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Book online «Family Feud in Savannah: A Garlucci Family Saga (Made in Savannah Mystery Series Book 16) Hope Callaghan (best way to read books .txt) 📖». Author Hope Callaghan

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“I didn’t,” Mei whispered.

Sandy Sue forced a smile. “Mrs. Garlucci’s son, Tony, can identify the person who sold this ring, and that person was you,” she bluffed.

“It was not.”

“It will be your word against his,” Sandy Sue said. “I’m almost certain your father was the one who robbed me.”

“You cannot prove it.”

“True. I can’t positively identify the robber, but Mr. Garlucci can identify the person who sold my ring.”

“I have never set foot in the pawn shop.”

“You’re awfully young to go to prison for ten to twenty years.”

Mei clutched her throat as she stared at Sandy Sue.

“You’ll be in your thirties before you ever see the light of day.”

“I told you. I had nothing to do with the robbery. The robber was wearing a black mask,” Mei said.

“A black mask?” Sandy Sue leaned in. “I never said the robber was wearing a black mask.”

“I mean, I would assume it was black.” Mei looked as if she was going to burst into tears.

“Mei,” Carlita said. “You need to come clean. Did you rob Sandy Sue?”

Mei shook her head.

“Did your father or someone you know rob her? If you don’t tell the truth, you could be in serious trouble.”

“I’m leaving.” Mei bolted from the room.

Carlita hurried to the doorway. Mei was long gone. “She’s gone.”

“Not surprising.” Sandy Sue placed a hand on her hips. “It’s time to call Officer Thryce and have him chat with the Zhaos.”

Chapter 24

Carlita grinned.

“It’s not funny,” Elvira huffed. “I feel like a freak show.”

“I’m sorry. It looks like you’re doing a perpetual wave. Do you think the cast will be off before the cruise?”

“It had better be. If not, I’ll cut it off myself.”

“I kinda like it.” Dernice gave the top a light tap. “It’s a cool conversation piece.”

“I’m sick of telling people about the Segway incident. It’s old news.” Elvira rolled her eyes. “Let’s talk about something more pleasant, like finally apprehending the culprit who robbed Sandy Sue.”

“The Zhaos,” Carlita said. “Mei Zhao was a plant. She was working for her parents, who were seeking revenge on Sandy Sue.”

“Why?” Dernice asked.

“Sandy Sue wanted to open her own place. She needed cash and offered to sell her half of Big Hog’s to them. It was a handshake deal and the Zhao’s gave her a good faith deposit.” Carlita explained that when Sandy Sue’s brother found out, he was furious. His sister had promised to sell her half to him, giving him 100% ownership.

“So, the Zhao’s were ticked because Sandy Sue backed out of the deal,” Elvira said.

“Not only backed out of the deal and sold her half to her brother, but kept their deposit and told them to pound sand.”

“Ah.” Dernice lifted a brow. “Sandy Sue keeps their money and lets her brother buy her out.”

“Yep. Sandy Sue washed her hands of it and walked away with her money. Since there wasn’t anything in writing, no record of their agreement and the good faith deposit, the Zhaos decided to get their money back by robbing her.”

“And by having Mei skim money off the top of Sandy Sue’s restaurant,” Elvira said.

“When Mei suspected Sandy Sue was onto her, she quit. The ruby ring tripped them up when Fao Zhao sold it to Savannah Swag.”

“The pawn shop keeps records. Surely, it would come back to the Zhaos.”

“Except our computers were down. Tony’s certain he had a copy of the seller’s information, but it mysteriously vanished.”

The Zhao’s somehow made sure there was no traceable record,” Elvira said.

“Exactly.” Carlita tapped the side of her forehead. “Tony is sharp. He remembered not only the seller’s last name, but the woman’s face.”

“This means you and Sandy Sue are best buds,” Elvira joked.

“Not necessarily. Let’s just say we’ve made our peace.”

“Speaking of peace, how’s Tony doing? Any word on Shelby?”

“They talked on the phone yesterday, but I don’t think she’s coming back anytime soon.”

“It’s a shame. If it doesn’t work out, my friend, June Deville, is single.”

“He’s not interested,” Carlita said. “He loves his wife. Loves Violet.”

Elvira appeared not to have heard Carlita. “We’ll play it by ear. Maybe she can swing by the pawn shop one of these days.”


“What? It’s not like I’m trying to set them up on a date.”

Mercedes and Tony joined them, ending the conversation about Tony’s love life and missing wife.

“I know the cruise is still a couple months away.” Elvira motioned to Dernice, who began handing out colorful cruise brochures. “But my friend, June, was kind enough to give me these brochures to get us pumped up.”

Elvira rattled on about the islands, the excursions, the ports and then the ship. She rifled through the stack of brochures. “Where’s the Siren of the Seas’ brochure?”

“Oh. Sorry.” Dernice grabbed another stack and began handing out the brochure with a large luxury liner on the front. “There’s a picture of Captain Armati on the back. I might have to snag me a seat at the captain’s table. He’s smokin’ hot.”

Carlita flipped the brochure over. Staring up at her was a nice-looking man. Quite handsome, actually. His hair was almost jet-black and smoothed back with touches of gray streaks. He stood next to a potted palm, and she could tell he was tall. His dark brown eyes were almost mesmerizing. “He’s very attractive.”

“And Italian. I predict a shipboard romance in my future. But not with him. I did a little intel. He’s married to the assistant cruise director, Millie something.” Elvira patted her mouth in an exaggerated yawn. “She looks like a real bore. We might have to jazz things up ourselves if the entertainment sucks.”

“A shipboard romance?” Dernice snickered. “Now, you’re dreaming.”

“Are you saying I can’t have a little romanza on the high

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