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of her surroundings, an offshoot of their parents, and their parents before them. Raise a child among drug addicts and they’d likely become one. Raise a child among the violent and the outcome was inevitable. “Where did you hide the bodies?”

“They’re gone. Burned up. The remains are nothing but ash.”

He stepped back and looked his sister in the eye. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry you had to go through this. I’m sorry you felt you had no other choice than to do that.”

Silence stretched between them.

“Are you going to tell her?” Miriam asked.

“No. This stays between us. But I can’t guarantee she won’t find out eventually. But she won’t hear it from me.”

“Or me,” Zeke said.

She nodded, and headed back into the house.

As he and Zeke prepared to leave, a familiar voice bellowed from down by the gate. “Alby Riker! Come on out or we are coming in.” Colby glanced at Zeke.

It was Hank Strickland.

Chapter Nineteen

She wasn’t at peace, she wouldn’t be until she was far away from here. At least that’s what she’d told herself. Dan Wilder’s wife, Lily, handed Alicia a cup of hot tea. “Here you go, darling.” They were in the sunroom. Rays of sunshine warmed them as Dan sat across from her.

“Thank you, Lily. Again, I really appreciate you guys letting me stay here.”

“You’re welcome. It’s good to have some company,” Lily replied. “Well, I’ll leave you to it,” she said, stepping out and leaving them alone to talk.

“It’s been a rough couple of days for everyone,” Dan said shaking his head. “You know, this neighborhood used to be the quietest area in the city. Can you believe that?”

Alicia took a sip of Earl Grey.

“How’s your wife?” Alicia asked in a quiet voice as Lily was in the other room.

“She’s improved a lot. The doc has put her on some new meds to help. In some ways it’s kind of worked out well that I’m no longer the sheriff as I can keep an eye on her, keep her company, but having you here will definitely help.”

“Not sure I’ll be here long.”

“Whatever you feel comfortable with.”

“So does no one from the community drop by?”

“She has friends but most of them left over the past few months for FEMA. I can’t blame them. I even considered it myself after stepping down.”

“What made you stay?”

“Colby actually. He has this way of putting things in perspective. Running away from our problems never resolves them. They are always here when you return.”

“Yeah, I guess. But at least if you left, you wouldn’t have to deal with what happened here or people’s accusing eyes.”

“No. I wouldn’t. But who cares what people think? If I’ve learned anything about life it’s that people are too busy worrying about their own problems to give a crap about yours. Sure, folks talked about me for a couple of weeks. Turned up their noses. Gave me the silent treatment in the first month. But most of them have moved on now. Others have forgotten, or chosen to let things slide. The rest, well, like I said, I don’t think they care unless you are negatively impacting their world. And now I’m out of the way, so people don’t mind. I’m just one of them. A face in the crowd.” He chuckled and took a sip. “But enough about me. What about you? While I am more than happy to have you here and you can stay as long as you like, why did you move out?”

“I just…” she trailed off. “It’s complicated. I don’t even know if I can explain it without it sounding ungrateful or confusing.”

“Try. I’m all ears,” he said as he leaned back in a wicker chair.

“All right, when I first came to Humboldt, I had no idea about his family or this county, or the conflict between them and the Stricklands. I also didn’t think that being here would affect me the way it has.”

“In what way?”

She pointed to her face. “Every way. Okay, so I dyed my hair. My natural hair color is blonde but this face doesn’t help, does it? It serves as a reminder to everyone. It’s a point of contention. I don’t like that. I see what it does to Colby. I’ve seen what it’s done to his family.”

“Skye was Skye. You are you.”

“But I’ll always be a pale comparison of her. His mother wants me gone and quite frankly I think that’s probably best.”

“What do you want?”

“I don’t want to play second fiddle to a past lover. Or wake up a year from now and have Colby walk out on me because he’s suddenly realized that I’m not Skye. I never will be. I’m not trying to be.”

“No. But do you honestly think he’s with you because of the way you look?”

She cocked her head, and an eyebrow went up.

“All right. Let’s say he is. Let’s say that you are that reminder. What’s so bad about that? Skye was the best person in his life. From what I know, he loved her a lot.”

“I don’t deny that. We talked about leaving and he seemed convinced that was what he wanted and then he changed his mind, and, well, I don’t want to hold him back. And I don’t want him to go and then resent me.”

“So you figure by leaving him, that helps?”


“Then why haven’t you left town?”


“You said you wanted to leave the county. What haven’t you?”

“Um. Well…”

Dan placed his tea on a side table and leaned forward, clasping his hands together. “There is something you need to know about the Rikers. Their roots go deep in these parts. Generations. They are like the giant redwoods. You ever tried to uproot one? It’s not easy. Why do you think he came back? He could have gone anywhere but he chose to come back here. He’ll say it was to pay respects to Skye or his father but I don’t believe that. He went ten years without returning. If he wanted to pay his respects

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