and Em will take this one.” Tyler announces. Ha, jokes on him. Is he delusional or something?

“I will certainly not sleep with you in one room. You guys can share as you wish but I’m gonna take this room and sleep here, alone, thank you very much.” I walk to the nearest doors and open them. Room is normal. A huge bed and a door leading to a private bathroom. Some TV and wardrobe. I march inside and throw myself on the bed.

I sigh loudly and prepare myself to take a shower. I stride to the bathroom and relaxes under hot water. Surprisingly, the bathroom is full of towels and spare clothes my size. Well, someone really think about it. After a shower, I wrap a towel around me and walk into the room. Liam is waiting for me. He’s laying on the bed with both hands behind his head. He eyes me hungrily.

“You look hot with wet hair and nothing around but towel.” He smirks at me. I walk around the bed and sit next to him.

“Do you know what’s going on?” I ask instead and he sits straight after my question. “You know, do you?”

“I’m not sure. I mean I knew that someone is searching for you and I told you that once, remember? I said to keep your head down because you’ll be dead before the Halloween. I didn’t know that this will happen or who was it. I just overheard my father conversation once. He said something about you being important to some Carol guy. I tried to search his name but he’s like a ghost. I could locate him or even find any information about him, including his last name. I even asked my father, but he said that I will find out soon.” He answers honestly. I know that he’s not lying because he never did before and I don’t know if I should, but I trust him. I nod once at him.

“My father said that he will explain everything soon, but I don’t believe him anymore. He lied to me before, he may be lying now. I don’t know who to trust, Liam. Everyone I love, are keeping me in the dark as they don’t trust me enough, when they expect from me to trust them. I’m confused who the hell is Amanda and why this guy called me that. I had my birthday already, right before we came here.” This information makes Liam to stare at me with wide eyes.

“Wait. Are you eighteen

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